DeepSea Obfuscator makesobfuscationofyour.NETassembliesanintuitive and integrated part of your product development.
DeepSea Obfuscator will automaticallydetectcodethatcannotbe
obfuscated using its Smart Protection rules.
Here are some key features of "DeepSea Obfuscator":
Automatic Obfuscation:
- Obfuscation is critical for theprotectionofyourIntellectual
Property in .NET applications. Because ofthenatureofthe.NET
framework, your applications will show alotofyourIntellectual
Property. Obfuscation willchangethenameofyourclassesand
members to unreadable characters. This make understandingyourcode
much more complicated.
- DeepSea Obfuscator will automatically detect codethatcannotbe
obfuscated using its Smart Protection rules.Youcanalsoexclude
classes and/or members from obfuscationusingstandardObfuscation
attributes or an External Configuration file.
Control Flow Obfuscation:
- Control Flow Obfuscation is an advanced obfuscation technique which
will further protect your Intellectual Property. It willchangethe
code inside your methods into spaghetti code.
- Your application will still behave the sameatruntime,butthe
code will become very difficult to understand for a hacker.
Dependency Merging:
- Merging referenced assemblies into your mainassembly,willmake
those assembliesanintegralpartofyourmainassembly.This
improves the performance and protection of your application.
- When a reference assembly is merged into your main assembly, it can
also be made entirely internal to further improve protection.
- DeepSea Obfuscator automatically detects and removes thecodeand
metadata will never be used at runtime. This reduces the size of your
assemblies and improves the protection of your IntellectualProperty
by removing non-useful metadata.
- If you want to exclude a class or members from Cleanup, you can use
the standard Obfuscation attributes inyourcode,oranExternal
Configuration file.
String Encryption:
- All strings are fully visible in standard .NETapplications.This
is a valuable resource for a hacker. StringEncryptionencodesall
strings,thereforehidingimportantinformation such as SQL
statements, passwords, URL's etc.
- DeepSea Obfuscator encodesstringsinsuchawaythatcommon
approaches to decode them will not work, while still preservinggood
performance at runtime.
Build Tool Integration:
- DeepSea Obfuscator is well integrated inVisualStudio.Italso
comes with integrations for all well known build environments andno
additional licenses are required to use them.
Other Features:
- Quick and optimized for multi-core development PC's.
- No need for source code access.
- Works with any language targeting the .NET framework.
- Works with all .NETframeworkversionsincludingSilverlight&
Windows Phone 7.
- Developer oriented license model.
~~ 终于找到它了。一直找不到呀,谢了。 正好需要 加密