quantum 发表于 2010-5-9 02:11

Rootkit Unhooker LE 3.8.388.590 SR2

Use random name for RKU installation directory for counteracting
sophisticated malware.

May cause incompatibility / false positives during antirootkit scan with other ARK's or antiviruses. You use this software on your own risk.
Application packed with public packer that maybe flagged as malicious or suspicious by some lame antiviruses.

To avoid possible problems do not start RKU together with other antirootkits.

There is only unofficial support of this tool available.
This means it may take a long time to me to response on your bugreport/question (if I even).

D/L (~720 Kb, size grows because of IS changes)

MD5: 9851e184d15b4326b8a78262d413ca0f
SHA1: 85f028da197f7669eb36ece54aa67764c2ac8809

Standalone exe

*MD5: 271ead1d88f23c65af7f0d3b0596d46f)
*SHA1: ca51f559177cd09967586de34c7b22ceb560f4f4

Russian Language Local Dll

*local.dll MD5: c8feb0e9bf0530354fbe88af5decf0da

Language Library Project for translation

*local_dll.dll MD5: 404ae36075e21d2320ff6b3a8603991a

haotao18 发表于 2010-5-9 09:42

这是什麽东西 建议楼主中文

lidayue 发表于 2010-5-11 03:00


530131420 发表于 2010-6-19 16:56


soswaidao 发表于 2010-8-18 20:49


心中的雪 发表于 2010-9-29 16:32

:rggrg汗难道各位没有去过 www.rootkit.com 吗 。
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查看完整版本: Rootkit Unhooker LE 3.8.388.590 SR2