x64_dbg v21
本帖最后由 cmc5410 于 2014-9-2 09:32 编辑You need the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Packages (x86 and x64) to run this.
http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=5555x64_dbg Web Site
Intuitive and familiar, yet new user interface
C-like expression parser
Full-featured debugging of DLL and EXE files (TitanEngine)
IDA-like sidebar with jump arrows
IDA-like instruction token highlighter (highlight registers etc.)
Memory map
Symbol view
Thread view
Content-sensitive register view
Fully customizable color scheme
Dynamically recognize modules and strings
Import reconstructor integrated (Scylla)
Fast disassembler (BeaEngine)
User database (JSON) for comments, labels, bookmarks etc.
Plugin support with growing API
Extendable, debuggable scripting language for automation
Multi-datatype memory dump
Basic debug symbol (PDB) support
Dynamic stack view
Built-in assembler (XEDParse)
http://sourceforge.net/projects/x64dbg/files/latest/downloadhttp://pan.baidu.com/s/1dDeTMkp 这个东西有望接od的半吗? 这个好{:1_927:},一定要支持啊。自从用了64位系统,再也没打开OD了。 支持64位win7系统的OD? 东西好呢 赞一个 下一个来瞧瞧。 不错,风格跟OD很像。。。。 2.3 鸟 ,可惜 OD 不能新 x64 插件里面有什么