[Asm] 纯文本查看 复制代码 # coding=utf-8
import requests
import json
import time
# 改进
# 天气提示语
# 天气图标
# 获取天气图标
# 用个数表示天气 注意 0 时
def make_weather_icon(weather_name):
weather_msg = ''
if '晴' in weather_name:
weather_id = 74
weather_msg = f'@face={weather_id}@'
elif '多' or '阴' in weather_name: # 多云 或者 阴天
weather_id = 91
weather_msg = f'@face={weather_id}@'
elif '小' or '雨' or '阵' in weather_name: # 小于 或者 雨
weather_id = 90
weather_msg = f'@face={weather_id}@'
elif '大' or '暴' or '暴雨' in weather_name: # 小雨 或者 雨
weather_id = 90
weather_msg = f'@face={weather_id}@ @face={weather_id}@ @face={weather_id}@'
elif '雷电' or '雷' or '电' in weather_name: # 雷电
weather_id = 54
weather_msg = f'@face={weather_id}@ @face={weather_id}@'
return weather_msg
# 温度 判断
def tem_icon(tem_num):
tem_num = int(tem_num)
tem_msg = ''
if tem_num <= 10: # 冷
tem_id = 1
tem_msg = f'有点冷 注意保暖哦~~~~ @face={tem_id}@ '
elif 20 <= tem_num <= 25:
tem_id = 21 # 晴天 温度适中
tem_msg = f'这温度好凉爽啊~~ @face={tem_id}@'
elif 25 < tem_num < 30:
tem_id = 35 # 有点热哦
tem_msg = f'有点热哦~~ @face={tem_id}@'
elif tem_num > 30:
tem_id = 34 # 有点热哦
tem_msg = f'快热晕了~~ @face={tem_id}@'
return tem_msg
# 天气提示
def set_weather_msg(weather_name_d, weather_name_n):
weather_msg = ''
if ('晴' or '晴天') in weather_name_d and ('多云' or '云' or '阴天') in weather_name_n: # 晴转多云
weather_msg = '[提示语]'
elif ('晴' or '晴天') in weather_name_d and ('晴' or '晴天') in weather_name_n: # 晴转多云
weather_msg = '[提示语]'
elif '小雨' in weather_name_d and ('晴' or '晴天') in weather_name_n: # 晴转多云
weather_msg = '[提示语]'
elif '小雨' in weather_name_d and '小雨' in weather_name_n: # 晴转多云
weather_msg = '[提示语]'
elif '小雨' in weather_name_d and '多云' in weather_name_n: # 晴转多云
weather_msg = '[提示语]'
elif ('晴' or '晴天') in weather_name_d and '小雨' in weather_name_n: # 晴转小雨
weather_msg = '[提示语]'
elif ('晴' or '晴天') in weather_name_d and '大雨' in weather_name_n: # 晴转大雨
weather_msg = '[提示语]'
elif ('云' or '多云') in weather_name_d and ('晴天' or '晴') in weather_name_n: # 多云转晴
weather_msg = '[提示语]'
elif ('云' or '多云') in weather_name_d and ('云' or '多云') in weather_name_n: # 多云转晴
weather_msg = '[提示语]'
# 雷雨转晴
elif ('雷' or '闪电' or '雷阵雨' or '雷阵') in weather_name_d and ('晴天' or '晴') in weather_name_n: # 多云转晴
weather_msg = '[提示语]'
elif ('雷' or '闪电' or '雷阵雨' or '雷阵') in weather_name_d and ('雷' or '闪电' or '雷阵雨' or '雷阵') in weather_name_n: # 多云转晴
weather_msg = '[提示语]'
# 阵雨转晴
elif ('阵雨' or '阵') in weather_name_d and ('晴天' or '晴') in weather_name_n: # 多云转晴
weather_msg = '[提示语]'
elif ('阵雨' or '阵') in weather_name_d and ('阵雨' or '阵') in weather_name_n: # 多云转晴
weather_msg = '[提示语]'
# 大雨转晴
elif ('大' or '大雨') in weather_name_d and ('晴天' or '晴') in weather_name_n: # 多云转晴
weather_msg = '[提示语]'
elif ('大' or '大雨') in weather_name_d and ('大' or '大雨') in weather_name_n: # 多云转晴
weather_msg = '[提示语]'
return weather_msg
# 天气
def weather(address, key, day): # day :0 =今天 1 明天 2后天 (最大为2)
url = f""
content = {
'day': '', # 日期
'city': '', # 城市
'province': '', # 省份
'cond_txt_d': '', # 初始 初始 转 结束
'cond_txt_d_icon': '', # 初始 图标
'cond_txt_n': '', # 结束
'cond_txt_n_icon': '', # 结束 图标
'cond_msg': '', # 天气提示语
'tmp_max': '', # 最高温度
'tmp_max_id': 0, # 最高温度图标id
'tmp_min': '', # 最低温度
'tmp_min_id': 0, # 最低温度图标id
'tmp_msg': '' # 温度提示语
if day > 2:
return '超出天数'
dic = {
'location': f'{address}',
'key': f'{key}',
'lang': 'zh'
req = requests.get(url=url, params=dic)
req_json = req.json()
content['city'] = req_json['HeWeather6'][0]['basic']['location'] # 城市
content['province'] = req_json['HeWeather6'][0]['basic']['admin_area'] # 省份
content['day'] = req_json['HeWeather6'][0]['daily_forecast'][day]['date'] # 日期
content['cond_txt_d'] = req_json['HeWeather6'][0]['daily_forecast'][day]['cond_txt_d'] # 天气
content['cond_txt_n'] = req_json['HeWeather6'][0]['daily_forecast'][day]['cond_txt_n'] # 天气
content['tmp_max'] = req_json['HeWeather6'][0]['daily_forecast'][day]['tmp_max'] # 最高温度
content['tmp_min'] = req_json['HeWeather6'][0]['daily_forecast'][day]['tmp_min'] # 最低温度
# 设置图标
# 设置天气图标
content['cond_txt_d_icon'] = make_weather_icon(content['cond_txt_d'])
content['cond_txt_n_icon'] = make_weather_icon(content['cond_txt_n'])
# 温度图标
content['tmp_max_id'] = tem_icon(content['tmp_max'])
content['tmp_min_id'] = tem_icon(content['tmp_min'])
# 设置提示语
# 天气提示语
content['cond_msg'] = set_weather_msg(content['cond_txt_d'], content['cond_txt_n'])
# 温度提示
content['tmp_msg'] = tem_icon(content['tmp_max'])
return content
except Exception as e:
print(f"出错了 错误信息是{e}")
# 整合天气提示语
def make_msg_weather_details(day):
weather_result = weather('[城市]', '【你的key】', day=day)
weather_msg = f"天气: 省份 {weather_result['province']} 城市 {weather_result['city']} 日期 {weather_result['day']} @face=144@ 天气 {weather_result['cond_txt_d']} {weather_result['cond_txt_d_icon']} 转 {weather_result['cond_txt_n']} {weather_result['cond_txt_n_icon']} {weather_result['cond_msg']} 最高温度 {weather_result['tmp_max']} °C {weather_result['tmp_msg']} 最低温度 {weather_result['tmp_min']} °C "
return weather_msg
# 早安 晚安
def morning(loca_time, key):
content = ''
url = ""
if loca_time > 5 and loca_time < 8: # 早上
req = requests.get(url=(url + key))
req_json = req.json()
content = req_json['newslist'][0]['content']
print(f"现在不是早上现在是{time.localtime().tm_hour}时 传入时间是{loca_time}时")
return content
except Exception as e:
print(f"出错了 错误信息是{e}")
# 土味情话
def love_msg(key):
content = ''
url = f"{key}"
req = requests.get(url=url)
req_json = req.json()
content = req_json['newslist'][0]['content']
return content
except Exception as e:
print(f"出错了 错误信息是{e}")
# 英语一句话
def english_msg(key):
content = {
"zh": '',
"en": ''
url = f"{key}"
req = requests.get(url=url)
req_json = req.json()
# print(req_json)
content["zh"] = req_json['newslist'][0]['content']
content["en"] = req_json['newslist'][0]['note']
# 输出
# for key, value in content.items():
# print(key, value)
return content
except Exception as e:
print(f"出错了 错误信息是{e}")
# 古代情诗
def ancient_poetry(key):
content = {
'cont': '',
'source': '',
'author': ''
url = f"{key}"
req = requests.get(url=url)
req_json = req.json()
# print(req_json)
content['cont'] = req_json['newslist'][0]['content']
content['source'] = req_json['newslist'][0]['source']
content['author'] = req_json['newslist'][0]['author']
# 输出
# for key, value in content.items():
# print(key, value)
return content
except Exception as e:
print(f"出错了 错误信息是{e}")
# 发送消息
def send_msg(msg):
url = f'{msg}'
except Exception as e:
print(f"出错了 错误信息是{e}")