ZTE OLT 命令参数学习笔记 学习中欢迎大神讨论
本帖最后由 Samael 于 2020-11-16 14:23 编辑## ZXAN# Show
### 1.show aaa 认证、授权、计费相关
- ```
show aaa?
| 兼容 | 参数 | 说明 | 注释 |
| :--: | --------------------------- | ------------------------------------- | --------------- |
|☒ | aaa | Show AAA rule configuration | 显示AAA规则配置 |
|☐ | aaa-accounting-template | accounting template configuration | 3A计费模板配置|
|☐ | aaa-authentication-template | authentication template configuration | 3A认证模板配置|
|☐ | aaa-authorization-template| authorization template configuration| 3A授权模板配置|
|☐ | \| | Output modifiers | 输出修饰语法 |
>☑ -兼容C3XX ☐-不兼容C3XX ☒-C3XX命令C6XX系列已删除参数
><1-2128> AAA accounting template number
>AAA authentication(认证) authorization(授权) accounting(计费)
### 2.show accounting 计费信息显示
- ```
show accounting ?
| 兼容 | 参数 | 说明 | 注释 |
| :--: | ------------ | ------------------------ | ------------ |
|☑ | local-buffer | Local buffer information | 本地缓存信息 |
>C300 测试命令无反映
>☑ -兼容C3XX ☐-不兼容C3XX ☒-C3XX命令C6XX系列已删除参数
- ```
show accounting local-buffer ?
| 兼容 | 参数 | 说明 | 注释 |
| :--: | ------- | ------------------------ | ------------- |
|☐ | all | All information | |
|☐ | group | By group name | 按分组名称 |
|☐ | session | By Accounting-Session-Id | 按计费会话 ID |
|☐ | sum | Count of records | |
|☐ | user | By User-Name | 用户名(域名)|
>C300 %Error 20206: Unrecognized command 无法识别的命令
>- **group** WORDGroup name (1-31 characters) 分组名称
>- **session** WORDAccounting-Session-Id (1-63 characters) 计费会话 ID
>- **user** WORDUser-Name(with domain name) (1-159 characters) 用户名(域名)
### 3.show access-list 访问列表信息
- ```
show access-list bound ?
| 兼容 | 参数 | 说明 | 注释 |
| :--: | ----------- | -------------------------------- | ---- |
|☐ | vport- | Gigabit-Capable Pon Virtual Port | |
|☑ | xgei- | XGigabit ethernet interface | |
|☒ | epon-olt_1/ | Epon-olt interface | |
|☒ | epon-onu_1/ | Epon-onu interface | |
|☒ | gei_1/ | Gei interface | |
>☑ -兼容C3XX ☐-不兼容C3XX ☒-C3XX命令C6XX系列已删除参数
>- Gei Gigabit Ethernet 千兆以太网接口
>- Fei Fast Ethernet 百兆以太网接口
### 4.show access-service 显示访问权限配置
- ```
show access-service ?
| 兼容 | 参数 | 说明 | 注释 |
| :--: | ------- | -------------------------------------- | ---------------- |
|☒ | profile | Show access-service profile infomation | 显示访问权限配置 |
>☑ -兼容C3XX ☐-不兼容C3XX ☒-C3XX命令C6XX系列已删除参数
- ```
show access-service profile ?
| 兼容 | 参数 | 说明 | 注释 |
| :--: | ---------- | -------------------------------------- | -------------------- |
|☒ | apply-info | Show access-service profile apply info | 服务配置文件使用信息 |
|☒ | info | Show access-service profile info | 服务配置文件配置信息 |
|☒ | port | Show port access-service profile info| 服务配置文件端口信息 |
>WORDAccess-service profile name (1-32 character(s))
- ```
show access-service profile port ?
| 兼容 | 参数 | 说明 | 注释 |
| :--: | ---------- | ------------------ | ------------- |
|☒ | epon-onu_1 | Epon-onu interface | Epon onu 接口 |
### 5.show acl 访问控制列表
- ```
show acl ?
| 兼容 | 参数 | 说明 | 注释 |
| :--: | ---------------------- | --------------------------------------------- | ------------ |
|☑ | <1-699> | Acl Number | Acl编号 |
|☑ | \<nameStr> & WORD | Acl Name (1-32 characters) | Acl名称 |
|☐ | drv-status | Show acl drv status | acl drv 状态 |
|☐ | icmpv6-drv-entries-num | Show drv-entries num of icmpv6 type in ranges | |
>☑ -兼容C3XX ☐-不兼容C3XX ☒-C3XX命令C6XX系列已删除参数
>- ACL Access Control Lists 访问控制列表
### show adsl ADSL相关信息
- ```
show adsl ?
| 兼容 | 参数 | 说明 | 注释 |
| :--: | ------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ------------------- |
|☒ | alarm-profile | Show adsl alarm profile | ADSL 告警配置 |
|☒ | chan-interval | Show adsl port chan-interval information | ADSL 间隔信息 |
|☒ | chan-perf | Show adsl port chan-perfinformation | ADSL 端口信息 |
|☒ | channel | Show adsl port channel information | ADSL 端口通道信息 |
|☒ | ext | Show adsl port extinformation | ADSL 用户板信息 |
|☒ | ext-profile | Show adsl ext profile information | ADSL 用户板配置信息 |
|☒ | interval | Show adsl port intervalinformation | ADSL |
|☒ | perf | Show adsl port perfinformation | ADSL 端口性能信息 |
|☒ | physical | Show adsl port physical information | ADSL 物理端口信息 |
|☒ | port-config | Show one adsl port configure | ADSL 端口配置 |
|☒ | port-info | Show several adsl ports infomation | 多个 ADSL端口信息 |
|☒ | port-status | Show several adsl ports status | 多个 ADSL端口状态 |
|☒ | profile | Show adsl profile | ADSL 配置文件 |
>☑ -兼容C3XX ☐-不兼容C3XX ☒-C3XX命令C6XX系列已删除参数
> C3XX show adsl information 显示ADSL信息
### show alarm 显示告警信息
- ```
show alarm ?
| 兼容 | 参数 | 说明 | 注释 |
| :--: | ------------ | --------------------------------------------------- | ------------- |
|☒ | configure | Show alarm configuration information | 查看告警配置|
|☒ | counter | Show alarm counter information | 告警计数器 |
|☒ | crtv-active| Show crtv active alarm information | CRTV 活动告警 |
|☒ | crtv-event | Show crtv alarm event information | CRTV 告警事件 |
|☒ | crtv-history | Show crtv alarm history information | CRTV 告警历史 |
|☒ | filter | Show all the alarm filter items | 告警信息过滤|
|☑ | level-change | Show alarm level | 告警级别 |
|☒ | pool | Show alarm pool information | 告警池信息 |
|☒ | profile | all the alarm mask profile or the specified profile | 告警配置文件|
|☐ | class | Service type | 服务类型 |
|☐ | current | Show alarm current | 当前告警信息|
|☐ | history | Show alarm history | 历史告警信息|
|☐ | notification | Show alarm notification | 通知告警信息|
> ☑ -兼容C3XX ☐-不兼容C3XX ☒-C3XX命令
- ```
show alarm configure
>☒configureShow alarm configuration information查看告警配置
>alarm enable 告警信息状态 / 禁用-disable & 启用-enable
>alarm confirm 告警确认
>alarm trap-confirm retry 1 timeout 30 触发陷进确认后重试 1 超时 30
>nms-hello-trap disable 触发NMS陷阱状态 / 禁用-disable & 启用-enable
>alarm report-speed 0 告警速度为0
>alarm anti-jitter 0 网络波动告警
- ```
show alarm counter
>| 名称 | 注释 | 名称 | 注释 |
>| ------------------- | :--------------- | ------------------- | -------------------- |
>| alarmReport | 告警报告 | alarmConfirm | 告警确认 |
>| alarmInvalidMsgType | 告警无效信息类型 | alarmGetLogFuncFail | 告警获取日志失败 |
>| alarmInvalidLevel | 告警无效等级 | alarmPoolFull | 告警池满 |
>| alarmSendTrapSuc | 告警发送抓捕系统 | alarmSendTrapFail | 告警发送陷阱失败 |
>| alarmRecv | 告警记录表 | alarmInformRecv | 告警信息接收 |
>| alarmRestoreRecv | 告警恢复Recv | alarmGetRegInfoFail | 告警获取注册信息失败 |
>| alarmCreateReqFail| 告警创建请求失败 | alramBindValueFail| 绑定值失效 |
>| alarmEncodeReqFail| 告警编码要求失败 | alarmAllocMemFail | 告警 AllocMem 失败 |
>| highAlarmFull | 最高告警满 | alarmFull | 告警满 |
>| highInformFull | 最高通知满 | informFull | 通知满 |
- ```
show alarm crtv-active ?
>| 参数 | 说明 | 注释 |
>| ----------- | ------------------------------------- | ---- |
>| alarm-code| Show active alarm by alarm code | |
>| alarm-level | Show active alarm by alarm level | |
>| raising-num | Show active alarm by the raising num| |
>| seq-num | Show active alarm by the sequence num | |
>| summary | Show active alarm total number | |
>| alarm-level ? | 说明 | 注释 |
>| ------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ---- |
>| critical | Critical conditions (severity=0) | |
>| indeterminate | Indeterminate conditions(severity=4) | |
>| major | Major conditions(severity=1) | |
>| minor | Minor conditions(severity=2) | |
>| notifications | Normal but significant conditions (severity=6) | |
>| warnings | Warning conditions(severity=3) | |
>**<1-4294967295>** Specify the alarm code
>**<1-4294967295>** Specify the raising num
>**<0-4294967295>** Specify the sequence num
- ```
show alarm crtv-event ?
>| 参数 | 说明 | 注释 |
>| ---------- | ------------------------------ | ---- |
>| alarm-code | Show event by alarm code | |
>| seq-num | Show event by the sequence num | |
>| summary | Show event total number | |
>**<1-4294967295>**Specify the alarm code
>**<0-4294967295>**Specify the sequence num
>**Current crtv event numbers :**
- ```
show alarm crtv-history ?
>| 参数 | 说明 | 注释 |
>| ----------- | ------------------------------------- | ---- |
>| alarm-code| Show active alarm by alarm code | |
>| alarm-level | Show active alarm by alarm level | |
>| raising-num | Show active alarm by the raising num| |
>| seq-num | Show active alarm by the sequence num | |
>| summary | Show active alarm total number | |
>| alarm-level ? | 说明 | 注释 |
>| ------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ---- |
>| critical | Critical conditions (severity=0) | |
>| indeterminate | Indeterminate conditions(severity=4) | |
>| major | Major conditions(severity=1) | |
>| minor | Minor conditions(severity=2) | |
>| notifications | Normal but significant conditions (severity=6) | |
>| warnings | Warning conditions(severity=3) | |
>**<1-4294967295>** Specify the alarm code
>**<1-4294967295>** Specify the raising num
>**<0-4294967295>** Specify the sequence num
- ```
show alarm filter ?
- ```
show alarm level-change ?
><1-65535>The alarm code
- ```
show alarm pool ?
>| 参数 | 说明 | 注释 |
>| -------------- | ------------------------------------------------ | ---- |
>| alarm-code | Show alarm information according to alarm code | |
>| alarm-id | Show alarm information according to the alarm id | |
>| alarm-level | Show alarm information according to alarm level| |
>| earliest-first | Show alarm earliest-first | |
>| summary | Show alarm total number | |
><1-4294967295>Specify the alarm code
- .
- .
- .
### show all 显示所有转发路由
> - ```
> show all forwarding route ipv4
> ```
> >C6XX show all forwarding route 显示所有转发路由
> >
> >|Output modifiers
> -
### show anti-user-side-icmp ICMP开关查询
> - ```
> show anti-user-side-icmp
> ```
> >C6XX show anti-user-side-ICMP switch 防止户端ICMP开关查询
> -
### show APS 保护配置
> - ```
> show aps linear-protect
> ```
> >- C6XX
> >
> >lsp-group Show the selected lsp group 显示 LSP 分组
> >
> >port-group Show the selected port group 显示端口分组
> >
> >pw-protector Show the selected pw protector 显示PW分组
> - ```
> show aps
> ```
> >- [ ] C3XX 运行无反映
### show arp 显示ARP列表
- ```
show arp ?
| 兼容 | 参数 | 说明 | 注释 |
| :--: | ------------- | ------------------------------------ | --------------------------- |
|☑ | A.B.C.D | IP address | IP 地址 |
|☑ | arp-to-static | To-static ARP | 从ARP到静态 |
|☐ | begin | Begin with the line that matches | 从匹配的行开始 |
|☑ | dynamic | Dynamic ARP | 动态 ARP |
|☐ | exclude | Exclude lines that match | 排除匹配的行 |
|☐ | include | Include lines that match | 包括匹配的行 |
|☑ | interface | Interface name | 按照接口名称 |
|☐ | ip-range | Range of IP address | IP 地址范围 |
|☐ | permanent | Permanent ARP | 永久 ARP |
|☑ | static | Static ARP | 静态 ARP |
|☐ | vlan | Internal VLAN ID or external VLAN ID | 内部 VLAN ID 或外部 VLAN ID |
|☑ | vrf | Show ARP for a VPN instance | ARP VPN 实例 |
|☐ | \| | Output modifiers | 输出修饰语法 |
|☒ | exvlanID | External vlanID | 外部 Vlan ID |
|☒ | invlanID | Internal vlanIDa | 内部 Vlan ID |
>☑ -兼容C3XX ☐-不兼容C3XX ☒-C3XX命令C6XX系列已删除参数
- ```
show arp ?
>☑ **A.B.C.D**IP addressIP 地址
- ```
show arp arp-to-static
>☑ **arp-to-static**To-static ARPARP 到静态 ARP
- ```
show arp dynamic
>☑ **dynamic**Dynamic ARP动态 ARP
- ```
show arp interface
>☑ **interface**Interface name按照接口名称
- ```
show arp permanent
>☐ **permanent**Permanent ARP永久 ARP
- ```
show arp static
> ☑ **static**Static ARP静态 ARP
- ```
show arp ip-range from A.B.C.1 to A.B.C.254
> ☐ **ip-range**Range of IP addressIP 地址范围
- ```
show arp vlan
>☐ **vlan**Internal VLAN ID or external VLAN ID内部 VLAN ID 或外部 VLAN ID
- ```
show arp vrf
>☑ **vrf**Show ARP for a VPN instance显示 ARP VPN 实例
| 序号 | 参数 | 说明 | 注释 |
| :--: | :------------ | ---------------------------------- | -------------------- |
|01| begin | Begin with the line that matches | 从匹配的行开始 |
|02| bvi | Bridge-Group Virtual Interface | 网桥虚拟接口 |
|03| dcn_eth | Dcn_eth interface | 数据通信网接口 |
|04| eth_dslgroup| Eth_dslgroup interface | 数字用户线路接口 |
|05| exclude | Exclude lines that match | 排除匹配的行 |
|06| gtunnel_group | Gmpls Tunnel Group interface | Gmpls隧道组接口 |
|07| include | Include lines that match | 包括匹配的行 |
|08| irb | Inter Routing Bridge interface | 路由桥接接口 |
|09| l3vi | L3 Attribute Virtual Interface | 三层虚拟接口 |
|10| mgmt_eth | Manager ethernet interface | 管理员以太网接口 |
|11| qx | Qx interface | |
|12| smartgroup | Smartgroup interface | 链路聚合接口 |
|13| supervlan | Supervlan interface | 超级Vlan接口 |
|14| svi | SDN Virtual interface | 软件定义网络虚拟接口 |
|15| te_gtunnel | TE Gmpls Tunnel interface | TE Gmpls 隧道组接口|
|16| ulei- | Universal logic ethernet interface | 通用逻辑以太网接口 |
|17| vbui | Vbui interface | 用户侧虚接口 |
|18| vlan | Vlan interface | 虚拟局域网接口 |
|19| xgei- | XGigabit ethernet interface | 物理接口 |
|20| \| | Output modifiers | 输出修饰语法 |
|21| begin | Begin with the line that matches | 从匹配的行开始 |
|22| exclude | Exclude lines that match | 排除匹配的行 |
|23| include | Include lines that match | 包括匹配的行 |
|25| begin | Begin with the line that matches | |
|26| exclude | Exclude lines that match | |
|27| first | Show begin of output only | |
|28| include | Include lines that match | |
|29| last | Show end of output only | |
|30| extervlanid | External VLAN ID | 外部 Vlan ID |
|31| intervlanid | Internal VLAN ID | 内部 Vlan ID |
>TE Traffic Engineering 流量工程
>DCN Data Communication Network 数据通信网
>DCN Defence Communication Network 国防通信网
>DSL Digital Subscriber Line 数字用户线路
>SDN Software Defined Network 软件定义网络
>Vlan Virtual Local Area Network 虚拟局域网
>Vbui 用户侧虚接口,三层虚拟IP接口(类似华为VlanIF)
>Gmpls Generalized Multiprotocol Label Switching 通用多协议标志交换协议
>WORD IP or MAC regular expression (1-18 characters) IP或MAC正则表达式(1-18个字符)
>LINE Regular expression (max be 115 characters) 正则表达式(最多115个字符)
><1-100> Number of lines to display 需要显示的行数
### show arp-agent
> C3XX show ARP Agent configurations. 显示ARP代理配置。
### show atm
> C3XX show atm information 显示atm信息
### show authen-restriction
> C6XX show information about authen-restriction users 显示关于自动限制用户的信息
### show auto-backup
> C3XX show auto-backup progress 显示自动备份进度
### show auto-update
> C3XX show auto-update progress 显示自动更新进度
### show auto-write
> C3XX show auto write configuration 显示自动写入配置
> C6XX show auto-write information 显示自动写入信息
### ☑ show backboard
> C3XX show Backboard 显示背板
> C6XX show backboard information 显示背板信息
> ```
> ZXAN#show backboard detail #显示背板细节
> ShelfType : C600_Shelf
> Backboard : MVIT
> Serial-Number: 000000000000
> System-Restart-Times : 2
> ```
### show bcm-config
> C3XX show bcmp configuration 显示bcmp配置
### show bfd
> C3XX BFD information BFD信息
> C6XX show BFD information 显示BFD信息
### show bgp
> C3XX BGP information BGP信息
> C6XX show BGP information 显示BGP信息
### show blade
> C6XX show blade information 显示叶片信息
### show blade-ifconfig
> C6XX show blade ifconfig info 显示刀片ifconfig信息
### show blade-manage
> C6XX show blade mange config 显示刀片管理配置
### show bonding
> C3XX show bonding information 显示粘合信息
### show bonding-capability
> C3XX show bonding capability information 显示粘合能力信息
### show bonding-config
> C3XX show bonding config information 显示绑定配置信息
### show bonding-port-info
> C3XX show bonding-port-info 显示键合端口信息
### show bonding-status
> C3XX show bonding status information 显示键合状态信息
### show bridge-dhcp-relay
> C3XX show bridge vlan map information 显示网桥vlan地图信息
### show cable
> C3XX show cable modem information. 显示有线电视调制解调器信息。
### show card
> C3XX & C6XX show card information 显示网卡信息
### show card-clock
> C3XX & C6XX show card clock information 显示卡钟信息
### show card-exception
> C6XX Card-exception 异常卡
### show card-power
> C3XX show cards power 显示卡的力量
### show card-power-consumption
> C6XX show card-power-consumption 显示卡耗电量
### show card-temperature
> C3XX show cards temperature 显示卡温度
### show card-upgrade-order
> C6XX show card upgrade order 显示卡升级顺序
### show ces
> C3XX show CES information 显示CES信息
> C6XX
### show cfm
> C3XX & C6XX show CFM information 显示CFM信息
### show check
> C6XX show check information 显示检查信息
### show class-map
> C3XX show class-map configuration 显示类图配置
### show clients
> C3XX show network access online clients 显示网络访问在线客户端
### show clock
> C3XX show the system clock 显示系统时钟
> C6XX show current system clock 显示当前系统时钟
> ```
> show clock config
> ```
> > Show all clock source 显示所有时钟源
> ```
> show clock detail
> ```
> > Show detailed information 显示详细信息
> ```
> show clock interface
> ```
> > Show clock interface information 显示时钟接口信息
> ```
> show clock output
> ```
> > Show clock output information 显示时钟输出信息
> >
> > %Error 224363: Output Sourc not exist. 输出源不存在。
> ```
> show clock source
> ```
> > Show clock source information 显示时钟源信息
> >
> > active Show active clock source
> >
> > alarm Show source clock alarm
> ```
> show clock sync-source
> ```
> > Show clock sync source information 显示时钟同步源信息
### show cmc
> C3XX show cmc information 显示cmc信息
### show cmdgroup
> C6XX show cmdgroup 显示 cmdgroup
### show compound-version
> C3XX show compound version information 显示复合版本信息
### show config-load-fail
> C3XX show the error cmd line information on loading configuration 在加载配置时显示错误的cmd行信息。
### ☑ show configuration 显示配置信息
> C3XX show radius config information 显示配置信息
> show configuration information 显示配置信息
#### 1. commit 显示已提交的配置 C6XX
- ```
show configuration commit
>**commit** Show committed configuration 显示已提交的配置
- ```
show configuration commit changes
>**changes** Detail of configuration commitID 配置提交ID详情
- ```
show configuration commit changes at
>**at** Changes made at a specific commit 在某次提交时做出的更改
>**%Info 141308:** Rollback configuration is disabled. 回滚配置被禁用。
- ```
show configuration commit changes last
>**last** Last commit number 最后提交次数
>**%Info 141308:** Rollback configuration is disabled. 回滚配置被禁用。
- ```
show configuration commit changes since
>**since** Since commitID 从提交ID开始
>**%Info 141308:** Rollback configuration is disabled. 回滚配置被禁用。
- ```
show configuration commit list
>**last** Last commit number 最后提交次数
>| Output modifiers 输出修饰符
>- **begin** Begin with the line that matches 从匹配的行开始
>- **exclude** Exclude lines that match 排除符合
>- **first** Show begin of output only 只显示输出的开始
>- **include** Include lines that match 包括符合以下条件的行
>- **last** Show end of output only 只显示输出结束
#### 2. radius 显示RADIUS配置信息
- ```
show configuration radius
>**radius** Show RADIUS configuration information 显示RADIUS配置信息
- ```
show configuration radius accounting-group
>**accounting-group** Configuration of accounting group 流量组的配置
>**WORD** Group name (1-31 characters) 组名称(1-31个字符)
- ```
show configuration radius all
>**all** Configuration of all groups 所有组的配置
>| Output modifiers 输出修饰符
>- begin Begin with the line that matches 从匹配的行开始
>- exclude Exclude lines that match 排除符合
>- first Show begin of output only 只显示输出的开始
>- include Include lines that match 包括符合以下条件的行
>- last Show end of output only 只显示输出结束
- ```
show configuration radius attribute
>**attribute** Configuration of attribute vendor-specific-id 厂商专用ID的属性配置
- ```
show configuration radius attribute convert
> **convert** Configuration of attribute convert 属性转换配置
- ```
show configuration radius attribute convert accounting group ?
>**accounting** Configuration of accounting group 流量组的配置
>**WORD**Group name (1-31 characters) 组名(1-31个字符)
- ```
show configuration radius attribute convert authentication group ?
>**authentication** Configuration of authentication group 认证组的配置
>**WORD**Group name (1-31 characters) 组名(1-31个字符)
- ```
show configuration radius attribute forbid
> **forbid** Configuration of attribute forbid 属性禁止配置
- ```
show configuration radius attribute forbid accounting group ?
>**accounting** Configuration of accounting group 流量组的配置
>**WORD**Group name (1-31 characters) 组名(1-31个字符)
- ```
show configuration radius attribute forbid accounting group ?
>**authentication** Configuration of authentication group 认证组的配置
>**WORD**Group name (1-31 characters) 组名(1-31个字符)
- ```
show configuration radius authentication-group
>**authentication-group** Configuration of authentication group 认证组的配置
>**WORD**Group name (1-31 characters) 组名(1-31个字符)
- ```
show configuration radius client-group
>**client-group** Configuration of client group 客户组的配置
- ```
show configuration radius client-group all
>**all** All information 所有的信息
>| Output modifiers 输出修饰符
>- begin Begin with the line that matches 从匹配的行开始
>- exclude Exclude lines that match 排除符合
>- first Show begin of output only 只显示输出的开始
>- include Include lines that match 包括符合以下条件的行
>- last Show end of output only 只显示输出结束
- ```
show configuration radius client-group brief
>**brief** Brief information 简要信息
>| Output modifiers 输出修饰符
>- begin Begin with the line that matches 从匹配的行开始
>- exclude Exclude lines that match 排除符合
>- first Show begin of output only 只显示输出的开始
>- include Include lines that match 包括符合以下条件的行
>- last Show end of output only 只显示输出结束
- ```
show configuration radius client-group group-name
>**group-name** By group name 按组名称
>**WORD**Group name (1-31 characters) 组名(1-31个字符)
- .
- .
- .
- ```
show configuration radius dev-backup
>**dev-backup** Configuration of dev-backup 开发备份的配置
>| Output modifiers 输出修饰符
>- begin Begin with the line that matches 从匹配的行开始
>- exclude Exclude lines that match 排除符合
>- first Show begin of output only 只显示输出的开始
>- include Include lines that match 包括符合以下条件的行
>- last Show end of output only 只显示输出结束
- ```
show configuration radius server-port-check
>**server-port-check** Configuration of server-port-check 服务器端口检查
>| Output modifiers 输出修饰符
>- begin Begin with the line that matches 从匹配的行开始
>- exclude Exclude lines that match 排除符合
>- first Show begin of output only 只显示输出的开始
>- include Include lines that match 包括符合以下条件的行
>- last Show end of output only 只显示输出结束
#### 3. trial 显示试用配置
- ```
show configuration trial
>**trial** Show trial configuration 显示试用配置
- ```
show configuration trial status
>**status** Status of trial configuration 试用配置情况
>| Output modifiers 输出修饰符
>- begin Begin with the line that matches 从匹配的行开始
>- exclude Exclude lines that match 排除符合
>- first Show begin of output only 只显示输出的开始
>- include Include lines that match 包括符合以下条件的行
>- last Show end of output only 只显示输出结束
### show configure
> C6XX show configure exclusive 显示配置专用
### show control-panel
> C3XX & C6XX show control panel configure information 显示控制面板配置信息
### show control-protocol
> C6XX show control-protocol information 显示控制协议信息
### show counter
> C3XX show counter information 显示计数器信息
### show cpe
> C3XX
### show cpe-access-list
> C3XX show cpe-access-list info 显示cpe-access-list信息
### show cpe-access-list-switch
> C3XX get cpe-access-list-switch status 获取cpe-访问列表-开关状态
### show cps
> C6XX show CPS information 显示CPS信息
### show cpu-load-detail
> C3XX show cpu load detail 显示cpu负载详情
### show cpuload-threshold
> C6XX show threshold of cpuload 显示cpuload的阈值
### show cputhreshold
> C3XX show CPU threshold information 显示CPU阈值信息
### show crtv-config
> C3XX show crtv configuration 显示crtv配置
### show customer-xconnect
> C3XX show created customer xconnect vlan 显示已创建的客户xconnect vlan
### show datasyn-status
> C3XX show data syn state 显示数据同步状态
### show dbglog
> C3XX show debug log switch 显示调试日志开关
### show debug
> C6XX show state of each debugging option 显示各调试选项的状态
### show debug-timer
> C6XX show time of turning off debug option 显示关闭调试选项的时间
### show delt
> C3XX show delt information 显示delt信息
### show device
> C6XX show device information 显示设备信息
### show dhcp-test
> C3XX show dhcp test result 显示dhcp测试结果
> C6XX show dhcp-test information 显示dhcp测试信息
### show dhcpv4-l2-relay-agent
> C3XX & C6XX show dhcpv4-l2-relay-agent information 显示 dhcpv4-l2-relay-agent 信息。
### show dhcpv6-l2-relay-agent
> C3XX & C6XX show dhcpv6-l2-relay-agent information 显示dhcpv6-l2-relay-agent信息。
### show dhcpv6-l2-relay-mode
> C3XX & C6XX show dhcpv6-l2-relay-mode information 显示 dhcpv6-l2-relay-mode 信息。
### show diaglog
> C3XX & C6XX show diaglog information 显示图表信息
### show diagnostic
> C3XX Diagnostic information 诊断信息
### show digital-certificate
> C6XX show digital-certificate 显示数字证书
### show discard-packet-mode
> C6XX show discard-packet-mode 显示discard-packet-mode
### show dot1x
> C3XX show dot1x 显示dot1x
> C6XX show dot1x configuration 显示dot1x配置
### show dsl
> C3XX show dsl information 显示dsl信息
### show dwdm
> C3XX show DWDM information 显示DWDM信息
### show ecmp-mode
> C6XX show ECMP mode 显示ECMP模式
### show env-power-consumption
> C6XX show env-power-consumption 显示环境-电力-消耗
### show env-switch
> C3XX & C6XX show environment switch 显示环境开关
### show epm
> C3XX show epm config 显示epm配置
### show epm-config
> C6XX show Epm information 显示Epm信息
### show epon
> C3XX & C6XX show EPON config information 显示EPON配置信息
### show equip-detail
> C3XX show equip detail information 显示设备细节信息
### show equipment
> C6XX show equipment information 显示设备信息
### show erps
> C3XX
> C6XX show erps 显示 erps
### show error
> C6XX show error information 显示错误信息
### show ethernet-oam
> C3XX show Ethernet OAM config information 显示以太网OAM配置信息
> C6XX show Ethernet OAM information 显示以太网OAM信息
### show eth-if-vlan
> C6XX show eth-port vlan performance 显示 eth-port vlan 性能
### show eth-switch
> C3XX & C6XX show eth-switch configuration 显示以太网交换机配置
### show ex-switch
> C3XX show external switch 显示外部开关
### show fan
> C3XX show fan configuration in fan mode 在风扇模式下显示风扇配置
> C6XX show the fan information 显示风扇信息
### show fan-amend
> C6XX show fan-amend 显示粉丝修改
### show fc
> C6XX show FC information 显示FC信息
### show file
> C3XX show file information 显示文件信息
### show file-server
> C3XX show file-server 显示文件服务器
### show filesystem
> C6XX show filesystem of the operable device 显示可操作设备的文件系统
### show flowstat
> C3XX & C6XX show flowstat info 显示流量统计信息
### show gpon
> C3XX & C6XX show GPON information 显示GPON信息
### show gpon-onu-typed
> C3XX show gpon onu typed group information. 显示gpon onu输入的组信息。
### show hardware-check-status
> C3XX show hardware-check-status /all 显示硬件检查状态/全部。
### show hardware-state
> C6XX show hardware self check result information 显示硬件自检结果信息
### show his-performance
> C6XX his-performance config 性能配置
### show history
> C6XX show the session command history 显示会话命令历史
### show holdtime
> C6XX show hold time of port 显示端口的保持时间
### show hostname
> C6XX show system's network name 显示系统的网络名称
### show hotkey
> C6XX show information about terminal lines 显示有关终端线的信息
### show igmp
> C3XX & C6XX show IGMP global information 显示IGMP全局信息
### show igmp-test
> C3XX show result of igmp-test 显示igmp测试结果
> C6XX show igmp-test 显示 igmp-test
### show ingress-filter
> C3XX show interface ingress-filter 显示接口 ingress-filter
### show ingress-outer-tpid-filter
> C6XX show global tpid filter 显示全局tpid过滤器
### show inner-port-status
> C3XX show inner-port status 显示内口状态
### show install
> C6XX show information of install packages 显示安装包的信息
### show interface
> C3XX & C6XX Display interface property and statistics 显示界面属性和统计数据
### show interface-vlan
> C6XX show VLAN configuration of VLAN interface 显示VLAN接口的VLAN配置
### show interface-vnd0
> C6XX Display interface-vnd0 property and statistics 显示接口-vnd0属性和统计
### show ip
> C3XX show ip info 显示IP信息
> C6XX show IP information 显示IP信息
### show ipg
> C6XX show ipg information of interface 显示接口的ipg信息
### show ipoa
> C3XX show ipoa information 显示ipoa信息
### show ip-service
> C3XX & C6XX show ip-service information 显示IP服务信息
### show ip-source-guard
> C3XX & C6XX show ip-source-guard information 显示ip-source-guard信息
### show iptv
> C3XX & C6XX show information about iptv 显示关于iptv的信息
### show iptv-service-profile
> C3XX show multicast profile cfg 显示组播配置文件cfg
### show ipv4-access-groups
> C6XX show IPv4 access groups 显示IPv4访问组
### show ipv4-access-lists
> C6XX show IPv4 access lists 显示IPv4访问列表
### show ipv4-mixed-access-groups
> C6XX show IPv4 mixed access groups 显示IPv4混合访问组
### show ipv4-mixed-access-lists
> C6XX show IPv4 mixed access lists 显示IPv4混合访问列表
### show ipv6
> C3XX & C6XX IPv6 information IPv6信息
### show ipv6-access-groups
> C6XX show IPv6 access groups 显示IPv6访问组
### show ipv6-access-lists
> C6XX show IPv6 access lists 显示IPv6访问列表
### show ipv6-mixed-access-groups
> C6XX show IPv6 mixed access groups 显示IPv6混合访问组
### show ipv6-mixed-access-lists
> C6XX show IPv6 mixed access lists 显示IPv6混合访问列表
### show ipv6-prefix-length
> C3XX show ssp ipv6 prefix length 显示ssp ipv6前缀长度
### show isis
> C3XX IS-IS routing information IS-IS路由信息
> C6XX show IS-IS routing information 显示IS-IS路由信息
### show keychain
> C6XX show keychain information 显示钥匙链信息
### show l2vpn
> C3XX L2VPN information L2VPN信息
> C6XX show L2VPN information 显示L2VPN信息
### show l2vpn-flow-stat
> C3XX show l2vpn instance、 ac or pw flow-stat information 显示 l2vpn 实例、ac 或 pw flow-stat 信息。
### show l2vpn-statistics
> C6XX show l2vpn-statistics information 显示 l2vpn-统计信息
### show label
> C3XX Label traffic information 标签交通信息
### show lacp
> C3XX LACP information LACP信息
> C6XX show LACP information 显示LACP信息
### show last-modify-card
> C3XX show the error cmd line information on modify slot 在修改槽位时显示错误的cmd行信息。
### show lawful-intercept
> C6XX show lawful flow detail information 显示合法的流程细节信息
### show license
> C3XX show license information 显示许可证信息
### show line-configuration
> C3XX show the line configuration 显行配置
### show link-access-groups
> C6XX show link access groups 显示链接访问组
### show link-access-lists
> C6XX show link access lists 显示链接访问列表
### show link-mapping
> C3XX link-mapping 链接映射
### show lldp
> C3XX & C6XX show LLDP information 显示LLDP信息
### show load-balance
> C3XX show load-balance configuration 显示负载均衡配置
### show load-mode
> C6XX show load-mode 显示加载模式
### show local-user
> C6XX show local user information 显示本地用户信息
### show lock
> C6XX show lock configuration 显示锁的配置
### show logfile
> C6XX show configure command information 显示配置命令信息
### show logging
> C3XX & C6XX show logging information 显示记录信息
### show logicinterface
> C6XX show logic interface information 显示逻辑接口信息
### show login
> C6XX show configuration of attack defence 显示攻击防御的配置
### show ? loopback-detection
> C3XX show loopback-detection Status 显示回环检测状态
> C6XX show loop-detection Status 显示循环检测状态
### show lsp-group
> C6XX show the configuration information of LSP-GROUP module 显示LSP-GROUP模块的配置信息。
### show lst
> C3XX show LST configure and status 显示LST配置和状态
> C6XX show lst configuration 显示lst配置
### show mac
> C3XX show mac information from main card 从主卡上显示Mac信息
> C6XX show mac information from mainl card 从主卡上显示mac信息
### show mac-filter
> C3XX MAC-filter MAC-滤波器
### show mac-real-time
> C3XX show mac information from local card 从本地卡中显示Mac信息
### show mac-table
> C3XX Display the L2VPN MAC information 显示L2VPN MAC信息
### show mcast
> C3XX show vpls mcast info 显示vpls mcast信息
### show mc-elam
> C6XX show MC-ELAM information 显示MC-ELAM信息
### show media-monitor
> C3XX show media-monitor information 显示媒体监控信息
> C6XX show media monitor information 显示媒体监控信息
### show melt
> C3XX show melt information 显示熔体信息
### show mem-fail
> C3XX show memory monitor information 显示内存监控信息
### show memory-threshold
> C6XX show threshold of memory 显示记忆阈值
### show memthreshold
> C3XX show Memory Threshold 显示内存阈值
### show mld
> C3XX & C6XX show MLD global information 显示MLD全球信息
### show mld-test
> C3XX show result of mld-test 显示mld测试结果
> C6XX show mld-test 显示mld测试
### show mng-lr-config
> C6XX show mng lr configuration 显示mng lr配置
### show monitor
> C3XX & C6XX Monitor information 监测信息
### show mpls
> C3XX show mpls info 显示mpls信息
> C6XX show MPLS information 显示MPLS信息
### show mpnat
> C3XX show multi-protocol nat information 显示多协议nat信息
> C6XX show mpnat 显示mpnat
### show msag
> C3XX show msag info 显示msag信息
### show msvxlan
> C6XX show msan vxlan information 显示 msan vxlan 信息
### show multicast
> C6XX show multicast data profection 显示多播数据分析
### show multicast-monitor
> C6XX show multicast monitor info. 显示多播监控信息。
### show multi-user
> C6XX show multi-user information 显示多用户信息
### show mutual
> C3XX show mutual information 显示相互信息
### show muxadpt
> C3XX show muxadpt data. 显示muxadpt数据。
### show mvlan-translate
> C3XX show mvlan trans info. 显示mvlan传输信息。
> C6XX show global mvlan trans info. 显示全局mvlan传输信息。
### show nd
> C6XX show IPv6 neighbor discovery information 显示IPv6邻居发现信息
### show nd6
> C3XX ND6 information ND6信息
> C6XX show IPv6 neighbor discovery information 显示IPv6邻居发现信息
### show ndp-lio
> C3XX show ndp-lio information 显示ndp-lio信息
### show netconf
> C6XX show NETCONF agent parameters 显示NETCONF代理参数
### show ngpon
> C3XX show PON protection information 显示PON保护信息
> C6XX show NGPON information 显示NGPON信息
### show ntp
> C3XX Network time protocol 网络时间协议
> C6XX show NTP information 显示NTP信息
### show odb-switch
> C6XX show odb-switch status 显示 odb-switch 状态
### show olt
> C3XX show the information of OLT 显示OLT的信息
### show onu
> C3XX show EPON ONU information 显示EPON ONU信息
### show onu-compat
> C6XX show ONU type compatible information 显示ONU类型兼容信息
### show onu-pnp
> C3XX show ONU PNP information 显示ONU PNP信息
### show onu-type
> C3XX & C6XX show ONU type template information 显示ONU类型模板信息
### show onu-type-if
> C3XX & C6XX show ONU type UNI information 显示ONU类型UNI信息
### show openflow
> C6XX show OpenFlow information 显示OpenFlow信息
### show operator-mode
> C3XX
### show optical-als-info
> C6XX show port optical-als information 显示端口光信息
### show optical-module
> C3XX show optical-module configuration 显示光模块配置
### show optical-module-alarm-ctrl
> C6XX show optical-module-alarm-ctrl information 显示光模块-告警-控制信息。
### show optical-module-alarm-profile
> C3XX & C6XX show optical-module-alarm-profile 显示光模块-告警配置文件
### show optical-module-class-profile
> C3XX & C6XX show optical-module-class-profile 显示光模块类配置文件
### show optical-module-firmware
> C6XX show optical module information 显示光模块信息
### show optical-module-info
> C6XX show port optical-module information 显示端口光模块信息
### show optical-module-light-status
> C6XX show optical-module-light-status 显示光模块-光状态
### show optical-module-plug-record
> C6XX show port optical-module plug and unplug records 显示端口光模块插拔记录
### show optical-module-reserved-class
> C3XX & C6XX show optical-module-reserved-class 显示光模块预留等级
### show p2p
> C3XX show P2P information 显示P2P信息
### show para-group
> C6XX show para-group configuration 显示辅助组配置
### show para-group-bound
> C6XX show the rules using the para-group 使用对位组显示规则
### show password-dictionary
> C6XX show password dictionary information 显示密码字典信息
### show patch
> C6XX show patch information 显示补丁信息
### show patch-running
> C3XX show patch information running on the card! 显示卡上运行的补丁信息
### show patch-saved
> C3XX show the patch information stored in mp 显示存储在mp中的补丁信息
### show pbit-flowstat
> C3XX show pbit-flowstat info 显示 pbit-flowstat 信息
### show perf-brg-if
> C3XX show brg-if performance alarm profile 显示brg-if性能告警配置文件
### show perf-brg-if-profile
> C6XX show brg-if performance alarm profile 显示brg-if性能告警配置文件
### show perf-eth-if
> C3XX show EthPort performance alarm profile 显示EthPort性能告警配置文件
### show perf-eth-if-profile
> C6XX show EthPort performance alarm profile 显示EthPort性能告警配置文件
### show perf-eth-olt
> C3XX & C6XX show OLT ethernet performance alarm profile 显示OLT以太网性能告警配置文件
### show perf-eth-onu
> C3XX & C6XX show ONU ethernet performance alarm profile 显示ONU以太网性能告警配置文件
### show perf-mac-olt
> C3XX & C6XX show OLT MAC performance alarm profile 显示OLT MAC性能告警配置文件
### show perf-mac-onu
> C3XX & C6XX show ONU MAC performance alarm profile 显示ONU MAC性能告警配置文件
### show performance
> C3XX show performance statistics data 显示性能统计数据
> C6XX show performance config 显示性能配置
### show perf-pw
> C3XX show pseudowire performance alarm profile 显示伪线性能告警曲线
### show pid
> C6XX Fan strategy of pid 扇形策略的pid
### show ping
> C6XX show ping information 显示ping信息
### show pmap
> C6XX show pmap relation 显示pmap关系
### show pnp
> C3XX & C6XX show pnp config 显示pnp配置
### show pon
> C3XX & C6XX show PON information 显示PON信息
### show port
> C3XX
### show port-identification
> C3XX & C6XX show port-identification information 显示端口标识信息
### show port-license
> C3XX show port capability 显示端口功能
### show power
> C6XX show the power information 显示功率信息
### show power-alarm-threshold
> C6XX Power-alarm-threshold 电源告警阈值
### show power-data-collection-period
> C6XX show power data collection period 显示功率数据采集周期
### show power-sampling-period
> C6XX show power sampling period 显示功率采样周期
### show pppoa-pppoe
> C3XX show pppoa-pppoe information 显示ppoa-pppoe信息
### show pppoe-filter
> C3XX show pppoe-filter information 显示pppo-过滤器信息
> C6XX show pppoe-filter status 显示pppo-过滤器状态
### show pppoe-intermediate-agent
> C3XX & C6XX show pppoe-intermediate-agent information 显示pppo-中间代理信息
### show pppoe-reverse-packet-filter
> C6XX show pppoe-reverse-packet-filter configuration 显示pppoe-反向包过滤配置。
### show pppoe-snooping
> C6XX show pppoe-snooping information 显示pppoe-snooping信息
### show pppoe-test
> C3XX show pppoe-test status and result 显示pppo-测试状态和结果
> C6XX show pppoe-test all status and result 显示pppo-test所有状态和结果。
### show priority-mark
> C6XX ACL priority-mark configuration ACL优先标记配置
### show privilege
> C3XX & C6XX show current privilege level 显示当前权限等级
### show processor
> C3XX show system processor information 显示系统处理器信息
> C6XX show processor information 显示处理器信息
### show propagate
> C6XX show propagate information 显示传播信息
### show protection
> C3XX & C6XX show PON protection information 显示PON保护信息
### show protocol-source-ip
> C3XX show protocol source IP address 显示协议源IP地址
### show prwgsflag
> C3XX show prwgs trap flag 显示prwgs陷阱标志
### show pseudo-wire
> C6XX show the qos profile applied to the pseudo-wire 显示应用于伪网线的qos配置文件。
### show pw
> C3XX show PW details 显示PW详情
> C6XX show PW configuration 显示PW配置
### show pwe3
> C6XX show PWE3 information 显示PWE3信息
### show pw-list
> C6XX show pw-list information 显示pw-list信息
### show qos
> C3XX & C6XX show QoS information 显示QoS信息
### show quick-ping
> C6XX
### show rack
> C3XX show Rack 展示架
### show radius
> C3XX show radius config 显示半径配置
> C6XX show RADIUS information 显示RADIUS信息
### show radius-attribute
> C6XX show RADIUS attributes supported 显示支持的RADIUS属性
### show radius-resource
> C6XX show RADIUS resource information 显示RADIUS资源信息
### show radius-server
> C3XX show radius-server information 显示半径服务器信息
> C6XX show RADIUS server information 显示RADIUS服务器信息
### show read-config
> C6XX show read-config information 显示读取配置信息
### show redirect
> C6XX show redirect interface 显示重定向接口
### show remote
> C3XX show EPON remote ONU information 显示EPON远程ONU信息
### show remote-unit
> C3XX & C6XX show RU 展示RU
### show resource
> C6XX show resource 显示资源
### show resource-profile
> C6XX show resource-profile 显示资源配置文件
### show rootuser
> C6XX show configuration of rootuser 显示root用户的配置
### show route-map
> C6XX show route-map information 显示线路图信息
### show rsvp
> C6XX show RSVP 显示RSVP
### show running-config
> C3XX Current operating configuration 目前的工作配置
> C6XX show current operating configuration 显示当前操作配置
### show running-config-interface
> C6XX show running information of interface<interface-name> 显示接口<接口名>的运行信息
### show safety-speed
> C6XX Safety-speed 安全速度
### show sai-configure
> C6XX show sai interface status 显示sai接口状态
### show sdisk-status
> C3XX show the sdisk's status 显示硬盘的状态
### show security
> C3XX show security information 显示安全信息
> C6XX Security information 安全信息
### show security-service-profile
> C3XX & C6XX show security profile cfg 显示安全配置文件cfg
### show selt
> C3XX show selt information 显示熔体信息
### show serdes-for-power
> C6XX Serdes-for-power Serdes换电
### show serdes-for-temp
> C6XX Serdes-for-temp Serdes-for-temp
### show serdes-state
> C6XX show serdes-state 显示serdes状态
### show service-port
> C3XX & C6XX show service port configuration 显示服务端口配置
### show service-unit-select
> C6XX show service unit selection information 显示服务单元选择信息
### show sftp-server
> C6XX show SFTP server running state 显示SFTP服务器运行状态
### show shdsl
> C3XX show shdsl information 显示shdsl信息
### show shelf
> C3XX show Shelf 展示架
### show snetconf
> C6XX show SNETCONF server parameters 显示SNETCONF服务器参数
### show snmp
> C3XX & C6XX show SNMP information 显示SNMP信息
### show sockets
> C6XX show all socket connections information 显示所有插座连接信息
### show software
> C6XX show software information of system 显示系统的软件信息
### show spanning-tree
> C3XX show spanning-tree information 显示生成树信息
### show spantree
> C6XX show STP information 显示STP信息
### show ssh
> C3XX & C6XX show SSH information 显示SSH信息
### show start
> C3XX show start run configure information 显示启动运行配置信息
### show startrun-backup
> C6XX show startrun-backup information 显示startrun-backup信息
### show startup-config
> C6XX show startup configuration 显示启动配置
### show statistics
> C3XX & C6XX Statistics 统计数据
### show status
> C3XX show IMA status information 显示IMA状态信息
### show storage-threshold
> C6XX show threshold of storage 显示存储的阈值
### show strong-password-info
> C6XX show strong password configuration parameters 显示强密码配置参数
### show subcard
> C3XX show sub card information 显示副卡信息
### show sub-version-running
> C3XX show sub version running on the subboard 显示子板上运行的子版本
### show summer-time
> C3XX
### show supervlan
> C3XX show supervlan information 显示上位机信息
> C6XX show SuperVLAN parameter 显示超级VLAN参数
### show supervlan-pool
### show supervlan-v6
> C6XX show SuperVLAN parameter for IPv6 显示IPv6的SuperVLAN参数
### show supervlan-v6pool
> C6XX show SuperVLAN IPv6-POOL 显示SuperVLAN IPv6-POOL
### show switch-board
> C3XX show switch board configure parameter 显示交换板配置参数
### show synchronization
> C6XX show master-slave synchronization state 显示主从同步状态
### show sync-status
> C3XX show mainbackup sync status 显示主备份同步状态
### show syslog
> C3XX show syslog configuration. 显示syslog配置。
### show system-energy-saving-detail
> C6XX show system energy-saving detail 显示系统节能细节
### show system-energy-saving-mode
> C6XX show system-energy-saving-mode 显示系统节能模式
### show system-forwarding-mode
> C3XX
### show system-group
> C3XX System information 系统信息
### show system-monitor
> C3XX show system-monitor Configure 显示系统监控配置
### show tacacs
> C6XX show TACACS+ global configuration 显示TACACS+全局配置
### show tacacs+
> C3XX show tacacs+ config 显示tacacs+配置
### show tacacs-server
> C6XX show TACACS+ server configuration 显示TACACS+服务器配置
### show tacacs-server6
> C6XX show TACACS+ IPv6 server configuration 显示TACACS+ IPv6服务器配置
### show tacplus
> C6XX show TACPLUS group server configuration 显示TACPLUS组服务器配置
### show task
> C3XX show task information 显示任务信息
### show tcp
> C3XX TCP information TCP信息
> C6XX show TCP information 显示TCP信息
### show tcp6
> C6XX show IPv6 TCP information 显示IPv6 TCP信息
### show te-class-mapping
> C6XX show TE-CLASS map 显示TE-CLASS地图
### show te-ecmp-group
> C6XX show TE-ECMP group information 显示TE-ECMP组信息
### show telemetry
> C6XX show telemetry information 显示遥测信息
### show temperature
> C6XX show temperature detail information 显示温度详情信息
### show template
> C3XX show template status information 显示模板状态信息
### show terminal
> C3XX & C6XX show terminal configuration parameters 显示终端配置参数
### ☑ show this
> C3XX Current port configuration 当前端口配置
> C6XX show current mode configuration 显示当前模式配置
### show time
> C3XX & C6XX show time 显示时间
### show time-range
> C3XX show time-range 显示时间范围
> C6XX show time range information 显示时间范围信息
### show time-range-acl
> C6XX show time-range-acl 显示时间范围-acl
### show tmpls
> C3XX TMPLS information TMPLS信息
### show traffic-cir
> C3XX show traffic-cir information of pon 显示pon的交通圈信息
### show traffic-limit
> C6XX ACL traffic-limit configuration ACL流量限制配置
### show traffic-mirror
> C3XX & C6XX show traffic-mirror info 显示流量镜像信息
### show traffic-profile
> C3XX show traffic profile information 显示交通概况信息
### show traffic-reflect
> C3XX show traffic-reflect information 显示交通反射信息
### show traffic-stat-enable
> C6XX show traffic statistics enable information 显示流量统计启用信息
### show traffic-statistics
> C3XX show traffic statistics information 显示流量统计信息
### show traffic-stat-value
> C6XX show traffic-stat-value information 显示流量统计值信息
### show tunnel-policy
> C6XX show tunnel policy information 显示隧道策略信息
### show twamp
> C6XX show TWAMP information 显示TWAMP信息
### show uaps
> C3XX show UAPS configure and status 显示UAPS配置和状态
> C6XX show UAPS configuration 显示UAPS配置
### show udp-helper
> C6XX show udp-helper information 显示 udp-helper信息
### show unicast-service-profile
> C3XX & C6XX show unicast service profile 显示单播服务简介
### show updatecpld & updateepld
> C3XX show cpld update status 显示cpld更新状态
> C6XX show cpld update status 显示cpld更新状态
### show upgrade-stat
> C6XX show upgrade-stat 显示升级状态
### show user-authen-type
> C3XX show user authentication and authorization configure 显示用户认证和授权配置
### show user-defined-access-groups
> C6XX show user defined access groups 显示用户定义的访问组
### show user-defined-access-lists
> C6XX show user defined access lists 显示用户定义的访问列表
### show user-group
> C6XX show user group information 显示用户组信息
### show username
> C3XX show cli user config 显示Cli用户配置
> C6XX show information about registered users 显示注册用户的信息
### show user-protocol-access-lists
> C6XX show user protocol access list 显示用户协议访问列表
### show users
> C3XX & C6XX show information about terminal lines 显示有关终端线的信息
### show vct
> C3XX show VCT interface 显示VCT接口
### show vdsl2
> C3XX show vdsl2 information 显示vdsl2信息
### show version-running
> C3XX show version information running on the card! 显示卡上运行的版本信息!
### show version-saved
> C3XX show the version information stored in mp file system 显示存储在mp文件系统中的版本信息。
### show veth-connet
> C6XX veth-connet 铆钉
### show vgw
> C6XX show vgw 显示vgw
### show vgw-bypass
> C6XX show vgw-bypass 显示vgw-旁路
### show virtual-mac
> C3XX show virtual mac information 显示虚拟mac信息
> C6XX Vmac information Vmac信息
### show virtual-network-device
> C6XX show the virtual network device information 显示虚拟网络设备信息
### show vlan
> C3XX & C6XX VLAN status VLAN状态
### show vlan-connect
> C3XX show vlan-connect rules 显示vlan-连接规则
> C6XX vlan-connect rules vlan-connect规则
### show vlan-mark
> C6XX ACL vlan-mark configuration ACL vlan-mark配置
### show vlan-reserve
> C3XX show reserve VLAN status 显示储备VLAN状态
### show vlan-scb-action
> C3XX show VLAN scb action information 显示VLAN scb操作信息
### show vlan-smart-qinq
> C3XX show VLAN smart qinq information 显示VLAN smart qinq信息
### show vlan-translate
> C3XX show VLAN translate information 显示VLAN转换信息
### show vlan-transparent
> C3XX show VLAN transparent information 显示VLAN透明信息
### show vlan-validity
> C6XX Vlan-validity status Vlan-validity状态
### show vnd
> C6XX show VND information 显示越南盾信息
### show vnd-resource
> C6XX show vnd-resource 显示vnd-资源
### show voip-media
> C3XX show the priority of voip media 显示voip媒体的优先级
### show vpls
> C3XX show vpls 显示vpls
### show vport-create-error
> C3XX show vport-create-error 显示vport-创建错误
### show vrg
> C3XX show VRG information 显示VRG信息
### show vrrp
> C6XX show VRRP information 显示VRRP信息
### show vxlan
> C6XX show VXLAN information 显示VXLAN信息
### show xdsl
> C3XX show vdsl2 information 显示vdsl2信息
预占一楼 施工使用,版主见谅~{:1_893:} 有没有关于交换机日志分析的