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『逆向资源区』 今日: 4 |主题: 5027|排名: 11 

版主: Hmily, FleTime
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[Editors] [转贴] Resource_Hacker_v5.1.6 汉化版 attachment agree

xingyuwan2018-7-16 10:28

xingyuwan 2018-7-16 10:28 5418776 b1028zxc2020 2020-10-18 23:20
[IDA Plugin] RetDec (Retargetable Decompiler) agree

m4n0w4r2017-12-14 10:44

m4n0w4r 2017-12-14 10:44 910271 灰度X 2020-10-18 14:35
[Unpackers] XVolkolak 0.21 attachment agree

cmc54102018-7-28 18:40

cmc5410 论坛大牛原创精英 2018-7-28 18:40 146223 文轩墨客 2020-10-14 21:39
[Editors] Resource Hacker V_5.1.6 Build 337 正式版

freesoft002018-6-15 21:47

freesoft00 2018-6-15 21:47 257228 益韶 2020-10-13 20:59
[PEtools] RDG Packer Detector v0.7.6 (2017) agree

m4n0w4r2017-11-29 16:26

m4n0w4r 2017-11-29 16:26 77047 灰度X 2020-10-10 18:46
[IDA Plugin] IDAtropy attachment agree

m4n0w4r2018-2-6 22:51

m4n0w4r 2018-2-6 22:51 167728 灰度X 2020-10-10 00:20
[Scripts] VMProtect 1.xx - 2.xx自动脱壳机(脚本)+教程(转自qcsdn) recommend agree

lvbuqing2020-10-9 11:32

lvbuqing 论坛大牛 2020-10-9 11:32 1814384 basaiyv 2020-10-9 17:03
[Other] VM函数头地址MAP生成工具,生成出的map可使用TEP或者CV来进行对函数头部VM attachment agree

R-R,2020-8-12 23:21

R-R, 2020-8-12 23:21 114431 深蓝海琼 2020-10-9 13:59
[Other] 吾爱虚拟机2.0右键菜单DIY attachment recommend agree

klaihao2020-2-20 20:18

klaihao 2020-2-20 20:18 208879 coolxyg 2020-10-6 18:17
[Android Tools] Android加固中So文件自动化修复工具GUI attachment recommend agree

chhzh2017-10-17 20:41

chhzh 2017-10-17 20:41 5927268 matrix4 2020-10-5 07:23
[Scripts] OD监视易语言事件脚本,刚学脚本之第二个编写,大佬勿喷 attachment recommend agree

怕猪猪与逆向2020-8-2 22:31

怕猪猪与逆向 2020-8-2 22:31 296157 Anxious 2020-10-4 20:04
[Android Tools] android逆向工具Jeb第一次启动 新人帖 attachment recommend agree

kinyuk2018-4-7 13:41

kinyuk 2018-4-7 13:41 6849383 fksd3 2020-9-20 10:13
[Android Tools] JEB3.13破解方法(带完整3.12破解Eclipse项目) 新人帖 attachment recommend agree

foolishb2019-3-23 17:30

foolishb 2019-3-23 17:30 6839072 土行者 2020-9-9 17:40
[Debuggers] x64dbg 2017-10-18集成多个最新版插件和皮肤自用版 attachment recommend agree

boyving2017-10-27 09:57

boyving 2017-10-27 09:57 5621228 mdh025 2020-8-21 16:34
[Disassemblers] W32Dasm 9.0b J.Ping CN 新人帖 attachment agree

CailGe2018-8-11 14:37

CailGe 2018-8-11 14:37 159095 xiaohe_nh 2020-8-20 10:21
[IDA Plugin] IDA7.0 中文字符搜索的实现方法(17.10.13更新内容) attach_img recommend agree

chhzh2017-10-2 13:41

chhzh 2017-10-2 13:41 2420239 NASS80 2020-8-17 12:31
[PEtools] PE文件读写工具 attachment recommend agree

抽刀断水水更流2019-12-23 04:11

抽刀断水水更流 2019-12-23 04:11 6013653 ╭ァ登陸夨敗メ 2020-8-15 13:37
[Unpackers] 可能是最简单的bank解包工具 attach_img recommend agree

ajchen012020-5-23 21:34

ajchen01 2020-5-23 21:34 1514581 宇智波杜兰特 2020-8-13 16:51
[Editors] X-ways WinHex 19.8 Professional License (x86Bit + x64Bit ) attachment agree

A-new2019-2-28 17:43

A-new 论坛大牛 2019-2-28 17:43 4419156 duguoqi111 2020-8-12 22:20
[Android Tools] Java代码转Smali代码工具:Java2Smali 新人帖 attachment recommend agree

yisin_862017-10-29 12:59

yisin_86 2017-10-29 12:59 7045539 ycwang 2020-8-12 13:35
[Android Tools] 安卓APK修改器(合集) 新人帖 attachment recommend agree

qqqmyj2017-8-28 09:41

qqqmyj 2017-8-28 09:41 675124577 7860045 2020-8-6 14:35
[x64dbg Plugin] x64dbg v2020.07.29 attachment recommend agree

孤独色的夜2020-7-30 23:41

孤独色的夜 2020-7-30 23:41 144179 Awesome丶ABC 2020-8-3 11:46
[IDA Plugin] ida 7.0插件 recommend agree

A-new2017-11-2 12:05

A-new 论坛大牛 2017-11-2 12:05 4732892 gblgbl 2020-8-3 02:52
[Android Tools] 极速脱壳新体验,x86版dex2oat脱壳机秒脱360、百度等加固 新人帖 attachment recommend agree

choson2017-12-8 10:52

choson 2017-12-8 10:52 24564101 wwbtowwb 2020-8-1 19:19
[Disassemblers] AS3 Sorcerer 5.80 keygen attachment recommend agree

风吹屁屁凉2018-4-18 16:54

风吹屁屁凉 2018-4-18 16:54 239556 caoxin 2020-7-31 23:24
[Disassemblers] ghidra - Software Reverse Engineering Framework

m4n0w4r2019-3-6 12:24

m4n0w4r 2019-3-6 12:24 35142 bigkingman 2020-7-31 03:33
[IDA Plugin] Ida插件auto_re安装及使用 attachment agree

52lxw2018-12-27 12:50

52lxw 2018-12-27 12:50 1212879 绫音 2020-7-30 15:59
[.NET] ConvertNet 7in1 attachment recommend agree

testunpack2018-7-4 17:34

testunpack 2018-7-4 17:34 176988 lyliucn 2020-7-28 17:19
[Editors] (转)老牌资源编辑器Restorator 2018 v3.90 Build 1790 with patch recommend agree

Juno_Jr2018-6-12 22:45

Juno_Jr 2018-6-12 22:45 5315505 hrdom 2020-7-28 10:45
[Android Tools] GDA反编译器更新至3.66:支持污点传播分析、方法签名、python脚本 attach_img digest recommend agree

gjden2017-8-4 13:59

gjden 2017-8-4 13:59 12360684 y89920 2020-7-27 19:14
[Editors] Resource Hacker v5.1.1.329 汉化版 attachment agree

yxg8882018-6-9 10:26

yxg888 2018-6-9 10:26 4519766 liao66 2020-7-26 11:37
[Android Tools] Android调试助手 V3.0 attachment recommend agree

hx13145212017-12-18 15:53

hx1314521 2017-12-18 15:53 2615156 sh55721 2020-7-26 09:51
[OllyDbg 1.x Plugin] OllyDumpEx V1.72 新人帖 attachment agree

chkeying2019-9-2 09:38

chkeying 2019-9-2 09:38 129307 qq114168 2020-7-25 19:44
[Packers] upx shell 3.94 attachment recommend agree

whyida2018-1-21 20:10

whyida 2018-1-21 20:10 2814931 hrdom 2020-7-25 18:30
[Debuggers] x64dbg (2018-04-05) 中文版 配色+集成插件 attachment recommend agree

xjun2017-10-24 12:19

xjun 论坛大牛 2017-10-24 12:19 7132744 iccobb1 2020-7-24 10:30
[Disassemblers] 低调(d-iao)论坛大牛写的LUA解密工具,版权归低调(d-iao)论坛大牛所有 attachment agree

linfengtai20082017-11-3 16:42

linfengtai2008 2017-11-3 16:42 5530332 suifei 2020-7-22 11:20
[OllyDbg 1.x Plugin] SharpOD 反反调试插件 v0.6e (增加功能和修复BUG) recommend agree

xjun2017-7-27 09:57

xjun 论坛大牛 2017-7-27 09:57 36388968 小玩世 2020-7-15 14:24
[.NET] dnSpy v6.1.3 agree

A-new2017-11-11 18:33

A-new 论坛大牛 2017-11-11 18:33 3314490 humbert_z 2020-7-5 10:10
[Patchers] 去除虚拟机后门检测补丁 attachment recommend agree

White2017-7-10 19:08

White 2017-7-10 19:08 576121272 wp103654566 2020-7-5 02:57
[.NET] UnConfuserEx 1.0 attachment agree

caizz5202017-11-15 21:43

caizz520 2017-11-15 21:43 2818566 mayahua 2020-7-4 21:35
[IDA Plugin] COMFinder 用于查找标记COM组件中函数的IDA插件 新人帖 attachment agree

HOWMP2019-1-8 21:02

HOWMP 2019-1-8 21:02 68069 dwh007 2020-6-30 21:02
[PEtools] 软件手术刀更新啦 新增永久注入DLL功能 输入表修改 程序内容资源替换 attach_img recommend agree

无阻2017-9-25 20:19

无阻 2017-9-25 20:19 9838318 sam喵喵 2020-6-29 22:20
[Network Analyzer] [已更新]charles-proxy 抓包工具 v4.1.4 Win64 Win32 MAC 破解文件 attachment recommend agree

小宇殿下2017-7-7 00:24

小宇殿下 2017-7-7 00:24 8130309 小宇殿下 2020-6-27 11:11
[Disassemblers] BinaryNinja Debugger Plugin 1.2 agree

冥界3大法王2020-6-16 09:24

冥界3大法王 2020-6-16 09:24 86383 yaoyao7 2020-6-19 08:35
[IDA Plugin] IDAFuzzy - searching tool for IDA Pro attachment agree

m4n0w4r2018-4-18 11:11

m4n0w4r 2018-4-18 11:11 88212 坑得一批 2020-6-18 16:51
[PEtools] 查壳利器 Exeinfo PE (2018.9.25) 最新中文版+集成35个插件 新人帖 attachment recommend agree

xzm10082019-2-11 18:09

xzm1008 2019-2-11 18:09 34750797 lxj361 2020-6-9 14:38
[Network Analyzer] BurpSuite pro v1.7.26_&_v2.0.11汉化版打包 新人帖 attach_img recommend agree

半生风雪2019-3-24 15:24

半生风雪 2019-3-24 15:24 11849602 hangez 2020-6-2 10:15
[Android Tools] 华为方舟编译器来啦,快下载!快!上!船!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ attachment recommend agree

Tunny2019-8-31 19:37

Tunny 2019-8-31 19:37 52177991 actionchicken 2020-6-2 00:13
[Packers] VProtect.2.1.0【professional】111030有需要的朋友下载 attachment agree

tqtxafje2017-6-5 17:24

tqtxafje 2017-6-5 17:24 3616683 byha4 2020-6-1 17:02
[Network Analyzer] 渗透测试神器BurpSuite pro v2.0beta and keygen attachment recommend agree

Poner2018-8-24 16:32

Poner 2018-8-24 16:32 24971162 pymoji 2020-5-28 10:24
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