Reactor Decryptor 1.1 by CodeRipper
Reactor Decryptor 1.1 by CodeRipperReactor Decryptor
decrypt MSIL for Reactor protected file
This tools should be used over a .NET assembly.
Default options which are set when the program starts should create a working dump.
Version 1.1 is out:
* A lot of bugs fixed!
* Curently suport Reactor 4.0 - 4.2
* Reactor 3.x is not yet suported 借问楼主xenocode的反混淆工具有吗? 虽然我不太用得着,但还是说一声谢了 谢谢了
正需要 a version before the 1.7 version:
problem reported by Apocalypse fixed: now will fix tiny headers which have codesize>63
also I improved the search of decryption method! 非常好的东东 谢谢收藏了 更新到1.7了啊 .net加壳的东东确定有得研究 下载了。谢谢分享