Enigma Virtual Box Extractor
OverviewIt is a tool to extract the files from the file container made using the program Enigma Virtual BoxFeatures
[*]displays information about the options with which the file was created
[*]extract files
[*]extracting registry
[*]extracting data from external packages
Requirespefile is a Python module to read and work with PE (Portable Executable) files
Tested only on Python 2.7.3 and on last version of EVB (6.70 build 20130604)
python evbe.py [-h] [-e] [-o output_directory] fileShows the information of options with which to make the file:python evbe.py fileExtract data:python evbe.py -e fileExtract data to custom directory:python evbe.py -e file -o directory
Licenseevb-extractor's code uses the MIT license, see LICENSE file.
Homepage: http://reu.org.ua/ru/tools/my-tools/enigma-virtual-box-extractor.html
Download: https://github.com/EVBExtractor/evb-extractor/archive/master.zip 不错。。刚刚需要看看。。。 看看是否需要 谢谢分享