import re
def convert_timecode(line):
if "-->" in line:
# Split the line into two parts using the arrow
parts = line.strip().split(" --> ")
# Process each part separately
new_parts = []
for i, part in enumerate(parts):
if i == 0:
# For the first timecode, insert a comma between the first two characters
part = part + "," + part
# For the second timecode, remove the first character
part = part
# Remove the last digit from the milliseconds part
hours, minutes, seconds_milliseconds = part.split(":")
seconds, milliseconds = seconds_milliseconds.split(",")
milliseconds = milliseconds[:-1]# Remove the last digit
# Replace the last colon before the milliseconds part with a dot
new_part = f"{hours}:{minutes}:{seconds}.{milliseconds}"
# Join the parts back together using a comma
new_line = ",".join(new_parts)
return new_line + "\n"
# If the line doesn't contain an arrow, return it unchanged
return line
# Replace 'input.txt' with the name of your input file, and 'output.txt' with the name of your output file.
with open('input.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as infile, open('output.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outfile:
for line in infile:
不过还是需要手动对照翻译复制粘贴进行调轴,就是比以前手动改时间轴格式方便了些。不知道有没有一键将srt直接按照格式转为ass的软件,甚至实现普通字幕改特效字幕。 时间线制作,大事记制作,有啥软件可以 研究研究 捣鼓这些东西 估计很好玩
学习学习 有没有进度条格式化那种自定义的东东 感谢分享,学习学习 试试能不能可视化