本帖最后由 goldli 于 2019-10-3 11:28 编辑先上代码
global f1, f2, f3, f4
on run
set f1 to "/System/Library/Sounds/Pop.aiff"
set f2 to "/System/Library/Sounds/Ping.aiff"
set f3 to "/System/Library/Sounds/Glass.aiff"
set f4 to "/System/Library/Sounds/Tink.aiff"
end run
on idle
set {hours:h, minutes:m, seconds:s} to current date
if (h = 6) and (m = 30) and (s = 0) then --6:30 起床
OnAlert(f1, f4, f3, "06:30 了,快点起床。", "起床提醒.", "Hurry up , it's time to get up")
else if (h = 10) and (m = 0) and (s = 0) then --10 运动
OnAlert(f1, f4, f3, "10:00 了,新一轮的健身开始了", "健身提醒.", "start a new round of fitness")
else if (h = 12) and (m = 0) and (s = 0) then --午餐,休息,运动
OnAlert(f1, f4, f3, "12:00 了,可以准备午餐了", "午餐提醒.", "Let's prepare lunch.")
else if (h = 14) and (m = 0) and (s = 0) then --下午学习
OnAlert(f1, f4, f3, "14:00 了,午后学习开始了", "学习提醒.", "Let's start our afternoon study.")
else if (h = 17) and (m = 30) and (s = 0) then --17:30 晚餐,休息
OnAlert(f1, f4, f3, "17:30 了,可以准备晚餐了", "晚餐提醒.", "Let's prepare dinner.")
else if (h = 19) and (m = 0) and (s = 0) then --学习
OnAlert(f1, f4, f3, "19:00 了,晚上学习开始了。 ", "学习提醒.", "Let's begin our everning study.")
else if (h = 21) and (m = 0) and (s = 0) then --运动
OnAlert(f1, f4, f3, " 21:00 了,最后一次健身运动开始了。 ", "健身提醒.", "Let's start the final fitness.!")
else if (h > 23) and (m = 0) and (s = 0) then
display dialog "很晚了,睡觉吧。身体是革命的本钱,不要过度浪费啊。"
--exit repeat
end if
return 0.5
end idle
on OnAlert(sound1, sound2, sound3, content, sub, sayText)
repeat with i from 1 to 5
do shell script "afplay" & sound1
do shell script "afplay" & sound2
end repeat
do shell script "afplay" & sound3
display notification content with title "日程表" subtitle sub sound name "Ping"
say sayText
end OnAlert
1.打开 script editor ,粘贴进去
2.导出为 application
3. 在用户,登录项 中添加
更新,解决,app上右键选择“退出” 去无法退出程序的问题。
呵呵,有意思 先收藏,有空学习 马克马克 windows用不了吧 Sync 发表于 2019-9-14 20:24
是的,不过原理差不多,你自己写一个呗 叶落墨兮 发表于 2019-9-14 21:41
俺不会 就随便问问 看着不想win下用的 嘿嘿 支持下 感谢ing~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~