OllyExt 0.2 - Plugin for the debugger OllyDbg 2
This plugin helps you to debug the program with a simple protection against debugging. Because the second version of OllyDbg does not support plug-ins, you have to implement the code in the debugger to load the plugin. The archive has already patched exe version 2.01 (Alfa 2). When you start the debugger plug-in adds a menu Options -> OllyExt, where there is scarce (yet) settings.* Hide from PEB - PEB flags are reset at BeingDebugged and NtGlobalFlag
* Protect debug registers - hides and protects against modification of debug registers by SEH and Get / SetThreadContext
对现在的我,这绝对是天书啊!看的不是很懂啊 OD2的反调试插件
你把邀请码发到他的邮箱,我先谢谢楼主了, 看的不是很懂{:1_924:} 呵呵,od2.0的插件还是出来了。 謝謝分享!! OllyExt 0.5 by FerritOllyExt is a plugin for Olly 2.xx debugger.
The main intention of this plugin is to provide the biggest anti-anti debugging features and bugfixes for Olly 2.xx. Updates will come...
The currently supported protections are the following:
- IsDebuggerPresent
- NtGlobalFlag
- HeapFlag
- ForceFlag
- CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent
- OutputDebugString
- CloseHandle
- SeDebugPrivilege
- BlockInput
- ProcessDebugFlags
- ProcessDebugObjectHandle
- TerminateProcess
- NtSetInformationThread
- NtQueryObject
- FindWindow
- NtOpenProcess
- Process32Next
The currently supported bugfixes are the following:
- Caption change
OS support:
Only Win7 Professional 32-bit Version 6.1.7601 tested. If you have problem with another version just notify me.
Tested with OllyDBG v2.01f. 都是英文。。。看不懂