[!] Fixed marked detection in MinGW files[!] Fixed import protection bug in 64-bit files
[!] Fixed virtualization of FILD WORD PTR instruction
[!] Fixed the incorrect disassembling of PSRLW instruction
[!] Fixed DLL Box errors with some antivirus applications VMP files are now in XML format Scripts are stored in VMP files as well, VMS are not used anymore Ultimate: License Manager is moved to VMProtect interface Ultimate: the speed of code locked to serial number is significantly improved
[+] Added support of MinGW map files
[+] Added support of JCLDEBUG library
[+] Scripts: new method Clear in TPEDirectory
[+] Scripts: new properties InputSize and OutputSize in TVMProcedure
[+] Ultimate: Two new API functions in SDK: VMProtectBeginVirtualizationLockByKey and VMProtectBeginUltraLockByKey
Download: http://www.sendspace.com/file/xoa34r
Mirror : http://www.multiupload.com/ZCBVRO5WIT
Regards, 1ST
本帖最后由 j4444 于 2010-9-27 19:59 编辑
经权威网上在线杀毒 http://www.virustotal.com 测试,报毒问题貌似由原来2.05版本的9个变成1个,应该无问题!!太赞啦!! 啥时候能虐upx了 啥时候再过来瞅瞅... 这玩意不错。。但是可以解决报毒问题吗 ?
好东西永远都不怕多 好东西!! 看了一下,任然不支持net程序 好东东收藏一个先 这样过不了多久这个也要报毒了,还是先收藏下 2.06有没有破解版本的啊