ODBGScript v1.66.3, Release1.66 (21 Dec 2008)
+ GOPI (Get Operand Information) to get asm operand informations (TYPE, SIZE, ADDR, DATA, GOOD)
* Fixed OPCODE, GCI, GAPI, REF commands, ReadMemory replaced by ReadCommand (bug on Vista ?)
1.65 (SVN)
+ BPHWC without parameter clears all hardware breakpoints (same as BPHWCALL, which could be removed/renamed)
+ BC without parameter clears all loaded breakpoints (Breakpoints Window)
+ BD without parameter disables all loaded breakpoints
* Breakpoints saving enhanced, and saving/restore on restart. 插件又有更新啦。谢谢小生啦~~
坐个沙发~~:lol 多谢了 下载收藏 :lol 有1.66了?下下来试试看~ 这个是英文的吧 天啊。好东西害死我了 为什么编译不过 支持一下、。。 是最新版吗? 63Q 3Q呵呵