ConfuserEx Unpacker 2 (by cawk)
# ConfuserEx Unpacker 2# STILL UNDER BETA
A new and updated version of my last unpacker for confuserex which people actually seem to use so i thought i would update it and actually make it better as that version is very poor
this is currently in beta and in its first version will only support confuserex with no modifications or additional options from confuserex itself. this will change as i add more features
this will heavily be based off my instruction emulator which makes it much more reliable as long as theres no hidden surprises from modified confuserex
i have not used sub modules due to making changes within de4dot.blocks in Int32/64Value i have modified the Shr_Un methods and such to fix a bug (well not really a bug but it prevents some operations from giving correct result)
if you have an issue with this unpacker please make an issue report but if you simply go
'does not work on this file please fix' i simply will just close your issue
please make a detailed report and explain where it crashes
TheProxy for his Reference Proxy Remover
Shadow Anti Tamper remover
0xd4d dnlib/de4dot 本帖最后由 wgh1256 于 2019-1-17 22:52 编辑
tail88 发表于 2019-1-17 21:09
需要.NET 4.6.1运行库。
Great. Thanks for sharing. 这个还能用吗 发出来给大家分享
谢谢分享,辛苦 谢谢分享谢谢分享
这么好用的工具当然是顶顶顶 感谢分享 感谢分享,现在看看行不行 是不是要自己下载源码编译啊?进去没看到编译好的程序。如果是的话,哪位大神好心帮忙编译下。感谢!