dnSpy v6.1.7(搬砖)
本帖最后由 caicaisin 于 2020-8-26 13:51 编辑Downloads below or build it yourselfIf your antivirus software complains, it's a false positive and you should contact them. I can't fix their buggy software.dnSpy-net472.zip requires .NET Framework 4.7.2 or later.dnSpy-netcore-win32.zip and dnSpy-netcore-win64.zip don't depend on .NET Framework, but use .NET Core instead which is included in the zip files. If dnSpy.exe fails to start, try:
[*]Install VC dependencies: https://support.microsoft.com/help/2977003/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads
[*]Windows 7: Must have KB2999226 and KB2533623 installed
https://wws.lanzouj.com/iPlXwg2af3g地址打不开浪费一币有人管么? 前排支持下,汉化net软件特别方便 支持支持 这个可以有,已收藏。感谢分享。 之前用来破解visual Assist很好用!和vs的界面设置极相似 昨天想搬的,结果楼主帮我搬砖了{:301_1008:} 感谢搬运!支持 謝謝分享{:1_921:} 自带中文吗还是