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发个国庆礼物Arachno ruby

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neu21 发表于 2008-9-29 14:29
The Professional IDE for Ruby
Arachno Ruby is a professional Integrated Development Environment for all users of the fantastic Ruby programming language. You already save a lot of time by using Ruby, now you can improve it even further. This fast, powerful and convenient editor with its integrated debugger will save you time and make your work much more enjoyable.

Key Benefits
Type your code faster and increase your productivity by eliminating repetitive typing with our full featured editor that is inspired by the famous emacs and vi editors and mixed with the convenience of Delphis Code Rush extensions. Use active templates, macros and configure it to match your preferences.
Don't get lost in your source code by using our source code browser, you always have the complete overview of all methods and classes in your program, the used modules and the core language.
Save hours of work spend previously for finding bugs. Now use our powerful source code debugger for all development, with its breakpoint, out of context evaluation, watchpoints etc. .
Have more fun when doing your job with the right tools in a highly ergonomical and stable environment that supports the complete toolchain for todays "Edit - Debug - Test - Optimize" development cycle.
This is only a selected subset of our most interesting benefits. Try our free 30 day trail version to discover all of the great features that are provided by Arachno Ruby.

Ruby is…
A dynamic, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. It has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write.

http://www.namipan.com/d/5d7ee7a ... 489d59571d600002f00



guoer2113 发表于 2008-9-29 14:36
hahuhu190 发表于 2008-9-29 14:38
封心锁爱 发表于 2008-9-29 14:41
497748736 发表于 2008-9-29 14:46
[s:30][s:30] 完全看不懂...
kongzhan 发表于 2008-9-29 14:48
Professional IDE

IDE。。挺面熟的。。有了解的 收了吧
 楼主| neu21 发表于 2008-9-29 14:52
大名鼎鼎的ruby 不知道吗ror总听说过吧这个就是它的ide
marvell 发表于 2008-9-29 14:58
不知道这个是什么东西 汗汗汗.........
火花激昂 发表于 2008-9-29 15:11

 楼主| neu21 发表于 2008-9-29 15:14
Ruby,一种为简单快捷面向对象编程(面向对象程序设计)而创的脚本语言,由日本人松本行弘(まつもとゆきひろ,英译:Yukihiro Matsumoto,外号matz)开发,遵守GPL协议和Ruby License。Ruby的作者认为Ruby > (Smalltalk + Perl) / 2,表示Ruby是一个语法像Smalltalk一样完全面向对象、脚本执行、又有Perl强大的文字处理功能的编程语言。其他特色包括:
  * 运算符重载
  * 自动垃圾回收
  * 弱类型(动态类型 | 标量变量)
  * 变量无需声明 (不必事先宣告变量)
  * 在Windows上,加载DLL
  * 巨大的标准库(函式库;Library)
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