转帖-Hopper Disassembler 3.11.5
Hopper is a binary disassembler, decompiler and debugger for 32bits and 64bits executables. Hopper can disassemble Mac (Intel 32/64), iOS (ARM/Intel), PE (PE32/32+/64) and ELF (Intel 32/64 and ARM).This tool will let you disassemble any binary you want, and provide you all the information about its content, like imported symbols, or the control flow graph! Hopper can retrieve procedural information about the disassembled code like the stack variables, and lets you name all the objects you want.
Hopper is able to transform the assembly language into a pseudo-code that is easier to understand! You can use its internal Python scripting engine to analyze binaries the way you want!
System requirements: OSX 10.7+
More info at developer's website:
Very important to avoid deactivation of the license:
- Do not use auto-update, do not check for auto-updates and turn off all update checking in the preferences.
- Block Hopper from calling out to flashcode.cryptic-apps.com with Little Snitch or other firewall alternatives to avoid license being revoked/banned.
And, thanks the team DVT!
记得改/etc/hosts flashcode.cryptic-apps.com
盈盈一水间cc 发表于 2016-1-2 23:10
是的,这个目前只有Mac OS X和Linux版
This tool will let you disassemble any binary you want, and provide you all the information about its content, like imported symbols, or the control flow graph! Hopper can retrieve procedural information about the disassembled code like the stack variables, and lets you name all the objects you want.
Hopper is able to transform the assembly language into a pseudo-code that is easier to understand! You can use its internal Python scripting engine to analyze binaries the way you want!
好叼的样了。。让我想起以前W32DASM的时光,现在个个都OD个个都IDA。。好想试试这个 Hopper。。可惜了 好久没见有新版了,新版带网络验证了?
Cryptic Apps Hopper Disassembler v3.11.5
Hopper is a reverse engineering tool for OS X and Linux, that lets you disassemble, decompile and debug your 32/64bits Intel Mac, Linux, Windows and iOS executables!
For Mac OS X:
Following Linux releases
For Linux X64:
For Fedora X64:
For Ubuntu X64:
http://www.multiupfile.com/f/95fa0b70 " System requirements: OSX 10.7+ "
看到这条。。。果断不下载了。。只限 MAC平台吗?? qaz003 发表于 2016-1-2 23:09
" System requirements: OSX 10.7+ "
看到这条。。。果断不下载了。。只限 MAC平台吗??
是的,这个目前只有Mac OS X和Linux版 Hmily 发表于 2016-1-2 22:41
是有网络验证的,不过可以改hosts防止联网 更新全套,都已经上传爱盘了http://down.52pojie.cn/Tools/Disassemblers/ H大,帅...
PS:HOST是导入KEY之前还是导入KEY之后改啊?? Hmily 发表于 2016-1-4 16:20
MacOSX版本无法注册成功!!! 无奈啊~~ korykim 发表于 2016-1-4 21:58
MacOSX版本无法注册成功!!! 无奈啊~~