.NET Reactor v6.3.0.0
WebSite: https://www.eziriz.com/NET Reactor 07-Jun-2020
Added Blazor protection support
Added .NET 5 Preview 4 protection support
Added 'Bundle' option to create .NET Core 3.x single file applications
Improved resource compression support. Now you can choose between different compression methods.
Improved 'Control Flow Obfuscation'
Added 'Hide Method Calls' support for net standard 2.1
Added 'NecroBit' and 'Hide Method Calls' support for .NET Core 2.x assemblies. Corresponding support for .NET Core 3.x was already added in v6.2.0.0.
Improved merging. If you merge assemblies which have localization resource dlls, the localization resource dlls will be automatically merged as well.
Improved GUI. Quick access to 'Quick Settings' sub options via special gear buttons.
Improved protection speed
Minor improvements
Fixed 'Code Virtualization' issue
Fixed 'Control Flow Obfuscation' issue
Fixed 'Hide Method Calls' issue for .NET Core
Fixed C# 8.0 related issue
Fixed Windows Server 2016 digital certificate signing issue
Fixed Avalonia application obfuscation issue
Fixed FIPS issue preventing .NET Reactor from running
Fixed minor bugs
static XXViewModel()
Dictionary<string, Tuple<string, List<Class114>>> dictionary1 = new Dictionary<string, Tuple<string, List<Class114>>>();
dictionary1.Add(Delegate11.smethod_0(0x69fa, Delegate11.delegate11_0), Tuple.Create<string, List<Class114>>(Delegate11.smethod_0(0x733a, Delegate11.delegate11_0), new List<Class114>()));
dictionary1.Add(Delegate11.smethod_0(0x739a, Delegate11.delegate11_0), Tuple.Create<string, List<Class114>>(Delegate11.smethod_0(0x73a8, Delegate11.delegate11_0), new List<Class114>()));
dictionary1.Add(Delegate11.smethod_0(0x73f4, Delegate11.delegate11_0), Tuple.Create<string, List<Class114>>(Delegate11.smethod_0(0x740a, Delegate11.delegate11_0), new List<Class114>()));
dictionary1.Add(Delegate11.smethod_0(0x7466, Delegate11.delegate11_0), Tuple.Create<string, List<Class114>>(Delegate11.smethod_0(0x7480, Delegate11.delegate11_0), new List<Class114>()));
dictionary1.Add(Delegate11.smethod_0(0x6d4a, Delegate11.delegate11_0), Tuple.Create<string, List<Class114>>(Delegate11.smethod_0(0x74e4, Delegate11.delegate11_0), new List<Class114>()));
dictionary_0 = dictionary1;
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