JEB 3.24 Anti-BLM Edition(搬砖)
JEB 3.24 Anti-BLM Edition by DimitarSergINFO:
Maximum license type (copying, scripts, etc. work now).
Fixed all integrity checks/timebombs.
All the telemetry’s been cut out.
Removed the update checks and other shit that tries to connect to the Internet.
Added/reconstructed saving/loading project function.
Decompilation of missing opcodes for Android has been restored.
Restored display of variable values when hovering over them during debugging (Android).
Decompiling for other platforms was fixed (tested x86/x64, webAssembly, MIPS, ARM).
Added new option “Use BlueStacks adb” which allows the use of HD-Adb.exe from BlueStacks folder instead of default adb.exe for easy debugging using BlueStacks emulator.
Replace the original jeb.jar and jebc.jar with fixed.
Register it with Keygen (run it, serial will be copied to clipboard)
Installer ( 53
Fixed jeb.jar, jebc.jar and keygens: 41
How To Register
In JEB’s registration window, select “Manual Key Generation”:
Generate a key.
Method 1: Get the “license id” from the file: jeb-demo-\bin\app\jeb-license.txt
java -jar jeb3_keygen_0.2.0b.jar you_license_id
Mehotd 2.1: In JEB’s registration window, copy the contents of the “License data” field.
Input License Data: paste_you_license_data
Method 2.2: Running the script from method 2.1 online: 13
Paste the generated key into the “License key” field.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os, sys, struct, time, binascii, hashlib
RC4_Key2= 'Eg\xa2\x99_\x83\xf1\x10'
def rc4(Key, inData):
Buf = ""
S = range(256)
K = (map(lambda x:ord(x), Key) * (256 / len(Key) + 1))[:256]
j = 0
for i in range(256):
j = (S + K + j) % 256
S, S = S, S
i, j = 0, 0
for x in range(len(inData)):
i = (i + 1) % 256
j = (j + S) % 256
S, S = S, S
Buf += chr(S[(S + S) % 256] ^ ord(inData))
return Buf
def Long2Int(longdata):
lo = longdata & 0xFFFFFFFF
hi = (longdata >> 32) & 0x7FFFFFFF
return hi, lo
def KeygenSN(LicenseSerial, MachineID):
mhi, mlo = Long2Int(MachineID)
lhi, llo = Long2Int(LicenseSerial)
hi_Key = (mhi - lhi + 0x55667788) & 0x7FFFFFFF
lo_Key = (mlo + llo + 0x11223344) & 0xFFFFFFFF
Z0, = struct.unpack('<Q', struct.pack('<LL', lo_Key, hi_Key))
Z1 = int(time.time()) ^ 0x56739ACD
s = sum(map(lambda x:int(x, 16), "%x" % Z1)) % 10
return "%dZ%d%d" % (Z0, Z1, s)
def ParsePost(buf):
Info = struct.unpack('<3L2Q4LQ3L', buf[:0x40])
flag, CRC, UserSerial, LicenseSerial, MachineID, build_type, \
Ver_Major, Ver_Minor, Ver_Buildid, Ver_Timestamp, \
TimeOffset, Kclass, Random2 = Info
SysInfoData = buf
assert CRC == binascii.crc32(buf) & 0xFFFFFFFF
return Info, SysInfoData
def DecodeRc4Str(buf):
buf = buf.decode('hex')
i, s = ParsePost(rc4(buf[:8] + RC4_Key2, buf))
return i, s
def GetJebLicenseKey():
licdata = "480000007FA1213E135B4A3C9B275913A72A1B9E8C5172201286C6DC906A37D331DD79AD0D427C727EBA51AF2F532D4D90E3FA95E9876EAA52B3AF96974A14D6E819AF180B3590B28A201560DC315F4F"
if licdata:
i, MachineID = DecodeRc4Str(licdata)
SN = KeygenSN(i, i)
print "JEB License Key:", SN
return SN
raw_input("Enter to Exit...")
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