冥界3大法王 发表于 2016-9-15 07:40

Hiew 8.51

Features of release VIII:

[*]view and edit files of any length in text, hex, and decode modes
[*]x86-64 disassembler & assembler (AVX instructions include)
[*]physical & logical drive view & edit
[*]support for NE, LE, LX, PE/PE32+, ELF/ELF64(little-endian), Mach-O(little-endian) executable formats
[*]support for Netware Loadable Modules like NLM, DSK, LAN,...
[*]following direct call/jmp instructions in any executable file with one touch
[*]pattern search in disassembler
[*]built-in simple 64bit decrypt/crypt system
[*]built-in powerful 64bit calculator
[*]block operations: read, write, fill, copy, move, insert, delete, crypt
[*]multifile search and replace
[*]keyboard macros
[*]unicode support
[*]Hiew Extrenal Module (HEM) support
[*]ArmV6 disassembler
Limitations of DEMO version:

[*]support PE 32bit files only
[*]no assembler
[*]no 64bit disassembler
[*]no ARM disassembler
[*]no logical & physical drive support
[*]no crypt
[*]no ini-file
[*]no sav-file
[*]no keyboard macros
[*]no store/load names
[*]no Hiew External Module (HEM) support

xi850202 发表于 2016-9-15 07:47


IT_K 发表于 2016-9-15 07:52


lan2602144404 发表于 2016-9-15 08:36


落魄狂人 发表于 2016-9-15 09:04

鸟语 看不懂

風走過的路 发表于 2016-9-15 12:58


czy 发表于 2016-9-15 14:58

lies2014 发表于 2016-9-16 18:00


shj2k 发表于 2016-9-17 09:01

Hiew是一个十六进制工具,它除了普通十六进制的功能外,它还有个特色,能反汇编文件,并可以用汇编指令修改程序, 用它修改程序,方便快捷!这也是cracker们常用的静态反汇编工具。
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