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『逆向资源区』 今日: 2 |主题: 5024|排名: 10 

版主: Hmily, FleTime
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[Other] 对windows和linux内核调试套件gdk7和intel dci 硬件调试技术的一个简单评测 attachment recommend agree

nj0012020-7-8 19:42

nj001 2020-7-8 19:42 147028 observer6 2021-9-19 17:46
[Packers] sbhu's packer (由upx改造的压缩壳) attachment

huzpsb2019-5-16 17:59

huzpsb 2019-5-16 17:59 1711420 zczpc2000 2021-9-17 14:30
[Patchers] 小咪兔2.1版本 attachment recommend agree

人生离不开破解2018-12-4 12:47

人生离不开破解 2018-12-4 12:47 10035496 kirinya 2021-9-13 20:20
[Scripts] OllyDbg script for unpacking Enigma 4.xx and 5.xx attachment agree

风吹屁屁凉2018-11-8 10:28

风吹屁屁凉 2018-11-8 10:28 3223975 KAAAsS 2021-9-12 14:06
[.NET] Red Gate .NET Reflector 汉化版 attachment agree

yxg8882018-9-13 14:35

yxg888 2018-9-13 14:35 10538895 楠柚 2021-9-9 17:28
[.NET] 自己修改的de4dot专克MaxtoCode 新人帖 attachment agree

wgh12562018-10-25 09:22

wgh1256 2018-10-25 09:22 16045717 kerry3389 2021-9-9 16:01
[Packers] 自己用C++写的一个加密壳 recommend agree

lizhirui2018-10-16 21:53

lizhirui 论坛大牛 2018-10-16 21:53 14237656 tuankin 2021-9-8 13:32
[IDA Plugin] ida7.0protable集合插件版 attachment recommend agree

莫流云2019-5-5 22:51

莫流云 2019-5-5 22:51 4721690 xhao277 2021-9-7 20:18
[Android Tools] il2cpp反编译工具il2cppdumper attach_img recommend agree

CrazyNut2018-11-7 10:13

CrazyNut 论坛大牛 2018-11-7 10:13 3035922 遗憾迟香 2021-8-30 17:11
[PEtools] [转帖]Professional PE Explorer (PPEE) 1.12 agree

caicaisin2020-10-11 12:23

caicaisin 2020-10-11 12:23 157669 zx971025 2021-8-30 15:20
[.NET] Red Gate .NET Reflector attachment agree

caicaisin2020-9-13 21:43

caicaisin 2020-9-13 21:43 407655 blue_bin 2021-8-12 14:00
[Debuggers] 纪念青春版OD,修复若干BUG recommend agree

冥界3大法王2020-1-6 11:18

冥界3大法王 2020-1-6 11:18 7517990 go_feng 2021-8-11 10:25
[PEtools] Exeinfo PE II【2020.07.25】 attach_img recommend agree

FleTime2019-12-14 19:08

FleTime 2019-12-14 19:08 7122057 lph1972 2021-8-8 19:21
[OllyDbg 1.x Plugin] [更新20181004]OllyRecord OllyDisasm201 attachment recommend agree

R-R,2019-7-9 20:12

R-R, 2019-7-9 20:12 179072 lph1972 2021-8-8 19:14
[Android Tools] Smali Viewer agree

冥界3大法王2018-12-9 21:39

冥界3大法王 2018-12-9 21:39 3818347 lph1972 2021-8-8 19:05
[Unpackers] Universal extractor 2.0 RC2b attachment recommend agree

bigcat7312019-5-7 17:07

bigcat731 2019-5-7 17:07 2212898 lph1972 2021-8-8 18:02
[Packers] The Enigma Protector v6.70 x64 attachment agree

luzhiyao2021-8-3 22:55

luzhiyao 2021-8-3 22:55 847369 lddnzx 2021-8-7 10:40
[Android Tools] windows上Android签名工具,超级好用 attachment recommend agree

debug_cat2018-10-16 14:42

debug_cat 2018-10-16 14:42 7633388 dadashuai 2021-8-4 13:06
[Android Tools] 新手入门之安卓逆向工具Santoku recommend agree

吾爱好地方2018-11-28 10:07

吾爱好地方 2018-11-28 10:07 4427035 wuaiwuqi5257 2021-8-3 08:20
[IDA Plugin] IDAGolangHelper attachment agree

loveaixing2019-2-12 10:23

loveaixing 2019-2-12 10:23 1613908 Mocus 2021-8-1 16:14
[Disassemblers] 分享 IDA 版本,win 7.5 mac 7.0 - [阅读权限 10]agree

CarlosHw2021-7-30 17:23

CarlosHw 2021-7-30 17:23 63164 bohuixu 2021-7-30 18:50
[.NET] Reflector 汉化版 attachment recommend agree

slaiwl2018-8-19 17:50

slaiwl 2018-8-19 17:50 9742253 xqw826 2021-7-29 10:30
[OllyDbg 1.x Plugin] Bypass Shielden AntiVM attachment recommend agree

七宗罪丶2018-11-4 20:54

七宗罪丶 2018-11-4 20:54 3417624 a173067300 2021-7-26 18:19
[.NET] [转帖]de4dot Mod Packs De4dot各种修改版本合集 attachment recommend agree

arryboom2019-5-6 15:56

arryboom 2019-5-6 15:56 1714281 hyhsll 2021-7-24 17:00
[Other] 吾爱工具包虚拟机Win7(64位)Hyper-V版本 attachment recommend agree

不是秀才2019-3-5 20:09

不是秀才 2019-3-5 20:09 14251583 superX009 2021-7-24 11:46
[Unpackers] XVolkolak 0.21万能脱壳机汉化版 attachment recommend agree

slaiwl2018-7-31 19:21

slaiwl 2018-7-31 19:21 15747087 pjzmj2012 2021-7-22 19:34
[Android Tools] AIDE安卓编译利器v3.2.190305最新破解中文版 attachment recommend agree

K小姐2019-3-16 09:45

K小姐 2019-3-16 09:45 5130811 ntaaq18 2021-7-22 19:13
[Debuggers] Unicorn模拟引擎源码分析及中文API参考 recommend agree

kabeo2020-2-13 13:42

kabeo 2020-2-13 13:42 138255 LogicHub 2021-7-17 09:43
[.NET] [.NET壳] Agile.Net [Cracked by 凉游浅笔深画眉/wwh1004] attachment recommend agree

wwh10042018-7-29 16:08

wwh1004 论坛大牛 2018-7-29 16:08 6729032 yasenhacker 2021-7-16 16:22
[Unpackers] EnigmaVBUnpacker v0.57 汉化版 - Enigma Virtual Box 虚拟文件解包利器 attachment agree

yxg8882019-11-9 09:16

yxg888 2019-11-9 09:16 3014697 15059393405 2021-7-15 01:57
[Packers] Eziriz IntelliLock v2.8.5.0 Cracked attach_img recommend agree

FleTime2021-3-13 19:33

FleTime 2021-3-13 19:33 184794 anony666 2021-7-15 00:13
[IDA Plugin] 适合IDA 7.2的绿化版python 2.7.17 x64 recommend agree

usualwyy2020-4-19 10:16

usualwyy 2020-4-19 10:16 219971 suhuaabc 2021-7-11 09:24
[OllyDbg 1.x Plugin] AsmHighlight OD选中关键字高亮插件 attachment agree

痴迷仙剑2018-8-11 23:30

痴迷仙剑 2018-8-11 23:30 3622154 yupinqiang 2021-7-8 14:53
[Disassemblers] 国外好用的autoit3反编译工具分享 attachment recommend agree

52lxw2019-7-12 10:01

52lxw 2019-7-12 10:01 9025950 大七250 2021-7-7 11:36
[OllyDbg 1.x Plugin] 试编拉一个常用的功能如重命名,二进制保存文件,快速转到CPU窗口,易语言特征查找 attachment recommend agree

怕猪猪与逆向2020-9-20 22:54

怕猪猪与逆向 2020-9-20 22:54 267412 nappywu 2021-6-23 15:52
[Other] Androl4b v.3:基于ubuntu-mate的android安全虚拟机,用于逆向工程和恶意软件分析 recommend agree

秦墨瑾2021-3-21 13:24

秦墨瑾 2021-3-21 13:24 225889 nappywu 2021-6-23 09:43
[Editors] [转帖]X-ways winhex_2020年10月13日更新:20.0.Sr2 attachment recommend agree

caicaisin2020-10-13 09:37

caicaisin 2020-10-13 09:37 207745 xyyxhcj 2021-6-21 14:52
[Android Tools] apktool 2.4.0_DIY attach_img recommend agree

aa662019-1-18 20:30

aa66 2019-1-18 20:30 5222917 tkggtkggtkgg 2021-6-21 14:36
[Packers] VMProtect.3.2 (Build 976) KeyGen by:Xjun attachment recommend agree

xjun2018-7-17 14:49

xjun 论坛大牛 2018-7-17 14:49 112679833 feimeng 2021-6-16 00:06
[Packers] 一个简单的二进制加密壳 attachment agree

madder2019-4-17 01:43

madder 2019-4-17 01:43 4621108 aswcy815174418 2021-6-14 01:15
[OllyDbg 1.x Plugin] 一个过VMP 3.1x调试器虚拟机检测的插件 新人帖 attachment recommend agree

sxdx13722018-9-4 22:30

sxdx1372 2018-9-4 22:30 4523456 大七250 2021-6-11 16:56
[Other] 分享自己用的一款win7虚拟机,2.0工具包中部分工具已更新(不定期小更新) attach_img recommend agree

siloneconan2018-11-8 09:18

siloneconan 2018-11-8 09:18 22366599 一粒咖啡 2021-6-6 08:40
[Android Tools] JEB 3.17.1 Anti-Covid19 Edition by DimitarSerg attachment recommend agree

xdnice2020-4-22 08:26

xdnice 2020-4-22 08:26 4414037 wenroudeyu 2021-6-1 20:45
[OllyDbg 1.x Plugin] OllyCopy 一款很不错的Copy数据插件 attachment recommend agree

R-R,2018-10-31 10:16

R-R, 2018-10-31 10:16 3814978 一粒咖啡 2021-6-1 14:33
[.NET] NET Reflector attachment recommend agree

3yu32020-4-17 09:21

3yu3 2020-4-17 09:21 2811256 一粒咖啡 2021-5-30 10:49
[Other] 安卓x86x64-VMware和VitualBox虚拟机打包分享 新人帖 recommend agree

cjh06132020-4-29 16:56

cjh0613 2020-4-29 16:56 4214114 MOS777 2021-5-24 09:03
[Android Tools] Android 调试助手 v3.6 recommend agree

冥界3大法王2019-7-27 08:08

冥界3大法王 2019-7-27 08:08 10127214 xjqxzlydy 2021-5-24 00:03
[Disassemblers] 特征码生成器 v1.7 attachment recommend agree

Nisy2020-3-24 19:13

Nisy 2020-3-24 19:13 6320675 tiramisu17 2021-5-19 15:48
[Unpackers] Molebox Virtualization Studio unpacker ver.0.2 attachment recommend agree

antiol2018-12-11 09:02

antiol 论坛大牛 2018-12-11 09:02 2014776 hesqiang 2021-5-5 10:54
[Disassemblers] 自用Ubuntu虚拟机含优秀逆向工具Hopper Disassember最新版 attachment recommend agree

zyjsuper2019-7-23 17:02

zyjsuper 2019-7-23 17:02 5520879 Teslaofeizao 2021-5-2 12:09
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