DotNet Patcher v2.9.7
This utility allows you to patch a program that was coded in dotnet programming language (C#, VbNet, ...)
--> Showing selected file informations (Assembly name, target CPU, Version)
--> Detect and showing the result if the binary file was obfuscated or packed. Supported list :
- Rpx (Packer)
- ILProtector (Packer)
- NetZ .NET (Packer)
- Mpress .NET (Packer)
- DotBundle (Packer)
- .Netshrink (Packer)
- CodeFort Obfuscator (Obfuscator)
- Manco.NET Obfuscator (Obfuscator)
- Skater .NET Obfuscator (Obfuscator)
- Xenocode (Obfuscator)
- Spices.Net (Obfuscator)
- Goliath.NET (Obfuscator)
- Dotfuscator (Obfuscator)
- DotWall obfuscator (Obfuscator)
- Crypto Obfuscator (Obfuscator)
- MacrobjectObfuscator (Obfuscator)
- Code Veil (Obfuscator)
- Agile.NET (Obfuscator)
- Babel Obfuscator (Obfuscator)
- SmartAssembly (Obfuscator)
- DotNetPatcher (Obfuscator)
--> Displaying/Modifying the requested level execution (asInvoker, requireAdministrator, highestAvailable)
--> Dependencies Merging
--> Dependencies detection
--> Compressing with Rpx (Framework output : 3.5 or 4)
--> MainAssembly Obfuscator (Types, Methods, Properties, Fields, Events, Strings, Anti-Tamper, Anti IlDasm)
--> Selecting Random Chars : "Chinese" or "Latin" or "Dots" or "Invisible"
--> Resources compression
--> Icon changer
- All Windows OS
- DotNet Framework 4.0
- Doesn't require installation Dotnet Patcher v.4.4
-BugFix: Inconsistency in the application of the parameters (string encrypt, antidebug,... etc...): set!
-Added: Addition of a renaming scheme: Flowing
-Added: Invalid metadata
-Added: Detection of calls to methods of the "System.Reflection" namespace
-Changed: If you add dependencies so DNP takes care to add them in exclusionary rules Manager
-Changed: Improvement of the Anti-Tamper
Download: 很叼的样子不知道是什么东西 原帖的地址能贴上吗? 看看怎么使用。 收藏一个看看好用不好用。 {:1_915:}看起来好强大啊,试用一下。 {:1_908:}对混淆之后的代码无效!检测不出来 侦壳工具 不知道和dnid比 哪个更厉害些 范混淆.net程序的吗? 看起来很屌的样子,就是不知道干嘛用的……