隔壁大佬那搬运过来的,主要针对.net ConfuserEx的脱壳
Current Version: 2.0
Minimum .NET Framework Required: 4.6.1
!This tool only works for non-modded versions of ConfuserEx!
!This tool DOES NOT rename types and methods, use de4dot for that!
For Standard Users:
Drag and drop protected assembly onto 'ConfuserEx-Unpacker.exe' then use de4dot to fix up the names.
For Advanced Users:
Usage: ConfuserEx-Unpacker.exe {FilePath} {Options}
Optional Arguments:
--preserveMD Preserve all Metadata during saving.
--enableFrameworkRedirect Enables resolving dependencies from other frameworks.
--staticDeCompressor Use static compressor remover. (Use for malware and big files, No Invoke)
--staticConstants Use static constants decrypter. (No Invoke)
--staticResources Use static resource decrypter. (No Invoke)
--noOptimize Disables optimization when writing modules.
--cleanMutations Cleans Constant Mutations.
Changelog for 2.0 version:
- Reworked the Engine
- Anti De4dot Remover Added
- Anti Invoke Patcher Added
- Attribute Cleaner Added
- Anti Decompiler Remover Added
- Integrity Check Cleaner Added
- Mutation Cleaner Added
- Dynamic Resource Decrypter Added
- Support for more Control Flow predicates
- Support improved for Strong Reference Proxy
- Imporved Constant Decrypter
- Improved Cleanup of unused runtime code
- Instruction Emulator Improvements
- New Font in CLI
- Added ConfuserEx Version Detection ConfuserEx-Unpacker-v2.0.zip(971.22 KB, 下载次数: 3239)