OllyMigrate v1.04
Overview This plugin make it possible to pass debuggee to another debugger without restarting. (like VM live migration)Each debuggers have both strong and weak points compared with others.
We can get only strong point of each debuggers by debuggee migration, e.g. Using OllyDbg to bypass
antidebug and detect OEP, after that using Immunity Debugger to fix obfuscated import table.
Very simple overview:
OllyMigrate = Debuggee live migration plugin
[*]Various debuggers supported
[*]Migrate debuggee between each debuggers
[*]Multi thread and suspended thread aware (running state not required)
[*]Migrate software breakpoint settings (keep enabled/disabled status)
[*]Migrate selected address of disassemble, memory and stack window
Recent Changes & Archives - v1.04 / 2018-05-10
[*]Improve: Follow IDA 7.1 changes which break callui backward compatibility layer
[*]Add: Support IDA Freeware version 7.0 but not confirmed due to no debugger plugin (EXPERIMENTAL)
Download here: https://low-priority.appspot.com/ollymigrate/OllyMigrate.zip
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