OllyDbg Disasm DLL 1.04
This package includes source code of 32-bit Disassembler and 32-bit single line Assembler for 80x86-compatible processors. The source is a slightly stripped version of code used in OllyDbg v1.04 and is well proven by its numerous users. (If you haven't heard before, OllyDbg is a 32-bit Assembler level debugger with powerful analyzing capabilities that makes binary machine code understandable).Note: this is a fixed and improved version of disasm.dll by CondZero 好东西。。谢谢老大 支持一下 :lol支持下黑迷离 这个什么使用? 好东西,破解必备工具 老大又发好东西了。支持。 什么样的插件啊
谢谢 谢谢Hmily ,最近正好要用到这个工具呢,不知道要用哪个编译器编译的