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『逆向资源区』 今日: 4 |主题: 5027|排名: 11 

版主: Hmily, FleTime
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[Packers] 穿山甲软件保护系统SoftwarePassport Armadillo Key祝大家六一儿童节快乐 - [阅读权限 10]attachment recommend agree

dryzh2018-6-1 10:46

dryzh 2018-6-1 10:46 1057151 qiubaixifang 2021-1-14 16:51
[PEtools] [PEtools] Exeinfo PE【2020.04.28】 attachment recommend agree

wfhx2020-5-27 19:16

wfhx 2020-5-27 19:16 4810227 qiubaixifang 2021-1-14 16:44
[.NET] RedGate's SmartAssembly attachment agree

wgh12562019-3-27 18:34

wgh1256 2019-3-27 18:34 148184 qiubaixifang 2021-1-14 15:14
[Unpackers] EnigmaVBUnpacker v0.55 Enigma Virtual Box 解包利器 attachment recommend agree

慕若曦2019-2-6 17:51

慕若曦 2019-2-6 17:51 1513717 qiubaixifang 2021-1-14 14:55
[Disassemblers] Bindead attachment agree

冥界3大法王2018-9-12 00:06

冥界3大法王 2018-9-12 00:06 115256 qiubaixifang 2021-1-14 14:22
[.NET] LogicNP CryptoLicensing For .Net 2018 attachment agree

FleTime2020-1-9 06:25

FleTime 2020-1-9 06:25 14888 qiubaixifang 2021-1-14 14:04
[PEtools] [2018-01-28更新] 查壳工具Exeinfo PE Version : attachment recommend agree

chinasmu2018-1-29 14:41

chinasmu 2018-1-29 14:41 8533801 qiubaixifang 2021-1-14 13:21
[Debuggers] Detect It Easy 2.02 绿色 本版已支持中文 attachment recommend agree

kuchen2019-2-25 12:45

kuchen 2019-2-25 12:45 1912187 qiubaixifang 2021-1-14 12:07
[PEtools] Hiew v8.63 attachment recommend agree

MistHill2018-4-9 19:39

MistHill 论坛大牛 2018-4-9 19:39 3617244 qiubaixifang 2021-1-14 11:03
[.NET] ConfuserEx Proxy Fixer attachment recommend agree

风吹屁屁凉2018-11-7 16:15

风吹屁屁凉 2018-11-7 16:15 1410237 qiubaixifang 2021-1-14 11:01
[PEtools] PE Anatomist - PE files internals recommend agree

风吹屁屁凉2019-12-2 14:51

风吹屁屁凉 2019-12-2 14:51 117270 qiubaixifang 2021-1-14 09:51
[Unpackers] QuickUnpack v4.2 attachment agree

m4n0w4r2018-7-25 16:23

m4n0w4r 2018-7-25 16:23 4618508 qiubaixifang 2021-1-14 09:17
[Other] 同步调试ret-sync(windbg/ollydbg/x32dbg/x64dbg/ida逆向调试神器)动静合1的完美呈现 attachment recommend agree

冥界3大法王2019-8-15 22:21

冥界3大法王 2019-8-15 22:21 1912372 qiubaixifang 2021-1-14 09:00
[Unpackers] EnigmaVBUnpacker v0.54(Enigma Virtual Box 虚拟文件解包器)汉化版 By 苦瓜甘甜 attachment recommend agree

wszjf2018-12-10 14:45

wszjf 2018-12-10 14:45 5625617 qiqi520i 2021-1-12 17:10
[x64dbg Plugin] x64dbg 2020年8月16日更新(搬砖) recommend agree

caicaisin2020-8-16 17:37

caicaisin 2020-8-16 17:37 358327 听风没有雨 2021-1-11 21:48
[Other] [官网搬运]Cheat Engine 6.8.1 [ZH&EN] attachment recommend agree

Mr1142018-11-25 20:37

Mr114 2018-11-25 20:37 5839145 linyun778899 2021-1-6 14:35
[Unpackers] innoextract——Inno Setup打包程序解包工具 attachment recommend agree

Hmily2018-6-29 11:38

Hmily 论坛大牛 2018-6-29 11:38 3123956 JC_2019 2021-1-5 21:00
[Packers] .NET Reactor v5.9.2.0 [Cracked by wwh1004] attachment recommend agree

wwh10042018-7-6 19:36

wwh1004 论坛大牛 2018-7-6 19:36 3520242 datoutie 2021-1-5 14:10
[Packers] Vmprotect 3.20 build 976 泄露key agree

AmIzero2018-7-19 10:38

AmIzero 2018-7-19 10:38 5717096 stitch626 2021-1-3 16:04
[Network Analyzer] Burp Suite Professional 2020.9 attachment agree

caicaisin2020-9-4 13:56

caicaisin 2020-9-4 13:56 368363 caihaojun 2020-12-29 11:12
[Cryptography] syrmb加解密编码辅助工具CryptoTool v0.0.3 attachment recommend agree

syrmb2018-2-4 18:23

syrmb 2018-2-4 18:23 15933458 13055168878 2020-12-28 21:44
[Other] 查询窗体,VS自带Spy++分享 新人帖 attachment agree

shy871582020-2-27 01:03

shy87158 2020-2-27 01:03 85414 gd小兵 2020-12-27 22:04
[Patchers] {吾爱破解}专用 Skin for AT4RE Patcher 0.7.5 (已更新) 新人帖 attachment agree

ZiPP2018-1-10 16:02

ZiPP 2018-1-10 16:02 2917259 yaojiahong 2020-12-26 13:32
[Unpackers] Inno Setup Unpacker v0.47 attachment recommend agree

Hmily2018-7-3 15:08

Hmily 论坛大牛 2018-7-3 15:08 4819950 聪本 2020-12-24 10:57
[Android Tools] 安卓APK修改工具(2018更新) attachment recommend agree

新手小渣渣2018-7-23 17:20

新手小渣渣 2018-7-23 17:20 28597475 dadi1861 2020-12-24 10:35
[Editors] Hex Editor Neo Ultimate keyfilemaker attachment agree

antiol2019-2-16 15:58

antiol 论坛大牛 2019-2-16 15:58 109869 聪本 2020-12-24 10:15
[Other] Cracker Tools 2.7 By yildo 新人帖 attachment agree

go2crack2020-2-10 22:10

go2crack 2020-2-10 22:10 339758 聪本 2020-12-24 10:13
[IDA Plugin] Virtuailor - IDAPython tool for C++ vtables reconstruction attachment agree

m4n0w4r2019-2-2 21:10

m4n0w4r 2019-2-2 21:10 36878 聪本 2020-12-24 10:00
[.NET] AssemblyRebuilder v1.2.2.0 by Wwh 新人帖 attachment recommend agree

wwh10042018-2-14 10:46

wwh1004 论坛大牛 2018-2-14 10:46 4626696 聪本 2020-12-24 09:54
[PEtools] UIF_Fix_修复版 attachment agree

你坏2019-7-5 16:31

你坏 2019-7-5 16:31 2810263 聪本 2020-12-24 00:17
[.NET] .net reflector注册机 attachment

propep2020-6-27 22:35

propep 2020-6-27 22:35 226913 聪本 2020-12-24 00:13
[.NET] DNSPY最后一个XP版本 recommend agree

3yu32018-5-30 18:51

3yu3 2018-5-30 18:51 5622368 聪本 2020-12-23 23:07
[Other] Windows Internals Part 1 7th Edition with Sysinternals Suite and Extra Software attachment agree

InternetDog2020-9-6 15:03

InternetDog 2020-9-6 15:03 225755 聪本 2020-12-23 21:51
[.NET] [.Net脱壳机]ExtremeDumper v2.3 by wwh1004 attachment recommend agree

wwh10042018-3-18 17:24

wwh1004 论坛大牛 2018-3-18 17:24 5634475 聪本 2020-12-23 21:24
[Android Tools] UAA (Ultimate Advanced Apktool) attachment agree

m4n0w4r2018-8-6 11:08

m4n0w4r 2018-8-6 11:08 76350 聪本 2020-12-23 19:12
[Android Tools] 安卓 一款逆向补助工具分享(Aex工具) attachment recommend agree

HaMer2018-1-8 23:36

HaMer 2018-1-8 23:36 5320697 聪本 2020-12-23 18:58
[Android Tools] 分享个人私藏的安卓逆向工具(非技术贴) - [阅读权限 10]recommend agree

lyrong2018-2-16 19:42

lyrong 2018-2-16 19:42 475366 聪本 2020-12-23 18:18
[.NET] Red Gate SmartAssembly attachment agree

caicaisin2020-9-12 14:12

caicaisin 2020-9-12 14:12 84078 聪本 2020-12-23 17:58
[.NET] Red Gate SmartAssembly更新) agree

caicaisin2020-7-11 11:11

caicaisin 2020-7-11 11:11 114837 聪本 2020-12-23 17:14
[Disassemblers] pkZine电子杂志书籍破解工具 attachment agree

pnptnt2018-4-14 23:04

pnptnt 2018-4-14 23:04 3316381 聪本 2020-12-23 13:57
[Packers] Enigma Protector v5.20_x86 Crack [NO INSTALL] attach_img agree

tchivs2019-1-10 13:38

tchivs 2019-1-10 13:38 1611433 聪本 2020-12-23 11:10
[PEtools] [转帖]Sisulizer Enterprise Edition 4.0 Build 371 Multilingual agree

肩膀、给谁靠2018-9-29 10:43

肩膀、给谁靠 2018-9-29 10:43 229238 聪本 2020-12-23 10:09
[x64dbg Plugin] x64Dbg插件【数据格式转换】DataConverter attachment agree

苏紫方璇2019-1-4 21:53

苏紫方璇 论坛大牛 2019-1-4 21:53 2716608 聪本 2020-12-23 10:08
[Android Tools] JEB 2.3.12 Demo Patched -- Mac version attachment agree

usualwyy2018-10-6 06:02

usualwyy 2018-10-6 06:02 1713624 聪本 2020-12-23 09:03
[OllyDbg 1.x Plugin] OllyMigrate v1.04 attachment agree

m4n0w4r2018-5-12 19:40

m4n0w4r 2018-5-12 19:40 196449 lxd1215 2020-12-23 00:47
[Disassemblers] ArkDasm阿克达姆64位交互式反汇编程序1.1 recommend agree

冥界3大法王2018-9-20 09:34

冥界3大法王 2018-9-20 09:34 3110754 聪本 2020-12-23 00:07
[Android Tools] apktool_2.4.1 【2019.11.19】 recommend agree

move2020-1-12 23:11

move 2020-1-12 23:11 2718717 overlords 2020-12-22 20:09
[Patchers] XH 补丁制作工具1.3.6 attach_img recommend agree

9806916592018-4-16 21:05

980691659 2018-4-16 21:05 7439367 聪本 2020-12-22 16:13
[Debuggers] x64dbg 2018.11.18 开源调试器工具绿色版 新人帖 attachment recommend agree

lxwaft2018-11-27 10:50

lxwaft 2018-11-27 10:50 3011286 聪本 2020-12-22 15:08
[Unpackers] QuickUnpack v4.1 attachment agree

m4n0w4r2018-6-25 10:32

m4n0w4r 2018-6-25 10:32 3416464 聪本 2020-12-22 14:59
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