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『逆向资源区』 今日: 4 |主题: 5024|排名: 10 

版主: Hmily, FleTime
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[Patchers] 【转帖】XPatcher v1.0 Fixed1 By rce3033 attachment recommend agree

FleTime2021-11-20 13:32

FleTime 2021-11-20 13:32 274182 chenlinpsv 2023-8-5 08:41
[Packers] Upxshell upx3.96 attachment agree

yoshino丿2021-2-14 13:35

yoshino丿 2021-2-14 13:35 268909 binarystudy123 2023-8-3 23:05
[Android Tools] GDA Gjoy Dex Analysizer 4.03 attachment agree

风吹屁屁凉2022-10-24 15:58

风吹屁屁凉 2022-10-24 15:58 144869 singlewzj 2023-7-25 22:10
[x64dbg Plugin] x64dbg Plugin Manager v0.03(已编译) 新人帖 attachment agree

bunanzhuce2020-7-27 02:26

bunanzhuce 2020-7-27 02:26 278923 singlewzj 2023-7-25 22:09
[Other] [转帖]Masm for windows 集成实验环境2020_2020年8月29日更新:V2020 attachment agree

caicaisin2020-8-31 21:35

caicaisin 2020-8-31 21:35 248945 singlewzj 2023-7-25 21:56
[Android Tools] 转发 :GDA Gjoy Dex Analysizer 4.08 - [阅读权限 80]

sunsjw2023-7-25 11:47

sunsjw 2023-7-25 11:47 019 sunsjw 2023-7-25 11:47
[IDA Plugin] 开源一个IDA小插件:修复VMP dump导入函数 优秀文章 attachment recommend agree

沭阳2021-1-19 01:43

沭阳 2021-1-19 01:43 4813684 PPYLL 2023-7-22 21:37
[Other] 逆向工具历史记录清理助手 attachment recommend agree

hackerbob2022-4-27 14:11

hackerbob 2022-4-27 14:11 404993 xuzhe187 2023-7-22 11:10
[Android Tools] 无需vmos,安卓10脱壳工具 recommend agree

夏糜娱乐2020-10-20 10:56

夏糜娱乐 2020-10-20 10:56 12127915 fjzpchm 2023-7-20 11:28
[.NET] Red Gate SmartAssembly v. agree

caicaisin2021-4-3 15:14

caicaisin 2021-4-3 15:14 125631 yasenhacker 2023-7-13 10:44
[Unpackers] Universal AutoIT Extractor and De-obfuscator attachment agree

风吹屁屁凉2022-3-8 15:18

风吹屁屁凉 2022-3-8 15:18 104196 1024A1024 2023-7-13 09:40
[Other] Steamless.v3.0.0.9最新版本 新人帖 attachment recommend agree

andersgong2020-7-20 21:37

andersgong 2020-7-20 21:37 7721534 chenlinpsv 2023-7-13 07:33
[Android Tools] Jeb 时间延长 Patch attachment recommend agree

FleTime2021-7-3 04:50

FleTime 2021-7-3 04:50 387903 可及 2023-7-11 10:57
[Editors] Resource Tuner 2.22 发布 attach_img agree

suko2022-1-21 19:25

suko 2022-1-21 19:25 515471 Say 2023-7-9 21:54
[Debuggers] Dbgview 4.90汉化版 attachment recommend agree

你与明日2020-9-3 19:27

你与明日 2020-9-3 19:27 5710078 pzz20036 2023-6-24 00:18
[Android Tools] GDA Pro 4.06 attachment recommend agree

Sh4DoW3212023-6-16 17:49

Sh4DoW321 2023-6-16 17:49 306520 shaunkelly 2023-6-23 22:05
[Editors] HxD Hex Editor v2.5.0.0 十六进制编辑器 attachment recommend agree

FleTime2021-2-16 06:34

FleTime 2021-2-16 06:34 6112659 UTF-8 2023-6-20 17:00
[PEtools] 4n4lDetector v2.4 recommend agree

风吹屁屁凉2023-6-14 17:42

风吹屁屁凉 2023-6-14 17:42 134329 zhengxinjun 2023-6-20 07:24
[Disassemblers] reko - a general purpose decompiler attach_img recommend

风吹屁屁凉2021-8-19 12:07

风吹屁屁凉 2021-8-19 12:07 53366 chenlinpsp 2023-6-15 13:29
[PEtools] [转帖]Exeinfo PE v0.0.6.9 III (08.04.2022) attachment recommend agree

FleTime2022-4-9 08:54

FleTime 2022-4-9 08:54 495028 dl0618 2023-6-15 11:11
[x64dbg Plugin] [x32Dbg] E_Event ver:0.1 attachment recommend agree

赤小瞳2021-2-21 05:35

赤小瞳 2021-2-21 05:35 155128 chenlinpsv 2023-6-15 08:16
[.NET] 转载_NET UI Simulator - Update 3 Net按钮事件查找 控件的事件和方法代码查看 attachment recommend agree

hszt2021-9-15 10:07

hszt 2021-9-15 10:07 104140 justar1985 2023-6-12 08:12
[Editors] Hex Editor Neo v6.54.00.6437 attachment recommend agree

FleTime2021-1-19 07:00

FleTime 2021-1-19 07:00 367532 moli964217 2023-6-8 20:59
[Android Tools] MDEX Android一键脱壳工具帮助(搬砖) attachment agree

caicaisin2020-8-28 15:37

caicaisin 2020-8-28 15:37 2813647 moli964217 2023-6-4 22:27
[PEtools] [转帖]PE-bear 0.4.0 attachment recommend agree

caicaisin2020-8-5 11:51

caicaisin 2020-8-5 11:51 215887 moli964217 2023-6-4 19:36
[PEtools] Detect It Easy 3.00 attachment recommend agree

caicaisin2020-8-2 10:05

caicaisin 2020-8-2 10:05 356649 moli964217 2023-6-4 19:02
[IDA Plugin] 原创: 解决关于有小伙伴说 IDA_7.2 KEYGEN 不好用的问题 attachment recommend agree

si_bin2020-6-19 10:36

si_bin 2020-6-19 10:36 6712433 moli964217 2023-6-4 13:47
[Network Analyzer] 最新charles-proxy 抓包工具 v4.5.6 Win64 MAC 破解版 attachment recommend agree

小宇殿下2020-6-26 15:44

小宇殿下 2020-6-26 15:44 8221548 yegucheng0129 2023-6-4 10:07
[Unpackers] UnAutoIt--AutoIt3文件解包工具 recommend

风吹屁屁凉2021-9-15 12:11

风吹屁屁凉 2021-9-15 12:11 155959 moli964217 2023-6-3 23:12
[Other] The Enigma Protector v6.80 x86 - [阅读权限 10]attachment recommend

yunmei2022-8-22 13:48

yunmei 2022-8-22 13:48 152307 v999v 2023-6-3 19:50
[x64dbg Plugin] [x32Dbg] E_AAntiDebug ver:1.0 attachment agree

赤小瞳2021-2-21 02:57

赤小瞳 2021-2-21 02:57 145011 moli964217 2023-6-3 17:47
[Other] RLM PUBKEY REPLAE TOOLS attachment agree

xiaolei05172020-8-11 14:24

xiaolei0517 2020-8-11 14:24 178986 也许不会 2023-5-31 23:50
[Other] DLL to C 3.74 attachment agree

caicaisin2020-8-21 07:50

caicaisin 2020-8-21 07:50 4610515 Sogrey 2023-5-30 23:13
[IDA Plugin] Patching - Interactive Binary Patching for IDA Pro 新人帖 attachment recommend agree

EternalBlue2022-2-12 00:16

EternalBlue 2022-2-12 00:16 215369 kelisi123 2023-5-28 19:53
[.NET] Crypto Deobfuscator recommend agree

FleTime2020-6-15 18:28

FleTime 2020-6-15 18:28 197895 kelisi123 2023-5-28 12:53
[IDA Plugin] 给IDA tenet 插件功能的一点点小优化 attachment recommend agree

gmg27192023-4-14 21:12

gmg2719 2023-4-14 21:12 93540 Db2k 2023-5-27 18:29
[Packers] VMProtect Ultimate v3.5.0.1213 attachment recommend agree

FleTime2020-8-5 18:06

FleTime 2020-8-5 18:06 11628377 kelisi123 2023-5-27 18:04
[Scripts] X64Dbg,OD枚举E语言窗口id脚本,刚学大佬勿喷 attachment recommend agree

怕猪猪与逆向2020-7-30 12:40

怕猪猪与逆向 2020-7-30 12:40 236857 kelisi123 2023-5-27 00:26
[x64dbg Plugin] [x32Dbg] E_AppHelper ver:1.0 attach_img recommend agree

赤小瞳2021-3-9 02:47

赤小瞳 2021-3-9 02:47 256584 kelisi123 2023-5-26 19:54
[.NET] Red Gate NET Reflector最新版更新) attachment agree

caicaisin2020-7-11 23:57

caicaisin 2020-7-11 23:57 228314 kelisi123 2023-5-26 16:48
[x64dbg Plugin] X64DBG 插件 attachment recommend agree

rrwrewq2021-1-14 11:08

rrwrewq 2021-1-14 11:08 5110586 aq1232007 2023-5-26 14:00
[Packers] [VC] 64位壳子编写 attachment recommend agree

舒默哦2020-6-27 01:12

舒默哦 2020-6-27 01:12 216566 trustguan 2023-5-25 21:32
[Android Tools] magisk 一键集成环境 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

Andy02142022-7-8 16:50

Andy0214 2022-7-8 16:50 13610747 qhmg001 2023-5-24 14:36
[Other] CE的EWND Call插件 新人帖 attachment recommend agree

moshuiD2021-8-6 14:02

moshuiD 2021-8-6 14:02 285383 wolfpack 2023-5-23 12:01
[Other] 自用的小程序反编译工具 新人帖 attachment recommend agree

manlboro2020-6-8 12:11

manlboro 2020-6-8 12:11 25035019 wolfpack 2023-5-23 12:00
[OllyDbg 1.x Plugin] OD特征码定位插件 attachment recommend agree

谁的坏叔叔2022-5-4 18:37

谁的坏叔叔 2022-5-4 18:37 647800 54mj 2023-5-22 06:59
[x64dbg Plugin] Themidie (x64dbg plug) attachment

m4n0w4r2021-2-2 09:08

m4n0w4r 2021-2-2 09:08 135862 kinghtxz 2023-5-21 19:57
[Other] Debugging Mac OSX Applications with IDA Pro recommend

citscn2020-7-8 16:37

citscn 2020-7-8 16:37 94484 kelisi123 2023-5-19 17:57
[Android Tools] JEB 3.24 Anti-BLM Edition 板砖 + 汉化说明 recommend agree

demo8862020-11-28 22:47

demo886 2020-11-28 22:47 229140 kelisi123 2023-5-19 17:45
[Android Tools] [12.18更新]HEX编辑器2.8.3完全汉化版 attachment recommend agree

夏暖i2021-12-17 22:26

夏暖i 2021-12-17 22:26 476708 zhashia 2023-5-17 09:28
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