Hopper Disassembler 3.9.15 – for Mac
Hopper Disassembler 3.9.15 – for MacBinary disassembler, decompiler, and debugger.
Hopper Disassembler is a binary disassembler, decompiler, and debugger for 32-bit and 64-bit executables.
This tool will let you disassemble any binary you want, and provide you all the information about its content, like imported symbols, or the control flow graph! Hopper can retrieve procedural information about the disassembled code like the stack variables, and lets you name all the objects you want.
Hopper is able to transform the assembly language into a pseudo-code that is easier to understand! You can use its internal Python scripting engine to analyze binaries the way you want (this feature works only with Lion)!
Starting from version 2.0, Hopper can even use GDB to debug programs!
And, last but not least, unlike all other tools of its kind, Hopper is perfectly integrated into the OS X environment.
Hopper will surely become your favorite tool for all your binary analyses.
http://pan.baidu.com/s/1c0jnKEs 密码: gky9
leixin821792669 发表于 2015-9-2 13:16
安装完之后需要把cigoLivePatch.hopperTool文件复制到~/Library/Application Support/Hopper/PlugIns/Tools/ 目录才可以破解成功 楼上的安装方法不详尽,小弟补充两句:
1. 装载dmg,安装 Hopper Disassembler
2. 将dmg中的cigoLivePatch.hopperTool拖拽至桌面,再次双击。
3. 重启Hopper Disassembler 不错更新了,是破解版还是原版? Hmily 发表于 2015-8-28 17:17
我自己没有Mac系统,没测试过 本帖最后由 pwelyn 于 2015-9-2 13:48 编辑
安装完之后需要把cigoLivePatch.hopperTool文件复制到~/Library/Application Support/Hopper/PlugIns/Tools/ 目录才可以破解成功
一直在找。。。看楼上说不是破解版。。。失望了!!! 感谢分享!!!! 刚好是mac测试下,一会回来更新 特地注册帐号来感谢 试下,谢谢楼主。