本帖最后由 bihaiorg 于 2020-8-19 18:53 编辑成功反编译“微软纸牌集合”资源文件
一天时间,终于成功反编译了“微软纸牌集合(Microsoft Solitaire Collection)”的资源文件,以及图片集索引逆向转为跨平台json/atlas/texturePacker文件格式,可以直接用于跨平台软件制作,包括网页版,只是作为研究而已,没什么实际意义。至此,微软全平台游戏终于全部解包完毕,包括solitaire, minesweeper等等,还是很有借鉴意义。
'atlas.atlasindex file format specification
'Offset 01234567 89ABCDEF
'00000000 68 2E 00 00 B4 30 00 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 h.?
Type TAtlasHeader
lOffsetTable As Long '&h2e68
lOffsetNamelist As Long '&h30b4
End Type 'TAtlasHeader
2、&h70偏移开始表结构的索引,各种跳转,实在是一言难尽啊,抽空整理一下VB6源代码,估计感兴趣的也不多。以上抛砖引玉,主要还是知识浅薄,孤陋寡闻,不知道是不是已经有人做了,纯粹业余兴趣,如果侵犯版权或者有其他错误请批评指正。 解析atlasIndex文件的源代码其实不复杂,只不过很难看,大体像这样:
Option Explicit
'atlas.atlasindex file format specification
'Offset 01234567 89ABCDEF
'00000000 68 2E 00 00 B4 30 00 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 h.?
Type TAtlasHeader
lOffsetTable As Long '&h2e68
lOffsetNamelist As Long '&h30b4
End Type 'TAtlasHeader
Type TAtlasOffset
lOffset As Long
lNameIndex As Long '&h14
lType As Long '&hc
End Type
Sub ParseAtlasIndexFile(Optional sFile As String)
If sFile = "" Then
sFile = "atlas.atlasindex"
End If
Dim TAH As TAtlasHeader
Dim f As Integer
f = FreeFile
Open sFile For Binary As f
Get #f, , TAH
If TAH.lOffsetNamelist = 0 Then
Close f
GoTo exitIt
End If
Seek #f, TAH.lOffsetTable + 1
Dim lNumItems As Long
Get #f, , lNumItems
Dim alItems() As Long
Dim i As Long
If lNumItems > 0 Then
ReDim alItems(lNumItems - 1)
For i = 0 To lNumItems - 1
Get f, TAH.lOffsetTable + 1 + 4 + i * 8 + 4, alItems(i)
Dim asItems() As String
ReDim asItems(lNumItems - 1)
Dim abTmp() As Byte
For i = 1 To lNumItems - 1
ReDim abTmp((alItems(i) - alItems(i - 1)) - 1)
Get f, alItems(i - 1) + 1, abTmp
asItems(i - 1) = StrConv(TrimByteArray(abTmp), vbUnicode)
ReDim abTmp((LOF(f) - alItems(i - 1)) - 1)
Get f, alItems(i - 1) + 1, abTmp
asItems(i - 1) = StrConv(TrimByteArray(abTmp), vbUnicode)
'parse the listindexes:
Seek #f, &H70 + 1
Dim lPnt As Long
Get #f, , lPnt
Dim lNodes As Long
Dim p As Dictionary
Set p = JSON.parse("{}")
If lPnt Then
Get #f, lPnt + 1 + 4, lNodes
If lNodes Then
'parse the listOffsets:
Dim atTao() As TAtlasOffset
ReDim atTao(lNodes - 1)
Seek #f, &H80 + 1 + 8
Dim Itm As Dictionary
Dim dItm As Dictionary
'Itm.Add i + 1
Set Itm = Nothing
Set Itm = New Dictionary
'Itm.Add "data"
p.Add "data", Itm
p.Add "Number of Images", lNodes
Dim lSeekNodes As Long
lSeekNodes = Seek(f)
Dim lNodeItems As Long
For i = 0 To lNodes - 1
Get #f, lSeekNodes + i * 12, atTao(i)
Debug.Print asItems(atTao(i).lNameIndex); " ";
Seek #f, atTao(i).lOffset + 1 + 4
Get #f, , lNodeItems
Dim j As Integer
Dim sTmp As String
Set dItm = Nothing
Set dItm = New Dictionary
Seek #f, atTao(i).lOffset + 1 + 4 + 4 + 4
Dim lSeek As Long
Dim lNameIndex As Long
Dim lType As Long
For j = 0 To lNodeItems - 1
Get #f, , lNameIndex
sTmp = asItems(lNameIndex)
Get #f, , lType
Get #f, , lPnt
lSeek = Seek(f)
If lType = &H4 Then
'is long
Get #f, lPnt + 1, lPnt
dItm.Add sTmp, lPnt
ElseIf lType = &HA Then
'is string
ReDim abTmp(128)
Get #f, lPnt + 1, abTmp
dItm.Add sTmp, StrConv(TrimByteArray(abTmp), vbUnicode)
ElseIf lType = &H9 Then
' Stop
Dim iTmp As Integer
Get #f, lPnt + 1, iTmp
dItm.Add sTmp, iTmp
Get #f, lPnt + 1, lPnt
dItm.Add sTmp, lPnt
End If
Seek (f), lSeek
Itm.Add asItems(atTao(i).lNameIndex), dItm
debug.print JSON.toString(p)
End If
End If
End If
Seek #f, TAH.lOffsetNamelist + 1
Close f
End Sub
至于格式说明和伪代码,抽空整理一下,尽快发,多谢支持! 电脑课必备 大佬牛逼
想法不错 哎,是经典没错了 VB6源代码期待一下 寂寞的高手 木得感情 发表于 2020-8-19 19:14
现在已经是很认真的游戏了 三分米信息技术 发表于 2020-8-19 20:13
寂寞确实寂寞,高手不敢当,小学生而已{:1_896:} bihaiorg 发表于 2020-8-19 20:26