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『逆向资源区』 今日: 13 |主题: 5027|排名: 8 

版主: Hmily, FleTime
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[Other] 自用的小程序反编译工具 新人帖 attachment recommend agree

manlboro2020-6-8 12:11

manlboro 2020-6-8 12:11 25035117 wolfpack 2023-5-23 12:00
[OllyDbg 1.x Plugin] OD特征码定位插件 attachment recommend agree

谁的坏叔叔2022-5-4 18:37

谁的坏叔叔 2022-5-4 18:37 647917 54mj 2023-5-22 06:59
[x64dbg Plugin] Themidie (x64dbg plug) attachment

m4n0w4r2021-2-2 09:08

m4n0w4r 2021-2-2 09:08 135943 kinghtxz 2023-5-21 19:57
[Other] Debugging Mac OSX Applications with IDA Pro recommend

citscn2020-7-8 16:37

citscn 2020-7-8 16:37 94519 kelisi123 2023-5-19 17:57
[Android Tools] JEB 3.24 Anti-BLM Edition 板砖 + 汉化说明 recommend agree

demo8862020-11-28 22:47

demo886 2020-11-28 22:47 229220 kelisi123 2023-5-19 17:45
[Android Tools] [12.18更新]HEX编辑器2.8.3完全汉化版 attachment recommend agree

夏暖i2021-12-17 22:26

夏暖i 2021-12-17 22:26 476811 zhashia 2023-5-17 09:28
[Other] Lua逆向神器之二luadec attachment recommend agree

andersgong2020-7-22 08:19

andersgong 2020-7-22 08:19 2817856 hsdlh2010 2023-5-16 19:44
[IDA Plugin] IDA 7.3 版本F5临时解决方案 attachment recommend agree

caxfan2020-9-2 14:31

caxfan 2020-9-2 14:31 2812541 kelisi123 2023-5-14 18:53
[Other] DLL to C 3.62 attach_img recommend agree

caicaisin2020-5-12 22:58

caicaisin 2020-5-12 22:58 8119629 anrenlx 2023-5-12 17:57
[Debuggers] Cheat Engine v7.4 离线安装包【01.21更新】 attachment recommend agree

FleTime2021-8-27 04:14

FleTime 2021-8-27 04:14 16821875 gyqgxj 2023-5-7 20:11
[Packers] WinLicense_32_64_3.0.4.0_Repacked - [阅读权限 10]attach_img recommend agree

Sound2021-9-20 08:06

Sound 论坛大牛吾是土豪 2021-9-20 08:06 16411970 yahoo1920 2023-5-5 16:01
[Network Analyzer] BurpSuite Pro 2022.11 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

FleTime2022-11-8 15:35

FleTime 2022-11-8 15:35 9710793 Asunset443 2023-4-28 10:30
[PEtools] Exeinfo PE v0.0.6.2(搬砖) recommend agree

caicaisin2020-7-29 15:24

caicaisin 2020-7-29 15:24 377739 gly198752 2023-4-27 11:01
[Android Tools] dex-tools的升级版 agree

Small_Google2023-4-21 17:25

Small_Google 2023-4-21 17:25 63540 xcyzh1992 2023-4-27 10:53
[IDA Plugin] 利用 ChatGPT 进行自动化分析的IDA插件 - WPeChatGPT - [阅读权限 10]attachment recommend agree

Hcho2023-2-28 16:38

Hcho 2023-2-28 16:38 19315092 Nightmare丶 2023-4-20 19:07
[Android Tools] JEB Decompiler 3.19.1 Professional Edition keygen及流程 recommend agree

xixicoco2020-6-3 11:36

xixicoco 2020-6-3 11:36 10122693 liwc1996 2023-4-12 15:19
[x64dbg Plugin] [X96Plugin] CleanEx32&CleanEx64 attachment agree

bester2021-4-7 15:52

bester 2021-4-7 15:52 485127 coldprince 2023-4-10 17:46
[Packers] UPX外壳 attachment recommend agree

_小神2023-2-1 14:51

_小神 2023-2-1 14:51 163718 wychok 2023-4-10 11:15
[Other] lua逆向神器之一unluac_2020_05_28最新版本 attachment

andersgong2020-7-22 08:02

andersgong 2020-7-22 08:02 2718274 FeiJu12138 2023-4-1 21:24
[Packers] Themida_x32_x64_v3.0.4.0_Repacked attachment recommend agree

Sound2020-7-12 01:03

Sound 论坛大牛吾是土豪 2020-7-12 01:03 12427322 ToSaluteSky 2023-3-31 10:44
[Packers] 【搬运】VMProtect Ultimate v3.5.1.1399 attachment recommend agree

GTXFuryNano2022-12-21 19:54

GTXFuryNano 2022-12-21 19:54 9010717 wangxufang520 2023-3-26 07:21
[Patchers] 分享个命令行的补丁工具,因为优点就是超省地(特征码+批处理) agree

冥界3大法王2023-2-23 17:38

冥界3大法王 2023-2-23 17:38 487924 liltn 2023-3-22 14:28
[Android Tools] android调试助手V4.0 recommend agree

hx13145212020-6-21 11:03

hx1314521 2020-6-21 11:03 4813726 slanm 2023-3-22 07:11
[Packers] UPX3.96加壳脱壳工具 attachment recommend agree

窗外的云2020-4-4 16:51

窗外的云 2020-4-4 16:51 31041806 Windys629 2023-3-21 20:11
[Other] Win_7虚拟机 在虚拟机中和病毒策马奔腾! attachment recommend agree

帝都桃羌羌2020-8-15 22:07

帝都桃羌羌 2020-8-15 22:07 5111462 WFJGL 2023-3-20 22:11
[Unpackers] Quick Unpack 4.3 x64 汉化 全能脱壳器 attachment recommend agree

Tonyha72020-3-18 10:24

Tonyha7 2020-3-18 10:24 18833069 Ronneyguo 2023-3-17 09:24
[Other] Source Insight 4.0.x Patched attachment recommend agree

MistHill2020-3-23 15:06

MistHill 论坛大牛 2020-3-23 15:06 27328801 dibiC 2023-3-16 23:27
[Other] 易语言模块反编译工具源码 attachment recommend agree

buildworld2020-4-7 12:33

buildworld 2020-4-7 12:33 11038321 Carl87 2023-3-15 15:56
[x64dbg Plugin] PE_Search,内存PE文件搜索 attachment recommend agree

你与明日2020-4-13 13:20

你与明日 2020-4-13 13:20 3110366 nethuige 2023-3-14 15:26
[Debuggers] 追更,反汇编逆向 x64dbg 2020.07.27 中文版 attachment recommend agree

fearfulcacti2020-7-13 12:53

fearfulcacti 2020-7-13 12:53 5211042 Edison3306 2023-3-14 11:47
[Disassemblers] Relyze v4.0 attachment recommend agree

mochongli2023-2-23 03:23

mochongli 2023-2-23 03:23 234649 boyving 2023-2-27 10:14
[Disassemblers] [搬砖]雨滴易语言反编译工具 attachment recommend agree

huzpsb2020-2-18 18:05

huzpsb 2020-2-18 18:05 50451003 xswuyan 2023-2-9 23:33
[Dongle] WKPE KEYPRO 模擬器 v1.81 for WIN9X 新人帖 attach_img agree

凱文2020-6-30 07:55

凱文 2020-6-30 07:55 3914343 bdsk 2023-2-6 13:59
[.NET] ConfuserEx 1.0.0 汉化增强版 新人帖 attachment recommend agree

chenhahacjl2020-7-30 10:31

chenhahacjl 2020-7-30 10:31 4611336 monica75 2023-2-4 18:50
[Android Tools] [BORBER] 软件工具箱 V0.0.5 目前主安卓逆向 202002291703更新 attachment recommend agree

BORBER2020-2-27 13:08

BORBER 2020-2-27 13:08 12425578 paulhawking 2023-1-24 15:34
[.NET] Red Gate SmartAssembly v7.4.0.34020 attachment agree

囧哥2020-3-31 10:27

囧哥 2020-3-31 10:27 195960 ccboy25 2023-1-23 09:07
[Disassemblers] [2023新年快乐] IDA Pro 7.7.220118纯净汉化修正版至上 新人帖 attachment recommend agree

dych3212023-1-7 04:00

dych321 2023-1-7 04:00 3212227 纳兰容若 2023-1-18 10:12
[PEtools] Detect It Easy v3.06 attachment recommend agree

q5102022-8-31 22:00

q510 2022-8-31 22:00 395290 Angle丶dianfeng 2023-1-11 10:04
[Disassemblers] VB Decompiler Pro v11.1 (RETAIL) (CRACKED) attachment recommend agree

风吹屁屁凉2020-4-2 14:48

风吹屁屁凉 2020-4-2 14:48 4414840 cncfrtc 2023-1-10 22:55
[Other] Source Insight 4.0.0113 attachment recommend agree

hqiwei2020-4-15 09:08

hqiwei 2020-4-15 09:08 4114152 yweiqiang 2023-1-8 10:28
[Scripts] Winlicense Log和bypass脚本 attachment recommend agree

mycsy2020-1-10 01:09

mycsy 2020-1-10 01:09 4312354 latitc 2023-1-1 23:50
[Debuggers] 新人报道,分享个OD,可过VMP3.5 SE等! 新人帖 attachment recommend agree

爱腾讯爱生活2021-3-15 02:01

爱腾讯爱生活 2021-3-15 02:01 16520531 smile4009 2022-12-28 20:54
[Debuggers] OllyDbg 修复版 < x64 x86通用> attachment recommend agree

R-R,2020-1-8 13:12

R-R, 2020-1-8 13:12 16541729 irui0226 2022-12-22 18:41
[Debuggers] [转帖]看见IDA官网有免费的7.6 attachment recommend agree

hk62423372021-5-13 09:05

hk6242337 2021-5-13 09:05 4516045 tfrist 2022-12-20 12:55
[Android Tools] ApkTool 2.7 正式版 recommend agree

lexlong20072022-3-7 13:02

lexlong2007 2022-3-7 13:02 4910306 lexlong2007 2022-12-14 08:42
[Android Tools] 原创??近乎完美解决AndroidKiller不提取classes2+.dex JAVA源码的问题 新人帖 attachment recommend agree

NoZuoNo代2019-12-22 22:25

NoZuoNo代 2019-12-22 22:25 8831432 移动小码农 2022-12-9 14:00
[.NET] 原创 Reflexil for Reflector v2.3 AIO 汉化版 attach_img recommend agree

yxg8882020-2-15 21:57

yxg888 2020-2-15 21:57 3614375 2321 2022-12-6 20:39
[Other] eXeL@B(CrackLab.rU)Видеокурс ВЗЛОМ 4-В-1 2020 俄语教程与工具包 - [阅读权限 10]

啊cr2022-4-14 04:59

啊cr 2022-4-14 04:59 6542 doudou120 2022-12-4 17:26
[PEtools] 安装pe指南编写的小工具-(字节码查看和pe头对比) 新人帖 attachment agree

安下2022-12-1 03:55

安下 2022-12-1 03:55 122960 penz 2022-12-3 21:20
[PEtools] 自己写的远程线程注入工具,供学习使用 attachment recommend agree

52lxw2020-3-15 14:00

52lxw 2020-3-15 14:00 5112459 Fnalist 2022-12-3 16:13
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