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[系统底层] win32笔记九 互斥体 attach_img agree

huchen2024-4-23 11:10

huchen 2024-4-23 11:10 3430 Psc7day 2024-4-23 23:17
[系统底层] win32笔记八 临界区 attachment agree

huchen2024-4-22 00:41

huchen 2024-4-22 00:41 5659 胡箫儿 2024-4-23 09:52
[系统底层] win32笔记七 线程控制 attach_img recommend agree

huchen2024-4-22 00:36

huchen 2024-4-22 00:36 6538 MJ_B 2024-4-23 11:27
[系统底层] win32笔记六 创建线程 attach_img agree

huchen2024-4-22 00:32

huchen 2024-4-22 00:32 3483 巧言乱德 2024-4-23 16:16
[系统底层] win32笔记五 进程相关API attachment recommend agree

huchen2024-4-22 00:22

huchen 2024-4-22 00:22 5517 Yifan2007 2024-4-23 11:15
[系统底层] win32笔记四 句柄表 attach_img recommend agree

huchen2024-4-19 10:17

huchen 2024-4-19 10:17 9751 sws323 2024-4-24 08:09
[系统底层] win32笔记三 创建进程 attachment recommend agree

huchen2024-4-16 22:40

huchen 2024-4-16 22:40 231296 zttcn2000 2024-4-19 17:04
[系统底层] win32笔记二 进程的创建过程 attach_img recommend agree

huchen2024-4-16 22:19

huchen 2024-4-16 22:19 61072 Yukismimi 2024-4-18 21:00
[系统底层] win32学习笔记一 win32 API的宽字符 attach_img recommend agree

huchen2024-4-16 22:10

huchen 2024-4-16 22:10 61169 atoms 2024-4-23 22:06
[漏洞分析] 漏洞复现CVE-2024-0531、CVE-2024-0532 新人帖 attachment agree

faqiadegege2024-4-12 19:11

faqiadegege 2024-4-12 19:11 281639 faqiadegege 2024-4-16 20:08
[游戏安全] Cheat Engine(CE)游戏修改-共用代码-更方便比对的方法-以《赤痕》为例 attach_img agree

laozhhaiJohn2024-4-8 12:43

laozhhaiJohn 2024-4-8 12:43 17940 螺丝刀 2024-4-17 13:24
[调试逆向] 扫码充电桩蓝牙ble通信分析 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

wshuo2024-4-5 01:36

wshuo 2024-4-5 01:36 1746628 biedaliana 2024-4-18 13:41
[游戏安全] Cheat Engine(CE)游戏修改例程-《我的朋友佩德罗》 优秀文章 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

laozhhaiJohn2024-3-31 20:27

laozhhaiJohn 2024-3-31 20:27 1226443 螺丝刀 2024-4-17 13:32
[调试逆向] [菜鸟尝试]劫持线程注入 attach_img recommend agree

wolfSpicy2024-3-28 19:56

wolfSpicy 2024-3-28 19:56 572251 topweal 2024-4-24 00:07
[漏洞分析] CVE-2022-0811 CRI-O容器逃逸漏洞分析 attach_img recommend agree

h4ckm310n2024-3-26 16:44

h4ckm310n 2024-3-26 16:44 241818 zgaz 2024-3-29 23:28
[调试逆向] 天堂之门-调试器的末路 优秀文章 recommend agree

fxqn1012024-3-20 14:45

fxqn101 2024-3-20 14:45 504687 xiaohong 2024-4-15 06:24
[漏洞分析] CVE-2021-4145 dirty cred漏洞复现 digest recommend agree

xia0ji2332024-3-13 23:43

xia0ji233 论坛大牛 2024-3-13 23:43 612843 zhang37078381 2024-4-19 11:27
[游戏安全] python实现大富翁4如意骰子 新人帖 attachment recommend agree

lu512682024-3-13 18:17

lu51268 2024-3-13 18:17 1524083 binz 2024-4-22 16:36
[调试逆向] XAntiDenbug的检测逻辑与基本反调试 attach_img recommend agree

WUXING_TIANCHEN2024-3-2 16:56

WUXING_TIANCHEN 2024-3-2 16:56 21613 hjsen 2024-3-8 20:42
[漏洞分析] CVE-2022-0847 dirtypipe漏洞复现 digest agree

xia0ji2332024-2-2 21:49

xia0ji233 论坛大牛 2024-2-2 21:49 142847 chuan9 2024-4-2 05:06
[系统底层] 堆利用详解:the house of storm 优秀文章 recommend agree

kn0sky2024-1-25 16:11

kn0sky 2024-1-25 16:11 82938 Ckis203 2024-3-17 13:13
[漏洞分析] Windows Exploit Development Experience 优秀文章 attach_img recommend agree

BeneficialWeb2024-1-23 10:22

BeneficialWeb 论坛大牛 2024-1-23 10:22 123662 junzhao6120 2024-3-17 00:04
[系统底层] 堆利用详解:largebin attack 优秀文章 agree

kn0sky2024-1-22 16:06

kn0sky 2024-1-22 16:06 132542 DaneCheng 2024-2-4 18:18
[系统底层] 堆利用详解:the house of roman(超详细) 优秀文章 recommend agree

kn0sky2024-1-19 17:40

kn0sky 2024-1-19 17:40 82761 xu125716 2024-3-19 17:34
[系统底层] 堆利用详解:fastbin dup 优秀文章 agree

kn0sky2024-1-19 14:02

kn0sky 2024-1-19 14:02 22037 FelixLee 2024-1-20 11:35
[系统底层] 堆利用详解:the house of rabbit(超详细) 优秀文章 recommend agree

kn0sky2024-1-18 14:52

kn0sky 2024-1-18 14:52 92598 xiaohong 2024-4-8 06:12
[调试逆向] 堆利用详解:the house of orange 优秀文章 agree

kn0sky2024-1-11 17:06

kn0sky 2024-1-11 17:06 12436 xuezhicailiao 2024-1-23 13:11
[系统底层] IOFile学习及其作用和应用 新人帖 recommend agree

helloxyj2024-1-8 14:33

helloxyj 2024-1-8 14:33 31426 风之子martin 2024-1-11 11:06
[系统底层] 堆利用学习:the house of force 优秀文章 recommend agree

kn0sky2024-1-8 14:18

kn0sky 2024-1-8 14:18 92484 wuai123456 2024-3-27 20:25
[系统底层] 堆利用学习:the house of einherjar 优秀文章 agree

kn0sky2024-1-5 15:10

kn0sky 2024-1-5 15:10 172706 qmalzpbhugt 2024-3-28 12:21
[系统底层] win10-win11进程隐藏小技巧 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

Panel2023-12-8 11:05

Panel 吾是土豪 2023-12-8 11:05 26213524 hjsen 2024-4-21 20:48
[系统底层] [Linux kernel 漏洞复现]CVE-2016-5195 优秀文章 recommend agree

peiwithhao2023-12-7 10:36

peiwithhao 论坛大牛 2023-12-7 10:36 444702 biedaliana 2024-1-12 14:13
[游戏安全] 简单利用Cheat Engine的mono功能修改Unity游戏(动物迷城) - [阅读权限 10]recommend agree

pzx5215212023-11-15 09:39

pzx521521 2023-11-15 09:39 422884 jsncy 2024-1-18 10:58
[游戏安全] 【搬运】“不会被封的外挂”,为何使用FPGA作为FPS游戏的“DMA”桥梁 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

5926182432023-11-14 01:07

592618243 2023-11-14 01:07 40019297 huffmankim 2024-4-11 15:51
[游戏安全] 解压游戏资源,导出游戏模型 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

寂寞小骷髅2023-11-10 17:19

寂寞小骷髅 2023-11-10 17:19 1237016 asdren1 2024-1-31 10:01
[调试逆向] corCTF-2022:cache of castways-跨缓存溢出攻击 attachment digest recommend agree

peiwithhao2023-10-28 15:19

peiwithhao 论坛大牛 2023-10-28 15:19 285113 Gxd1703 2024-3-31 07:31
[调试逆向] corCTF-2022:Corjail-内核容器逃逸 attach_img digest recommend agree

peiwithhao2023-10-27 00:34

peiwithhao 论坛大牛 2023-10-27 00:34 124509 ztqddj007 2023-11-17 08:37
[调试逆向] 外星人笔记本键盘USB协议逆向 新人帖 attachment digest recommend heatlevel agree

evilbeast2023-10-24 15:08

evilbeast 2023-10-24 15:08 23311790 junzhao6120 2024-3-17 00:02
[调试逆向] 使用frida来spawn Fork 的子进程 attachment agree

qwertyuiop18222023-10-11 15:39

qwertyuiop1822 2023-10-11 15:39 82954 bailexi 2023-10-14 18:51
[漏洞分析] 【Linux kernel 漏洞复现】CVE-2022-0185 digest recommend agree

peiwithhao2023-10-10 19:03

peiwithhao 论坛大牛 2023-10-10 19:03 234949 iloveasdl 2023-11-20 10:50
[游戏安全] 少前2:追放 资源解密记录 优秀文章 attachment recommend agree

DNLINYJ2023-10-5 19:04

DNLINYJ 2023-10-5 19:04 8711129 baimerm3 2024-4-19 08:10
[游戏安全] 逆向UE4最简单的一集 attachment digest recommend agree

Slimu2023-9-26 02:44

Slimu 2023-9-26 02:44 264148 loswer 2024-3-18 13:20
[游戏安全] 通杀爆改 Unity FPS 游戏系列-第三章:il2cpp mono 差异 recommend agree

lyl610abc2023-9-18 20:04

lyl610abc 论坛大牛 2023-9-18 20:04 465512 debug_cat 2024-3-11 11:12
[调试逆向] [USENIX2023] Pspray:基于时序侧信道的 Linux 内核堆利用方式 digest recommend agree

arttnba32023-9-17 20:19

arttnba3 论坛大牛 2023-9-17 20:19 133772 chuan9 2023-11-17 00:11
[游戏安全] 通杀爆改 Unity FPS 游戏系列-第二章:HOOK实现全屏改血+秒杀 attachment recommend agree

lyl610abc2023-9-12 22:16

lyl610abc 论坛大牛 2023-9-12 22:16 304413 debug_cat 2024-1-13 10:06
[游戏安全] 通杀爆改 Unity FPS 游戏系列-第一章:常规搜索+通杀结构解析 digest recommend heatlevel agree

lyl610abc2023-9-6 12:27

lyl610abc 论坛大牛 2023-9-6 12:27 15715012 coding0708 2024-3-24 17:08
[游戏安全] 通杀爆改 Unity FPS 游戏系列-序章:介绍及游戏下载 recommend agree

lyl610abc2023-9-4 19:11

lyl610abc 论坛大牛 2023-9-4 19:11 696678 Po6Po6 2024-4-19 20:05
[漏洞分析] CVE-2016-5195 Linux 内核条件竞争漏洞研究 digest recommend agree

40m41h42t2023-8-15 19:32

40m41h42t 论坛大牛 2023-8-15 19:32 175382 mirror_glass 2023-9-16 12:46
[漏洞分析] CVE-2022-37969 Windows 内核 CLFS 驱动漏洞分析 attachment digest recommend agree

十一七2023-8-4 23:45

十一七 论坛大牛 2023-8-4 23:45 316137 ztqddj007 2023-9-13 07:30
[漏洞分析] CVE-2022-42475 FortiGate SSLVPN 堆溢出漏洞研究 digest recommend agree

40m41h42t2023-8-4 09:27

40m41h42t 论坛大牛 2023-8-4 09:27 135673 orangeeffects 2023-9-7 17:57
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