Code Virtualizer v1.3.8.0
Code Virtualizer is a powerful code obfuscation system that helps developers protect their sensitive code areas against Reverse Engineering. Code Virtualizer has been designed to enact high security for your sensitive code while requiring minimal system resources.Code Virtualizer will convert your original code into Virtual Opcodes that will be only understood by an internal Virtual Machine. Those Virtual Opcodes and the Virtual Machine itself are different for every protected application, avoiding a general attack over Code Virtualizer.
Code Virtualizer can protect your code in any x32 and x64 native PE files, like executable files (EXEs), system services, DLLs, OCXs, ActiveX controls, screen savers and device drivers.
Changelog :
[+] Improved protection of 64-bit DLLs
[+] Improved analysis of x64 instructions
[+] Improved compatibility with Re-Virtualization in specific applications
[+] Improved handling of empty macros in 64-bit applications
[!] Fixed Flags correction in x64 ADC instruction
[!] Fixed compatibility issue stripping relocations on specific 64-bit applications
[!] Fixed virtualization of REP STOS in 64-bit applications
[!] Fixed exception on CheckVirtualizer.exe for specific applications
[!] Fixed exception in command line protection in applications with empty VIRTUALIZER macros
[!] Fixed exception when protecting more than 1000 macros via command line
[!] Minor bugs fixed
Size : 7.2 MB
Download: 大哥 要么不上 一上就发一堆··· :victory:
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