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『逆向资源区』 今日: 8 |主题: 4957|排名: 13 

版主: Hmily, FleTime
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[.NET] .net reactor 6.9 cracked 新人帖 recommend agree

zjjhot2022-10-10 11:44

zjjhot 2022-10-10 11:44 438967 eagle1987 2024-3-23 18:38
[Android Tools] FRIDA-JS-DEXDump 基于Frida的内存脱壳工具(学习frida-dexdump的成果) attach_img recommend agree

evlon2022-10-7 20:26

evlon 2022-10-7 20:26 43148 浅唱悲歌 2022-10-23 18:16
[Packers] UPX4.0 github 自己编译版本2022.09.30 attachment agree

cqsn5582022-9-30 08:46

cqsn558 2022-9-30 08:46 304587 大毛儿 2024-2-23 11:11
[Editors] 9月25日 刚发布的十六进制阅读器 VovSoft Hex Viewer 1.0 attachment recommend agree

Patches2022-9-26 20:07

Patches 2022-9-26 20:07 567646 娜美 2023-9-22 22:58
[Android Tools] [转帖]JEB Decompiler jeb- - [阅读权限 10]attachment agree

温柔2022-9-25 00:31

温柔 2022-9-25 00:31 322719 wapjjjj 2022-10-13 15:20
[Android Tools] Apktool_M_v2.4.0-220920手机上强大的反编译和回编译工具 recommend agree

sking19892022-9-22 20:31

sking1989 2022-9-22 20:31 578562 娜美 2023-9-19 12:47
[Other] unity逆向手机游戏资源提取+游戏汉化 attachment recommend agree

EQlangxian2022-9-17 14:53

EQlangxian 2022-9-17 14:53 369106 sexcgs 2024-5-7 16:51
[Network Analyzer] 破解BurpSuite Pro 2022.9 (有变化) attachment recommend heatlevel agree

scz2022-9-13 16:33

scz 论坛大牛 2022-9-13 16:33 13718440 superbluer 2024-4-11 14:57
[Unpackers] PyArmor-Unpacker

风吹屁屁凉2022-9-6 14:42

风吹屁屁凉 2022-9-6 14:42 205360 娜美 2023-9-23 03:01
[Disassemblers] IDA易语言反编译插件E-Decompiler attachment recommend agree

fjqisba2022-9-5 21:33

fjqisba 2022-9-5 21:33 5210923 骑着牛压马路 2024-4-28 22:21
[Android Tools] 强大的过签工具 Apkanalyzer+ attachment recommend agree

Null666yyds2022-9-4 08:45

Null666yyds 2022-9-4 08:45 8913035 qwq40404 2024-4-3 13:21
[PEtools] ExeinfoPe recommend agree

Patches2022-9-1 18:34

Patches 2022-9-1 18:34 162473 User5319422 2022-9-3 13:04
[PEtools] Detect It Easy v3.06 attachment recommend agree

q5102022-8-31 22:00

q510 2022-8-31 22:00 394753 Angle丶dianfeng 2023-1-11 10:04
[Disassemblers] Malcat 0.8.4 反编译及PE文件分析工具 attachment recommend agree

SuperHero2022-8-31 21:43

SuperHero 2022-8-31 21:43 606494 jinxinwork 2023-11-21 20:40
[Cryptography] [随波逐流]CTF编码工具 V3.3 20221001 国庆吾爱版 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

zb8482022-8-31 20:07

zb848 2022-8-31 20:07 10110581 kongling 2024-5-6 16:53
[Android Tools] [转] JEB - CXVUSER recommend agree

夜泉2022-8-29 04:41

夜泉 2022-8-29 04:41 398944 mkkkk 2024-3-15 08:23
[Packers] 发个WinLicense_3.1.2.0 recommend agree

slaiwl2022-8-28 18:33

slaiwl 2022-8-28 18:33 11410872 gametelnet 2024-3-28 08:41
[Debuggers] 鬼鬼js调试工具7.5 attachment recommend agree

老M2022-8-25 15:10

老M 2022-8-25 15:10 679738 liusongyi 2024-5-20 14:23
[Network Analyzer] (9.8更新3.4.1版)Fiddler everywhere x64平台的破解(Windows/Linux/Mac OS可用) attachment recommend heatlevel agree

qqice2022-8-24 17:40

qqice 2022-8-24 17:40 25625125 hotvv 2024-4-17 22:38
[Other] The Enigma Protector v6.80 x86 - [阅读权限 10]attachment recommend

yunmei2022-8-22 13:48

yunmei 2022-8-22 13:48 152275 v999v 2023-6-3 19:50
[.NET] ACEPatcher agree

风吹屁屁凉2022-8-11 15:44

风吹屁屁凉 2022-8-11 15:44 112743 娜美 2023-9-18 20:49
[Scripts] X64重定位表修复---X64DBG脚本分享 recommend agree

cndml2022-8-11 14:08

cndml 2022-8-11 14:08 356390 acekiller 2024-4-28 14:26
[Other] 打造一个自己专属的VM虚拟破解环境 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

ˇ沁丄の2022-8-3 02:51

ˇ沁丄の 2022-8-3 02:51 30425544 xx2021 2024-2-1 16:19
[Android Tools] [转]JEB Decompiler - [阅读权限 10]agree

温柔2022-8-3 01:42

温柔 2022-8-3 01:42 131721 king0king 2022-9-19 07:40
[Unpackers] VMProtect 3.x IAT Fix recommend agree

风吹屁屁凉2022-7-26 16:06

风吹屁屁凉 2022-7-26 16:06 456379 娜美 2023-9-22 18:00
[Dongle] Rockey2加密狗通杀工具 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

小马甲2022-7-26 14:20

小马甲 2022-7-26 14:20 28921803 jzcaiming 2024-5-19 18:04
[PEtools] Detect It Easy v3.05(查壳工具) attachment recommend agree

4436984692022-7-14 18:31

443698469 2022-7-14 18:31 709584 本是情~~ 2024-5-6 10:22
[Android Tools] magisk 一键集成环境 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

Andy02142022-7-8 16:50

Andy0214 2022-7-8 16:50 1369846 qhmg001 2023-5-24 14:36
[PEtools] CompareInfo MemoryCompare 文件对比 内存对比工具 attachment recommend agree

hszt2022-7-6 09:39

hszt 2022-7-6 09:39 507043 娜美 2023-9-23 07:43
[.NET] dnSpy 6.2.0 非官方最新正式版发布啦!!! attachment recommend agree

nowthink2022-6-28 16:27

nowthink 2022-6-28 16:27 367598 clinber 2022-7-3 19:46
[Patchers] 新年礼物 Baymax Patch Tools v3.1.3(2023.01.30 更新) attachment recommend agree

Nisy2022-6-27 21:36

Nisy 2022-6-27 21:36 516658 wapd6375 2024-1-12 18:38
[Android Tools] INZ APKTool 2.4.0beta发布,反编译和回编译利器 attachment agree

sking19892022-6-25 13:59

sking1989 2022-6-25 13:59 174005 DittoWii 2022-8-1 14:56
[Packers] VMProtect Ultimate v3.6.0.1406[搬运] attachment recommend heatlevel agree

忆魂丶天雷2022-6-23 21:54

忆魂丶天雷 2022-6-23 21:54 15618461 绝对疯子 2023-4-7 13:01
[Other] 超精简虚拟机镜像 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

大喜2022-6-17 11:36

大喜 2022-6-17 11:36 49036598 FriesMYMY 2024-4-26 08:49
[Unpackers] Unlicense (dynamically unpack executables protected with Themida/WinLicense) attach_img agree

风吹屁屁凉2022-6-9 16:13

风吹屁屁凉 2022-6-9 16:13 276334 Lundyalex 2023-11-17 01:24
[Disassemblers] jeb-demo-和谐 attach_img recommend agree

lies20142022-6-7 10:43

lies2014 2022-6-7 10:43 336052 wqstudyy 2024-3-2 23:23
[Other] Vmware虚拟机去虚拟化及附属虚拟机 - [阅读权限 10]attachment recommend heatlevel agree

thisxx2022-6-5 14:55

thisxx 2022-6-5 14:55 92155236 EntropyDec 2024-5-18 12:38
[Disassemblers] [2023/05更新预告]反汇编神器IDA Pro 7.7.220118 (SP1)汉化版 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

夏暖i2022-5-25 12:46

夏暖i 2022-5-25 12:46 39540669 aqz236 2024-4-9 13:06
[Mac OSX] Apple MACOS Monterey 12.3 虚拟机镜像 attach_img recommend heatlevel agree

FuYunx2022-5-23 09:44

FuYunx 2022-5-23 09:44 21615520 欺君 2024-3-19 18:29
[Network Analyzer] HTTP Debugger Pro v9.12 attachment recommend agree

q5102022-5-22 10:52

q510 2022-5-22 10:52 4612380 dazhi1882 2023-8-23 15:30
[Patchers] EazTrialRemover-去除 Eazfuscator.NET 的试用 attachment agree

Elaineliu2022-5-20 10:52

Elaineliu 2022-5-20 10:52 225426 nicksean 2024-3-6 19:59
[PEtools] Exeinfo Pe v. (VIP) attachment agree

温柔2022-5-9 14:33

温柔 2022-5-9 14:33 284059 xiawan 2022-5-25 15:10
[Editors] X-Ways WinHex Forensics (XWF取证版)v20.5 SR1 FULL x32+x64绿色版本 attachment recommend agree

guoguo2022-5-9 13:10

guoguo 2022-5-9 13:10 739794 yxm8085 2024-4-29 14:08
[x64dbg Plugin] LyScript x64dbg 自动化调试插件 attachment agree

whyida2022-5-5 20:27

whyida 2022-5-5 20:27 366183 銀鈅 2024-1-30 11:07
[OllyDbg 1.x Plugin] OD特征码定位插件 attachment recommend agree

谁的坏叔叔2022-5-4 18:37

谁的坏叔叔 2022-5-4 18:37 647083 54mj 2023-5-22 06:59
[Debuggers] 看雪某大神原创的逆向调试工具YzDbg attachment heatlevel agree

hackerbob2022-4-28 22:28

hackerbob 2022-4-28 22:28 14117807 abc1234567890 2024-4-4 12:57
[IDA Plugin] Finger:一款函数符号识别插件 attachment agree

风吹屁屁凉2022-4-27 17:16

风吹屁屁凉 2022-4-27 17:16 336880 娜美 2023-9-18 23:34
[Other] 逆向工具历史记录清理助手 attachment recommend agree

hackerbob2022-4-27 14:11

hackerbob 2022-4-27 14:11 404541 xuzhe187 2023-7-22 11:10
[Debuggers] OllyDbg 64-bit v2.01 alpha1 attachment recommend agree

FleTime2022-4-24 02:14

FleTime 2022-4-24 02:14 7615099 dongwang_fl 2024-4-5 18:18
[Network Analyzer] 全系统百宝箱之网站扒皮工具 attachment recommend agree

txq02112022-4-19 12:02

txq0211 2022-4-19 12:02 35728468 oldman183 2022-9-14 18:05
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