Heads up! The APK loaded in JEB is marked non-debuggable. What about the one running on your device?
If that same APK is installed and running on your device, you may encounter difficulties debugging it, unless you
are working with an emulator or rooted device - even then, several caveats apply.
Guidelines on debugging an APK marked non-debuggable:
- Since your app is not debuggable, you will need an emulator or a rooted device to debug it (necessary but not sufficient,
there are more caveats to consider when debugging a non-debuggable app, such as the API level - refer to the user manual)
- An alternative is to let JEB regenarate and sign a debuggable version of the APK.
Refer to the --makeapkdebug start-up script option to generate a debuggable version of an APK. 直接hook更方便 看英文意思是有反调试 千百度° 发表于 2021-8-29 01:11
大佬,下载练练手{:1_893:} 已经自己解决了 不一般 发表于 2021-8-29 15:27