.NET Reference Explorer v1.4.2
.NET Reference ExplorerThis tool displays the dependencies between assemblies in a .NET software.
You can use it for verifying your software architecture or for finding bugs.
The result is a directed graph which shows the referenced assemblies and if
they could be successfully loaded. Dependencies to legacy DLLs (via P/Invoke)
are also displayed.
It is very easy to use: Just add the assembly you want to inspect as entry point.
You even can add a complete folder or assemblies from the global assembly cache (GAC).
If any references are corrupt, a detailed error message gets displayed and the
position is accordingly marked in the graph.
URL 这么晚还在发贴,支持管理员,辛苦了~~~~~ 干啥用的·· 杯具啊!~~~~LZ。我看不懂英文怎么办? 感谢楼主分享@!~偶down 好东西哦!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 可惜没有汉化呀!~ 有汉化就好了 正找这个东西呢,谢谢