本帖最后由 love7502 于 2011-7-25 20:01 编辑强大的补丁工具dup最新2.22版,无须多说,破解的人都懂的。
Version: 2.23
* multiple file patcher
* programmable patch procedure
* offset patcher
* search and replace patcher
* text patcher
* registry patcher
* loader generator
* compare files (RawOffset and VirtualAddress) with different filesize
* attach files to patcher
* get filepaths from registry
* CRC32/MD5 and filesize checks
* patching packed files
* compress patcher with your favorite packer
* save/load projects
* use custom skin in your patcher<br>
* add music (Tracker Modules: xm,mod,it,s3m,mtm,umx,v2m,ahx,sid) to patcher
* multilanguage support
* and many more...
Version History
-fixed music playback bug
-fixed bug: open *.dUP2 files with dup2.exe
-fixed bug: crash when option "do not check original bytes" is enabled
本帖最后由 yutian 于 2011-7-25 19:44 编辑
沙发,给张图啥。 下载收藏了,谢谢 仅有的温柔 发表于 2011-7-25 19:44 static/image/common/back.gif
论坛不是有 樱花补丁么
樱花没这个强大啊! 更新了什么功能呢 这作者就是打死都不原生支持mid{:1_917:} 看不懂
下载一个,支持 下载收藏了,谢谢了哦