EnigmaHardwareID By CodeExplorer
EnigmaHardwareID:The Olly script "Enigma Save RC4Key.txt" should be executed for getting RC4 key;
new file RC4Key.txt will be created; you should enter the key in RC4 Encryption key.
For demo version of Enigma you could just press "Demo Rsa key" and
"Extract RC4 key from RSA" buttons.
The tool buttons:
The "Get HWID info" - the only one which doesn't need RC4 key, it will get information
and CRC32 on selected checkboxes.
The "Gen HWID" - generate HWID based on RC4 Key and on selected checkboxes it get
CRC32 value but only last 4 hexadecimal values are used - 2 bytes (16 bits)
For "Gen HWID" new hardware identifier will be placed in "HWID" textbox.
The "Decode HWID" - decode CRC16 values from "HWID" textbox; RC4 key needed;
it will also check/uncheck used information in entered HWID if "Check used (decode)"
checkbox is checked.
After decoding the hardware you should fill information in an Olly script file like
in LastChanger.txt; old CRC16 values and new CRC16 values should be entered.
Demo Enigma:
好工具 学习一下 感谢楼主分享 有没有例子啊 没有使用过这个工具 这个怎么使用,效果怎么样! .....一脸蒙蔽的下载了... 下载了,试一下功能。 要是有个教程就好了,不知道对enigms5有用否? 好工具,学习下!