本帖最后由 mrliu133 于 2021-11-25 19:34 编辑#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
@file : RWM.py
@Time : 2021/11/25 19:25:55
@AuThor: Ljujl
@version : 1.0
@Contact : mr_liu133299@foxmail.com
# here put the import lib
from os import path
from tkinter import (BOTH, BROWSE, EXTENDED, INSERT, Button, Frame, Label,
Text, Tk, filedialog, mainloop, messagebox)
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
class Remove_watermark():
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.root = Tk()
x = (self.root.winfo_screenwidth() - self.root.winfo_reqwidth()) // 4
y = (self.root.winfo_screenheight() - self.root.winfo_reqheight()) // 4
self.frame = Frame(self.root).grid(row=0, column=0)
self.old_pic_frame = Frame(self.root).grid(row=1, column=0)
self.new_pic_frame = Frame(self.root).grid(row=1, column=1)
self.width = 10
btn_open = Button(self.frame, text="打开图片", width=self.width, height=1, command=self.open_pic,).grid(
row=0, column=0)#
label_white = Label(self.frame, text="", height=1, width=self.width).grid(
row=0, column=1)
btn_process = Button(self.frame, text="角落水印", width=self.width, height=1, command=self.process,).grid(
row=0, column=2)#
label_white = Label(self.frame, text="", height=1, width=self.width).grid(
row=0, column=3)
btn_process = Button(self.frame, text="文档水印", width=self.width,
height=1, command=self.process_all,).grid(row=0, column=4)
def open_pic(self):
global img
self.screenwidth = self.root.winfo_screenwidth()
self.screenheight = self.root.winfo_screenheight()
self.filepath = filedialog.askopenfilename(title='选择图片', filetypes=[
('图片', ['*.jpg', '*.png', '*.gif'])])
img_open = Image.open(fp=self.filepath).convert("RGB")
self.img_width, self.img_height = img_open.size
print(self.img_width, self.img_height)
self.rate = self.img_width / self.img_height
# 如果图片高度过高则进行缩小
if self.img_height > self.screenheight * 0.5:
width = int(0.5 * self.screenwidth)
height = int(width / self.rate)
img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(
image=img_open.resize(size=(width, height)))
img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img_open)
label_img = Label(self.old_pic_frame, image=img).grid(row=1, column=1)
def process(self):
global new_img
im = Image.open(self.filepath).convert("RGB")
right_bottom = 4# 右下角水印位置
for w in range(self.img_width//4, self.img_width):
for h in range(self.img_height//4, self.img_height):
pos = (w, h)
if sum(im.getpixel(pos)[:3]) > 600:
im.putpixel(pos, (255, 255, 255))
new_pic_path = path.dirname(
self.filepath) + "/去水印_" + path.basename(self.filepath)
img_open = Image.open(fp=new_pic_path)
# 如果图片高度过高则进行缩小
if self.img_height > self.screenheight * 0.5:
width = int(0.5 * self.screenwidth)
height = int(width / self.rate)
new_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(
image=img_open.resize(size=(width, height)))
new_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img_open)
label_img_new = Label(self.new_pic_frame, image=new_img).grid(
row=1, column=2)
messagebox.showinfo('温馨提示', "完成去除水印啦(:")
def process_all(self):
global new_img
im = Image.open(self.filepath).convert("RGB")
width, height = im.size
for w in range(width):
for h in range(height):
pos = (w, h)
r, g, b = im.getpixel(pos)[:3]
avg = (r + g + b) / 3
limit = 0.10
if avg > 100 and abs((r-avg)/avg) < limit and abs((g-avg)/avg) < limit and abs((b-avg)/avg) < limit:
im.putpixel(pos, (255, 255, 255))
new_pic_path = path.dirname(
self.filepath) + "/去水印_" + path.basename(self.filepath)
img_open = Image.open(fp=new_pic_path).convert("RGB")
# 如果图片高度过高则进行缩小
if self.img_height > self.screenheight * 0.5:
width = int(0.5 * self.screenwidth)
height = int(width / self.rate)
new_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(
image=img_open.resize(size=(width, height)))
new_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img_open)
label_img_new = Label(
self.new_pic_frame, image=new_img).grid(row=1, column=2)# , columnspan=3,sticky="EW",
messagebox.showinfo('温馨提示', "完成去除水印啦(:")
if __name__ == "__main__":
main = Remove_watermark()
img = None
new_img = None
本帖最后由 涛之雨 于 2021-11-25 23:12 编辑
(出处: 吾爱破解论坛)
我原图丢了,现在需要用到的时候我面对满屏的水印我不知所措。。。 知心 发表于 2021-11-26 09:19
已经搞定,打包成功了,感谢你的建议 学习学习,谢谢分享 学习学习,谢谢分享 没看到在哪里下载啊? 执行文件哪里哈 Sugar01 发表于 2021-11-25 19:40
打包文件体积太大,还没降下来。你可以自己copy去打包。 buy360 发表于 2021-11-25 19:41
执行文件体积我还没搞定怎么让他变小些,希望有其他大佬优化一下吧。 大佬欸!!! 本帖最后由 小帥 于 2021-11-25 20:34 编辑
没成品吗? 谢谢分享