de4dot 修改版-应对错误: Error calculating max stack value
如果在用de4dot 的时候, 出现下面错误的时候,WARNING: Could not deobfuscate method 0600020F. Hello, E.T.: System.ApplicationException
ERROR: Error calculating max stack value. If the method's obfuscated, set CilBody.KeepOldMaxStack or MetadataOptions.Flags (KeepOldMaxStack, global option) to ignore this error. Otherwise fix your generated CIL code so it conforms to the ECMA standard.
可以试试用本修改版本。 de4dot v3.1.41592.3405
Detected Unknown Obfuscator (C:\Users\benefo\Downloads\小班微信20220605(绿色版)\小班微信20220605(绿色版)\BanWX.exe)
Cleaning C:\Users\benefo\Downloads\小班微信20220605(绿色版)\小班微信20220605(绿色版)\BanWX.exe
WARNING: Could not deobfuscate method 06000076. Hello, E.T.: System.ApplicationException
Renaming all obfuscated symbols
Saving C:\Users\benefo\Downloads\小班微信20220605(绿色版)\小班微信20220605(绿色版)\BanWX-cleaned.exe
ERROR: Instruction operand is null
ERROR: Instruction is null
ERROR: Operand is not a local/arg
ERROR: Target instruction is too far away for a short branch. Use the long branch or call CilBody.SimplifyBranches() and CilBody.OptimizeBranches()
Ignored 965 warnings/errors
Use -v/-vv option or set environment variable SHOWALLMESSAGES=1 to see all messages
Press any key to exit...
仍然有错误 感谢分享。 谢谢楼主分享的精品软件。 估计超出de4dot的能力范围了。如dng就无能为力。 感谢分享,好东西 感谢楼主分享。 感谢分享谢谢分享这么好的软件 现在很多混淆都搞不定了。 收藏了,感谢分享 收藏,谢谢