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[Patchers] 分享个命令行的补丁工具,因为优点就是超省地(特征码+批处理)

冥界3大法王 发表于 2023-2-23 17:38
本帖最后由 冥界3大法王 于 2023-2-23 22:07 编辑


[Asm] 纯文本查看 复制代码
For example: "sfk", "sfk list", "sfk run".

C:\U\i>sfk189.exe list
sfk list [-time] [-size|-size=digits] [...] dir [mask]
sfk sel[ect] -dir dir1 dir2 -file .ext1 .ext2 !.ext3 [...]

   list all or just selected files from a directory tree.
   select is the same, but it ignores command chaining input.

      -time      show date and modification time
      -flattime  show date and time in a more compact format
      -tab       separate columns by tab characters, not blanks
      -size[=n]  show size of files [n characters wide]
      -kbytes    or -kb lists sizes in kbytes instead of bytes
      -mbytes    or -gbytes lists sizes in mbytes or gbytes
      -kbpure    list without "kb" postfix
      -stat      show statistics (number of files, dirs, bytes)
                 and tell if hidden files or dirs were skipped.
      -nofollow  or -nofo does not follow symbolic directory links.
                 use this if list runs in an endless recursion.
      -withdirs  list also directories
      -justdirs  list just directories
      -hidden    list also hidden or system files
      -arc       list contents of well known zip, tar.gz and
                 tar.bz2 archives as deep as possible, including
                 nested archives. type "sfk help opt" for the
                 list of well known file extensions.
      -qarc      quick list archives, lists only archive entries
                 at the top level, skipping nested archives.
      -xarc      list contents of any zip file, regardless of
                 file extension, and tar.gz and tar.bz2 files.
                 reads the first bytes of every file and will
                 therefore perform slower then -arc.
      -qxarc     quick list any archive content.
      -sort[=n]  sort by name, list all or last n files
      -sortrev   sort by name, in reverse order
      -late[=n]  sort by time, list latest   [n] files last
      -old[=n]   sort by time, list oldest   [n] files last
      -big[=n]   sort by size, list biggest  [n] files last
      -small[=n]   sort by size, list smallest [n] files last
      -skiplate=n  sort by time, select all except newest n
      -minsize=s   list only files >= size, like 10b or 100k
      -maxsize=s   list only files <= size, like 10m or 4g
                   b=bytes k=kbytes m=megabytes g=gigabytes
      -late=all  sort by time, list all files
      -notime    don't list time, after -late or -old
      -nosize    don't list size, after -big  or -small
      -pure      pure list of filenames, leave out time, size,
                 headline or statistics.
      -quot      surround filenames by double quotes. needed when
                 post-processing filename lists containing blanks.
      -quiet     do not show the "scan" progress information
      -since     list only files since this timestamp, e.g.
                 "2006-01-31 12:15:59" or 20060131121559,
                 2006-01-31 or 20060131.
                 today: files changed since midnight of today.
                 1d: changed since 1 day, i.e. not counting
                 from midnight, but 24 hours into the past.
                 5h, 30m, 10s : 5 hours, 30 minutes, 10 seconds.
      -before    select files modified before that timestamp.
      -today     short replacement for "-since today".
      -usectime  use or list creation time instead of modification time.
                 may not be available on some filesystems.
      -utc       or -gmt lists UTC/GMT time instead of local time.
      -sincedir  compare against another directory, list files that
       or -sd    have been added, have different time, or content.
                 does not list files which have been removed.
      -sinceadd  like -sincedir, list only added files.
      -sincedif  like -sincedir, list only changed files.
                 does not list files with diff. time but same content.
                 does not list added files.
      -sincechg  list files with different content, and added files.
       or -sc    does not list files with diff. time but same content.
      -relnames  list filenames relative to specified directory(s),
                 i.e. strip root directory names at the beginning.
      -abs[olute]   list all filenames with full absolute path.
      -tofile x  write all names directly to file x (using less memory
                 than the chain command +tofile x).
      -maxfiles=n      list a maximum of n files only.
      -fileoff[set]=n  from all selected files, list only a subset,
                 starting at index n. first file has index 0.
      -upat      unix style exclusion syntax with : instead of !
                 e.g. -subdir :/tmp does the same as -subdir !\tmp
      -upat2     also support wildcard % instead of *
      -tomake .ext  select only files that have no, or an older,
                    counterpart file with extension .ext
                    in the same folder.
      -tomake outdir\$base.ext  select only files that have no or
                 an older counterpart file in outdir with .ext.
                 see "sfk run" for example: .wav to .mp3 conversion

   important details of file name / extension selection:
      - when specifying a filename pattern beginning with a dot "."
        and no wildcard, only files with this extension will be selected.
      - otherwise the pattern is searched anywhere within the filename.
        to force a filename start comparison, say \pattern (with a slash).
      - filename means the relative filename, not directory or path name.

   command chaining difference between list and select:
      +list accepts files from previous commands. +select ignores them,
      allowing scripts to run many independent selects in one chain.

      sfk dir          same as "sfk list -stat".
      sfk select       same as list, but ignoring chain input.
      sfk larc         same as "sfk list -arc".
      sfk late         same as "sfk list -late".
      sfk today        same as "sfk list -today".
      sfk big          same as "sfk list -big".
      sfk old          same as "sfk list -old".
      sfk small        same as "sfk list -small".

   see also
      sfk help select  the sfk file selection syntax.
      sfk help opt     for further general options.
      sfk stat         to list directory tree sizes.
      sfk filetime     list all times of a file.

   more in the SFK Book
      the SFK Book contains a 60 page tutorial, including
      sfk dir and list examples with input, command and output.
      type "sfk book" for details.

      sfk list .
         list all files of current directory and all subdirectories.
      sfk list mydir !.bak !.tmp.txt
         list all files within mydir, except .bak and .tmp.txt files.
      sfk list -dir . -file foo .htm .java*
         this will find and list the following sample filenames:
            thefoobar.dat       matches anywhere-pattern "foo"
            biginfo.htm         matches exact extension  ".htm"
            test.java.9.15      matches anywhere-pattern ".java*"
         the command will NOT list the following sample filenames:
            foosys\thebar.dat   pattern must match filename, not path.
            biginfo.html        does not match extension ".htm"
      sfk list -dir mydir !tmp !\save\ -file .txt
         list all .txt files within mydir, excluding all sub folders
         having "tmp" in their name, or called exactly "save".
      sfk alias list = sfk list -noop
         after this, just typing "list" lists the current directory.
      sfk list -dir src1 -file .cpp -dir src2 -file .hpp
         list .cpp files from src1, .hpp files from src2.
      sfk list -dir src "*examples*"
         list contents of all directories having a name with "examples",
         located somewhere below src. note that "*examples*" defines a
         path mask, whereas "examples" would be another root directory.
         under linux, patterns with a * wildcard MUST have quotes "".
      sfk list -late -dir . -sub foo -file .jsp .java
         list the most recent .jsp and .java files, in all dirs below
         the current one (.) having "foo" in their pathname.
      sfk list -late -dir . *foo -file .jsp .java
         the same, only shorter to type.
      sfk list -justdirs -dir . *foo* -file .jsp .java
         list all folders having "foo" in their pathname
         and which contain any .jsp or .java files.
      sfk list -sincedir src5 src1 .cpp
         provided that directory src5 is an older copy of src1, list the
         .cpp files that have been added/changed since src5 was created.
      sfk list -pure -late=30 -quot | zip ..\update.zip -@
         collect the latest 30 files from current dir into a zip file,
         using InfoZIP's option "-@" to use a filename list from stdin.
      sfk sel src .bak +del
         select all .bak files in src, then delete them.
      sfk list -nosub -late mydir +sleep 5000 +loop
         list most recent files of mydir every 5 seconds,
         excluding all sub folder contents.
      sfk list . .jpg +count
         tell the number of .jpg files in current directory tree.
      sfk list soundlib .wav -tomake outdir\$base.mp3
         list all .wav files in folder soundlib that have no
         or an older .mp3 file counterpart in folder outdir.
         see "sfk run" for the full -tomake example.
      sfk list -nosub -flattime -tabs . .jpg +filter -stabform
       "ren $qcol3 \q$col1$col2-$col3\q" +run "$text"
         rename all .jpg files in current folder to be prefixed by
         their modification time (type whole command in one line). [27]
      sfk larc src.zip +view
         show content listing of zip file src.zip in Depeche View,
         to search filenames interactively ("sfk view" for details).
      sfk list . >lslr
         list files of the current directory and all subdirectories into
         an index text file "lslr" (named after the unix command "ls -lR").
         doing this in a root directory may take some while, but afterwards
         you will find the location of every file in realtime, by simply
         typing "sfk find lslr your_filename_pattern".
      sfk list -qarc -tofile lslrx .
         same as above, but including hidden and system files, as well as
         the first content level of every .zip and .jar file. using -tofile
         instead of ">lslrx" redirection allows you to see a progress info.
         doing this in a root dir like C:\ may produce a filename listing
         of several hundred MB in size.
      sfk list -hidden -arc -tofile lslrxl .
         produce an ultimate file listing, including hidden and system files,
         .zip and .jar contents, .tar, tar.gz and tar.bz2 contents, as well
         as archive contents embedded within archives, like .class files
         embedded within .jar files within a .tar.bz2 archive. running this
         command in a root dir like C:\ may take some hours, and it may
         produce a 1 GB or more file listing, so make sure there is enough
         disk space.


@echo off
::script by board4all.biz kenlewis

:::Change display text
sfk replace -binary "/4500760061006C0075006100740069006F006E002000760065007200730069006F006E002E00200057006F0072006B00730020006F006E006C007900200069006E002000490044004500/43007200610063006B00650064002000760065007200730069006F006E002E002000200068007400740070003A002F002F00350031007800690061007A00610069002E0063006F006D00/" -dir "%cd%" -yes -file *.dcu

:::Disable RED message on splash screen
sfk replace -binary "/536A016840/536A006840/" -dir "%cd%" -yes -file EhLibSplash.dcu

:::Delete wateremark
:sfk replace -binary "/FFFFFFFF3E000000450068004C00690062002000/FFFFFFFF00000000450068004C00690062002000/" -dir "%cd%" -yes -file GridsEh.dcu
:sfk replace -binary "/FFFFFFFF3E00000045684C696220/FFFFFFFF0000000045684C696220/" -dir "%cd%" -yes -file GridsEh.dcu
:sfk replace -binary "/FFFFFFFF3F000000450068004C00690062002000/FFFFFFFF00000000450068004C00690062002000/" -dir "%cd%" -yes -file GridsEh.dcu
:sfk replace -binary "/FFFFFFFF3F00000045684C696220/FFFFFFFF0000000045684C696220/" -dir "%cd%" -yes -file GridsEh.dcu
sfk replace -binary "/3F00000045/0000000045/" -dir "%cd%" -yes -file GridsEh.dcu



参与人数 6吾爱币 +5 热心值 +6 收起 理由
弑神者91511 + 1 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
xzl9552547 + 1 热心回复!
debug_cat + 1 + 1 用心讨论,共获提升!
daoye9988 + 1 + 1 热心回复!
linllz + 1 我很赞同!
三滑稽甲苯 + 2 + 1 用心讨论,共获提升!



chishingchan 发表于 2023-2-23 21:00
[HTML] 纯文本查看 复制代码
SFK - 瑞士军刀多功能工具。
2021 年 4 月 12 日发布 1.9.8 Base/XD。
StahlWorks 技术公司, http://stahlworks.com/
在 BSD 许可下免费分发,没有任何保证。

键入 "sfk 命令名" 以获取有关以下任何一项的帮助。
一些命令需要为帮助文本添加 "-help"。

      sfk list       - 列出目录树内容。
                       列出 zip jar tar gz bz2 内容。
      sfk olist      - 列出文件夹中的办公文件,
                       比如 .docx .xlsx .ods .odt
      sfk filefind   - 按文件名查找文件
      sfk treesize   - 显示目录大小统计信息
      sfk copy       - 附加地复制目录树
      sfk sync       - 带删除的镜像树内容
      sfk rename     - 灵活的多文件重命名
      sfk partcopy   - 将文件中的一部分复制到另一个文件中
      sfk mkdir      - 创建目录树
      sfk delete     - 删除文件和文件夹
      sfk deltree    - 删除整个目录树
      sfk deblank    - 删除文件名中的空格
      sfk space [-h] - 列出总容量和可用空间
      sfk filetime   - 列出文件的时间
      sfk touch      - 更改文件的时间
      sfk index      - 创建索引文件以进行快速查找
      sfk name       - 使用索引文件查找文件名
      sfk fixfile    - 更改坏的文件名和文件时间
      sfk setbytes   - 在文件中的偏移量处设置字节
      sfk zip        - 从文件夹创建 zip 文件
      sfk zipto      - 压缩所选文件列表
      sfk unzip      - 列出或提取 zip 文件
      sfk checkzip   - 验证 zip 文件内容
      sfk oload      - 将办公文件内容加载为文本
      sfk lf-to-crlf - 从 LF 转换为 CRLF 行尾
      sfk crlf-to-lf - 从 CRLF 转换为 LF 行尾
      sfk detab      - 将 TAB 字符转换为空格
      sfk entab      - 将空格组转换为 TAB 字符
      sfk scantab    - 列出包含 TAB 字符的文件
      sfk split      - 将大文件拆分成小文件
      sfk join       - 将小文件合并成一个大文件
      sfk csvtotab   - 将 .csv 格式转换为制表符分隔
      sfk tabtocsv   - 将制表符分隔转换为 .csv 格式
      sfk encode     - 将数据转换为 base64 或 hex 格式
      sfk decode     - 解码 base64、hex 或 url 格式
      sfk wtoa       - 将宽字符转换为 Ansi
      sfk wtou       - 将宽字符转换为 UTF-8
      sfk utoa       - 将 UTF-8 文本转换为 Ansi
      sfk hexdump    - 从二进制文件创建十六进制转储
      sfk hextobin   - 将十六进制数据转换为二进制
      sfk hex        - 将十进制数转换为十六进制
      sfk dec        - 将十六进制数转换为十进制数
      sfk chars      - 打印代码列表的字符
      sfk bin-to-src - 将二进制转换为源代码
      sfk uuencode   - 将二进制文件编码为纯文本
      sfk filter     - 搜索、过滤和替换文本数据
      sfk ofilter    - 从办公文件中过滤文本
      sfk replace    - 替换二进制和文本文件中的单词
      sfk xed        - 使用 sfk 表达式编辑流文本
      sfk xex        - 使用表达式从流文本中提取
      sfk xreplace   - Plus/XE: 使用表达式替换文件 
      sfk run        - 对文件夹的所有文件运行外部命令
      sfk runloop    - 在循环中运行命令 n 次
      sfk printloop  - 多次打印某些文本
      sfk load       - 加载文件内容以供进一步处理
      sfk perline    - 每个输入文本行运行 sfk 命令
      sfk head       - 打印文件的第一行
      sfk tail       - 打印文件的最后几行
      sfk snapto     - 将多个文本文件合并为一个文件
      sfk addhead    - 在文本行的开头插入字符串
      sfk addtail    - 在文本行的末尾附加字符串
      sfk joinlines  - 加入由电子邮件重新格式化分割的文本行
      sfk strings    - 从二进制文件中提取字符串
      sfk sort       - 排序由另一个命令生成的文本行
      sfk count      - 计算文本行,过滤相同的行
      sfk difflines  - 显示文件之间不同的文本行
      sfk linelen    - 列出字符串的长度
      sfk xfind      - 使用文本文件搜索
      sfk ofind      - 在办公文件中搜索 .docx .xlsx .ods
      sfk xfindbin   - 在文本和二进制文件中搜索
      sfk xhexfind   - 使用十六进制转储输出搜索
      sfk extract    - 从文本和二进制中提取数据
      sfk find       - 搜索静态文本,没有通配符
      sfk hexfind    - 搜索静态二进制数据
      sfk md5gento   - 在文件上创建 md5 校验和列表
      sfk md5check   - 验证文件的 md5 校验和列表
      sfk md5        - 在文件上计算 md5,比较两个文件
      sfk pathfind   - 在 PATH 中搜索命令的位置
      sfk reflist    - 列出文件之间的模糊引用
      sfk deplist    - 列出文件之间的模糊依赖关系
      sfk dupfind    - 按内容查找重复文件
      sfk httpserv   - 运行即时 HTTP 服务器。
                       键入 "sfk httpserv -help" 以获得帮助。
      sfk ftpserv    - 运行即时 FTP 服务器
                       键入 "sfk ftpserv -help" 以获得帮助。
      sfk ftp        - 即时 FTP 客户端
      sfk web        - 向服务器发送 HTTP 请求
      sfk wget       - 从网上下载 HTTP 文件
      sfk tcpdump    - 打印程序之间的 TCP 对话
      sfk udpdump    - 打印传入的 UDP 请求
      sfk udpsend    - 发送 UDP 请求
      sfk ip         - 列出自己机器的 IP 地址。
                       键入 "sfk ip -help" 以获得帮助。
      sfk netlog     - 将文本输出发送到网络、和/或 文件、和/或 终端 
      sfk fromnet -h - 接收和打印网络文本
      sfk ping       - 一次 ping 多台机器
      sfk pingdiff   - 找到新设备的 ip
      sfk help chain - 如何组合多个命令
      sfk batch      - 在脚本文件中运行许多 sfk 命令
      sfk label      - 定义脚本中的起点
      sfk call       - 在标签处调用子函数
      sfk echo       - 将(彩色)文本打印到终端 
      sfk color      - 更改终端的文本颜色
      sfk setvar     - 将文本放入 sfk 变量
      sfk storetext  - 将文本存储在内存中以备后用
      sfk alias      - 从其他命令创建命令
      sfk mkcd       - 创建命令以重新进入目录
      sfk sleep      - 延迟执行毫秒
      sfk pause      - 等待用户输入
      sfk stop       - 停止 sfk 脚本执行
      sfk tee        - 将命令输出拆分成两个流
      sfk tofile     - 将命令输出保存到文件
      sfk toterm     - 将命令输出刷新到终端
      sfk for        - 多次重复命令
      sfk loop       - 重复执行所有命令
      sfk cd         - 在脚本中更改目录
      sfk getcwd     - 打印当前工作目录
      sfk require    - 比较版本文本
      sfk time [-h]  - 打印当前日期和时间
      sfk bin-to-src - 将二进制数据转换为源代码
      sfk make-random-file - 用随机数据创建文件
      sfk fuzz       - 随机更改文件,用于测试
      sfk sample     - 打印用于编程的示例代码
      sfk patch      - 通过脚本更改文本文件
      sfk inst       - 使用跟踪调用检测 C++
      sfk view       - 在 GUI 工具中显示文本输出,
      sfk status     - 将彩色状态发送到 SFKTray Windows GUI 实用程序以进行显示
      sfk calc       - 做一个简单的即时计算
      sfk random     - 创建一个随机数
      sfk prompt     - 要求用户输入
      sfk number     - 以多种格式打印数字
      sfk xmlform    - 重新格式化 xml 以便于查看
      sfk jsonform   - 重新格式化 json 以便于查看
      sfk video      - 如何编辑视频文件
      sfk toclip     - 将命令输出复制到剪贴板
      sfk fromclip   - 从剪贴板读取文本
      sfk env        - 搜索环境变量
      sfk version    - 显示二进制文件的版本
      sfk ascii      - 列出 Ansi 代码页字符
      sfk ascii -dos - 列出 OEM 代码页字符
      sfk spell      - 电话的拼音
      sfk cmd        - 打印示例命令
      sfk data       - 创建随机测试数据
      sfk ruler      - 测量控制台文本宽度
      sfk license    - 打印 SFK 许可证文本
      sfk update     - 检查 SFK 更新
      sfk help office   - 如何在办公文件中搜索
      sfk help select   - 如何在 sfk 中选择目录和文件
      sfk help options  - 一般选项参考
      sfk help patterns - sfk 中的通配符和文本模式
      sfk help chain    - 如何组合(链接)多个命令
      sfk help var      - 如何使用sfk变量和参数
      sfk samp          - 关于 sfk 使用和用于的示例脚本
                          http 网络访问自动化
      sfk help shell    - 如何优化 windows 命令提示符
      sfk help chars    - 关于语言环境特定字符
      sfk help nocase   - 关于不区分大小写的搜索
      sfk help unicode  - 关于 unicode 文件读取支持
      sfk help colors   - 如何改变结果的颜色
      sfk help compile  - 如何在任何 Linux 系统上编译 sfk
      键入 "sfk basic" 以获得关于如何选择文件、一般选项、shell 准备、复杂的 <>|!&?* 字符问题和颜色设置的非常基本的信息。


      键入 "sfk ask word1"    搜索所有的 word1。
      键入 "sfk ask w1 w2"    搜索所有的 w1 或 w2。
      键入 "sfk dumphelp"     打印所有帮助文本。

   |     考虑使用这些插件来提升您的日常工作:                 |
   |  SFK E-Book : 为您的智能手机优化的 PDF。                 |
   |  SFK Plus   : 快速 (x) 替换、HTTPS 网络访问和            |
   |               系统托盘中的 27 个状态指示灯。             |
   |  DView Pro  : 每秒搜索 10,000 个文本文件。               |
   |               在一个窗口中飞行超过 100,000 个文件。      |
   |           阅读更多信息:www.stahlworks.com               |


参与人数 1吾爱币 +1 热心值 +1 收起 理由
cjs2004 + 1 + 1 我很赞同!


董督秀 发表于 2023-2-23 17:47
侃遍天下无二人 发表于 2023-2-23 20:46
hfxiang 发表于 2023-2-23 20:54
 楼主| 冥界3大法王 发表于 2023-2-23 20:55
hfxiang 发表于 2023-2-23 20:54

chishingchan 发表于 2023-2-23 21:09
[HTML] 纯文本查看 复制代码
:: 汉化
call :HH

:: 压缩
upx.exe -9 --compress-icons=0 --strip-relocs=0 --lzma %FileName%

:: 获取 PE 头
for /f "tokens=3" %%i in ('pelook.exe -d %FileName%^|findstr "PE"') do set PE=0x%%i

:: 获取 安全目录 偏移 值
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('sfk.exe calc "%PE%+168"') do set Security_Directory_RVA_Offset=%%i
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('sfk.exe calc "%PE%+172"') do set Security_Directory_Size_Offset=%%i
for /f "tokens=8,10 delims=- " %%i in ('pelook.exe -s %FileName%') do (set SDRV=%%i & set SDSV=%%j)

:: 高低位转换
set "Security_Directory_RVA_Value=0x%SDRV:~6,2%%SDRV:~4,2%%SDRV:~2,2%%SDRV:~0,2%"
set "Security_Directory_Size_Value=0x%SDSV:~6,2%%SDSV:~4,2%%SDSV:~2,2%%SDSV:~0,2%"

:: 修复 数字证书
sfk.exe setbytes %FileName% %Security_Directory_RVA_Offset% %Security_Directory_RVA_Value% -yes
sfk.exe setbytes %FileName% %Security_Directory_Size_Offset% %Security_Directory_Size_Value% -yes

:: 注册
for /f "tokens=6 delims= " %%i in ('sfk.exe xhexfind -text "/\x53\x4e\x41\x53\x45\x52\x4e\x55\x4d\x00\x8f\x0a/" -dir . -file %FileName%^|findstr "%FileName%"') do set SNASERNUM=%%i
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('sfk.exe calc "%SNASERNUM%+12"') do set Name=%%i
:: 简体中文版
sfk.exe setbytes %FileName% %Name% 0xBCF2CCE5D6D0CEC4B0E60000000000000000 -yes
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('sfk.exe calc "%SNASERNUM%+76"') do set Vers=%%i
:: 111111U - Site License
sfk.exe setbytes %FileName% %Vers% 0x31313131313155202D2053697465204C6963656E7365 -yes
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('sfk.exe calc "%SNASERNUM%+108"') do set Serial=%%i
:: 25D4-5455-467B-B161
sfk.exe setbytes %FileName% %Serial% 0x323544342D353435352D343637422D42313631 -yes


tuota 发表于 2023-2-23 21:37
zhanghaollpp 发表于 2023-2-23 21:56
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xixicoco 发表于 2023-2-24 00:55
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