RDG Packer Detector (查壳工具)
本帖最后由 A-new 于 2014-9-30 11:44 编辑RDG Packer Detector is a detector packers, cryptors, Compilers, Packers Scrambler, Joiners, Installers.
+ New Symbols
+ Windows 7 Compatible
+ Windows 8 Compatible
+ Fewer False Positives
+ Increased Stability
+ 32/64 bit PE Detection
- Has Fast detection system.
- Powerful -has detection system analyzing the entire file, enabling detection muli-packers in several cases.
- Allows create your own signature detection signatures.
- Has Crypto-Graphic Analyzer.
- Allows calculate the checksum of a file.
- Allows calculate Entropy, informing if the analyzed program is compressed, encrypted or not.
- Detector OEP (Original Entry Point) of a program.
- Check and download signatures.
- Loader Plug-ins ..
- Converter Of Signatures.
- Detector Of distorters Entry Point.
- Binder-of-puller attachments.
- Enhanced Heuristic -System.
https://tuts4you.com/download.php?view.404 OR http://www.rdgsoft.net/downloads/RDG%20Packer%20Detector%20v0.7.3.2014.rar
成了自动关机工具啦! win 64bit ,这个软件不支持中文系统的原因是有那么几个西班牙字母不兼容系统字符集造成的.比如:ó,ú,ñ,等 dongjh8888 发表于 2014-9-29 12:41
修改的时候我电脑也关了一下,还以为是od哪个插件的问题,晚点再看看 不明觉厉 不支持中文系统, 为什么我的电脑一打开就自动关机了
等楼主把关机问题解决了我再来拿吧,先顶一下。 是好东西就要果断收藏备用....谢谢楼主..... 没用过,有什么优点 拿回去研究研究