ConfuserEx Proxy Fixer
This tool supports all reference proxy modes (mild, strong) with all expressions (normal, expression, x86).
Also it can work on files where control flow is applied (also normal, expression, x86).
Works on most of ConfuserEx mods.
Also it might catch some additional normal proxy calls but its detects if proxy method is allowed to be deleted but in case of any bug
you can apply -d or --dont-remove command to disable all method/type/field cleaning
Version 1.2
Removing still used native methods
Command name
看不懂,点个赞 这是去壳的工具吗?英语不懂 感谢发布,支持。
感谢发布,支持。 Thank you! 感谢发布,支持虽然不懂{:1_918:} 谢谢@Thanks! 脱壳修复工具吗? 感谢分享……