SmartDec decompiler
SmartDec decompilerThe main goal of the project is to implement a retargetable and highly modular native code to C/C++ decompiler using the latest research results in the field of decompilation.
On this website you can download a beta version of the decompiler or just check out some examples of its application. If you are interested in using SmartDec, please contact us.
看着挺漂亮的 没抢到沙发。。 楼上的牛B , 加壳的能搞得定吗? 拒绝伸手党,回复个~ 牛人啊,向您学习 楼主能说一下咋么用吗?
大大!不错! 感谢大大,收下了,继续努力学习 这是什么神器,直接转换源代码吗?通杀?