{:301_971:}易语言真是一个奇葩的存在,怎么用纯代码在易语言的输出窗口输出信息?纯代码的意思就是不使用调试输出/输出调试文本等内置函数……易语言的内置调试器就是配合输出调试信息使用的。。 貌似没办法。 卧槽,可能是涛哥跟你的想法不一样吧。
Say 发表于 2015-5-5 23:06
{:301_971:}涛哥和MSDN想法都不一样If the application has no debugger, the system debugger displays the string if the filter mask allows it. (Note that this function calls the DbgPrint function to display the string. For details on how the filter mask controls what the system debugger displays, see the DbgPrint function in the Windows Driver Kit (WDK) on MSDN.) If the application has no debugger and the system debugger is not active, OutputDebugString does nothing. 2344213131