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[Packers] Private exe Protector 4.1.2 Source Code

风吹屁屁凉 发表于 2024-5-9 17:48
本帖最后由 风吹屁屁凉 于 2024-5-9 17:50 编辑


PEP - Private exe protector is closed commercial project but i decided to share it's source code ( I purchased it about 2300 USD long time ago ) [ Limited ]

" Private exe Protector (PEP) WAS a professional licensing, anti-tampering and software examination system. PEP works with traditional methods, such as file compression, code fragment encryption, metamorphic loading, protection from debugging and file tampering , and features new innovative techniques like data protection with stolen resources technique. All in one, it is the ideal solution for software developers. "

🔥        Wait for Themida,WinLicense,CodeVirtualizer,....  :)

✨ Main functions

  • Encryption, compression and protection of software (x32, x64).
  • License Activation Center with real-time control (do with your users what ever you want): limit usage by: hardware, activations count, dates, executions count etc. ( ‼️ Removed from Source Code )
  • Limited x86 Code Virtualization ( Translation original asm code to bytecodes and emulate them in virtual processor )
  • Limited x86 Code Morphe ( Control-Flow Code Obfuscation )
  • No ANTIVIRUS "FALSE ALERTS" - NEVER! ( ‼️        Bullshit! but Removed from Source Code )
  • Reliable protection of software against examination: PEP will protect your product against debugging, reverse assembling and other hazards.
  • Support of all common programming languages from assembler, Delphi, C, etc. to script languages, such as AutoIt, Python, Qt, Blitz3d etc.
  • Complete compatibility with any NT system: x32/x64 (XP, Vista, 7, 8, etc.), even with Linux (wine)

💻 How to Compile ?!

  • Use Embarcadero Delphi XE3 upto Rio for compile.
  • No third-party component used.


📝 License

Published Under MIT License.



1.7 MB, 下载次数: 87, 下载积分: 吾爱币 -1 CB


参与人数 6吾爱币 +8 热心值 +6 收起 理由
wbzb + 1 + 1 热心回复!
dizzy0001 + 1 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
evea + 1 + 1 鼓励转贴优秀软件安全工具和文档!
610100 + 3 + 1 鼓励转贴优秀软件安全工具和文档!
yp17792351859 + 1 + 1 欢迎分析讨论交流,吾爱破解论坛有你更精彩!
suko + 1 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!




futinglong 发表于 2024-5-9 19:03
提示: 该帖被管理员或版主屏蔽
suko 发表于 2024-5-9 17:59
asdqasdq 发表于 2024-5-9 18:14
Caraciold_Jr 发表于 2024-5-9 18:22
ceciliaaii 发表于 2024-5-9 18:58
asdqasdq 发表于 2024-5-9 18:14

研究技术 发表于 2024-5-9 23:23
futinglong 发表于 2024-5-9 19:03
加壳授权软件Private exe Protector 4.4.0 正版汉化版
http://www.ylhh.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid ...


雾都孤尔 发表于 2024-5-10 00:24
ZhjhJZ 发表于 2024-5-10 08:08
andy2015 发表于 2024-5-10 08:35
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