NoFuserEx v1.0
~~~ ConfuserEx versions supported ~~~
- All versions
*** v1.0 support ***
- Packer
- Anti-Tamper
- Anti-Debugger
- Anti-Dumper
- Invalid MetaData
- Constants
- Control Flow
- Resources
- Proxy Calls (Remove junk methods)
- Name Confusion
--- Exceptions ---
- We will to recode Control Flow because it doesn't work 100%, we add it in the next version.
*** Some bug/error ? ***
Contact with me
Skype - davicore-_-modz (CodeShark)
Skype - UnknownSharp
感谢IKOU大牛分享的脱壳工具 在哪里下载呀? 完全没看明白这是什么,太高端了 net的脱壳工具,收藏。 感谢大神的工具,我要了 请问哪里有下载地址啊,这个链接打开是需要注册的 感谢分享,请问有谁下载下来了么?想要一个,谢谢!!! 支持一下