Themida Risc decoder decided to post this first version of the program and a short video to see how it works (created a few months ago), so perhaps those who have time can prove it with real programs to see if there are difficulties.
It 'obvious that it must be improved and modified (free time permitting), however, say that this phantom vm risc can be studied and reverse.
I must say that then for all versions changes to the main loop (which takes care of decoding) I have not done, minor changes between versions are dfferent at the vm but the procedures are those (this was my original idea) .
貌似是tmd解码器 这个玩意很难得。 只有脱壳机才对我这种小白有用处 试试这个牛B工具看 先看看!!! 下载一个留着,可能将来有用。 好东西谢谢分享 很不错 工资不够花,小本开店吧 留名。。。以后看。