Imm_PhantOm Plugin 1.54
Plug-in for concealment OllyDbg (plugin with the driver). Helps from following methods of detection:// driver - extremehide.sys
[+] NtQueryInformationProcess.
[+] SetUnhandledExceptionFilter.
[+] OpenProcess.
[+] Invalid Handle.
[+] NtSetInformationThread.
[+] RDTSC.
[+] NtYieldExecution.
[+] NtQueryObject.
[+] NtQuerySystemInformation.
[+] Windows hide.
[+] GetProcessTimes.
[+] NtSetContextThread.
// plugin - PhantOm.dll
[+] PEB BeingDebugged.
[+] PEB NtGlobalFlag.
[+] GetStartupInfo.
[+] Process Heaps.
[+] GetTickCount.
[!] Protect DRx.
[!] Hide DRx.
[!] Fake Windows version.
[!] Custom Handler.
[+] BlockInput 支持 Immunity Debugger 的 下载收藏
感谢分享 正在找这个:)eee 有C币怎么下不了啊 我也在找,希望还没新的出现 这个插件可以和sod一起用吗? 是啊,和别的带驱动的插件可以公用吗? 两个版本!哪个好用撒! 拿走了。谢谢 拿走了。谢谢