汉化逆向分析工具 Relyze 2.17 X86 X64 两版本齐发
本帖最后由 朦胧的睡了 于 2019-3-18 17:43 编辑谁移的位置,我的是原创汉化,给我移动什么地方去了???????
Load PE and ELF binaries
Navigate a binaries structure and discover how it is composed. Visualise the data and enrich the analysis with symbols.
Analyze x86, x64 and ARM code
Let the analysis reconstruct control flow graphs, resolve indirect calls, generate references, discover stack variables and more.
Interactive Analysis
Modify and annotate the analysis as you work. Explore the relationships between code and data with interactive control flow, call and reference graphs.
Binary Diffing
Perform a differential analysis against two binaries and explore their similarities and differences.
Modern Interface
Relyze employs a sleek modern interface with a flat UI design ethos in order to bring the analysis to centre stage.
Plugin Framework
A rich Ruby plugin framework lets you expand the capabilities of Relyze with your own plugins.
朦胧的睡了 发表于 2019-8-5 20:18
回复那个冥界3大法王 -1 狗屎产品,一会就过期了。 你看清楚我这是汉化不是破解,自己吃白饭还喷饭不 ...
大佬,我也想学习软件汉化,请问问可不可以推荐几套汉化教程 回复那个冥界3大法王 -1 狗屎产品,一会就过期了。 你看清楚我这是汉化不是破解,自己吃白饭还喷饭不好吃,不可理喻 好软件啊,谢谢分享了 谢谢分享,下载试用 有点东西,支持一下楼主 感谢分享 感谢分享精品资源,辛苦了! 这个能反编译什么类型的 分享精品资源,辛苦了! 楼主是最新版吗?记得坛里有个人发过2.9的版本的https://www.52pojie.cn/thread-647859-1-1.html 分享快乐,谢谢