.Netz unpacker & Mpress.net unpacker (open source)
Hi everyone.Netz unpacker and Mpress.net unpacker are my 2nd and 3rd unpacker (1st & 2nd in .net)
I'm a newbie in c# but I found writing unpackers in this language easier than native ones, .net technology offers the possibility of importing classes from other programs and the ripped code is clear.
For mpress unpacker I found that it’s hard to rip the decompress code, so I’ve mpressed a program then made his classes and methods public (MpressClass.Dll), the hard part was writing the resource fixer and Rva2offset (lol so hard under .net)
In the case of .Netz I have ripped the Unzip method and copied zip.dll.
Hope this programs are useful and sorry for my bad English.
这个 必须下来试试.... 表示看不懂,英语不好。。。 好东东 感谢分享 谢谢,可惜是英文的 这个 必须支持了 顶 是.net软件脱壳吗?
这个要看看 下载了,谢谢分享